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释义 | 乐队名: Forest of Shadows (阴影森林) 音乐风格: Doom Metal (厄运金属) 音乐主题: death/sadness (死亡/悲伤) 国家: Sweden (瑞典) 成立时间: 1997年 所在场牌: Firedoom Music 乐队现状: 活动中 乐队成员: Niclas Frohagen - Guitar, Synth, Programming, Vocals (Ningizzia, Shubend) 前成员: Previous Members: Micce Andersson - Bass, Guitar, Synth, Violin, Programming Martin Claesson - guitar (1999-2000) Robert Martensson - bass (2000) Tommy Rydberg - drums (1999-2000) Johan Svensson - guitar, bass (1998) Session musicians: Oscar - drums (2000) (Vinterblod) Martin Olsson - bass (2000) Martin Petterson - live bass (2000) (Shubend) 专集: Departure 2004 Sweden 2002 Where dreams turn to dust(mcd) 2000 Under The Dying Sun [Promo] [demo] 2000 Where Dreams Turn to Dust [demo] 2000 Promotion CD [demo] 1998 Forest Of Shadows于1997秋成立于瑞典的哈姆斯塔德(Halmstad),最初由于没有合适的人选,尼科拉斯准备把乐队弄成一个人乐队。1998年Jhan Svensson(约翰 斯文森)加入,但不久因理念不合离去。同年Niclas找到了一个志趣相合的朋友Micce dersson(麦斯 安德森)两个人一起录制了Eternal Autumn. 1999年初尼科拉斯和安德森俩人联系了大名鼎鼎的Katatonia 并翻唱了他们的Rainroom 。 1999年11月尼科拉斯的同学Martin Classon加入演奏吉他。一个月后安德森的同学Tommy Rydberg(汤米雷德伯格)来打鼓了。这样,们准备开始他们的第一次演出。这是乐队的最初形态。Forest Of Shadows瑞典的一支以“忧郁情绪&优美旋律”为特色的厄运金属乐队。他们的作品不多,但是首首都很经典,催人泪下,Forest Of Shadows初次以98年demo"Under The Dying Sun"亮相于世 ,之后的作品中加入了长笛,使那种伤感的情绪越发明显。 "departure"是Forest Of Shadows 04年的新专辑,虽然专辑仅仅“Sleeping Death ”“November Dream ”“Bleak Dormition ”“Open Wound ”“Departure ”这五首曲目,但是每首歌曲都很长,专辑总长超过一小时,从专辑中可以明显感到一种强烈的忧郁沉闷气息。“Sleeping Death”给人一种无限的悲伤绝望感觉,脆弱的嗓音,朴素的吉他声,低沉的BASS让我们沉寂于短暂的缓和而令人感到不安的氛围之中,感觉似乎有中情绪即将被释放出来,随着一声尖喉,仿佛把我们带到了另一个世界,内心的不安与烦躁之情一泄而出,把歌曲推向了高潮。“November Dream ”优美的吉他点缀着质朴的声音,令人感到一丝美感,伴随着一声惊喉,沉重的鼓点,吉他,BASS也更加的有力,这才令人感受金属的力量,平静与暴躁,歌曲似乎不断的穿梭于两个极端之间,时而让人感到凄凉与美丽,时而又烦躁不安。"Bleak Dorminion"是专辑中最短的一首曲目,优美的钢琴声,BASS,吉他营造出一种忧郁,平静的情绪,引人进入无限的遐想之中。"Open Wound"是很一首很出色的作品,歌曲以一段优美,凄凉的旋律开篇,慢慢的把情绪步步往上推,然后又回到最初那种优美,凄凉的氛围之中,渐渐的消逝于黑暗之中。"Departure"也是整张专辑的最后一首作品,相对专辑中其他曲目来说,这首作品显得更加直接,开篇就令人感到金属的气息,悲哀的声音,粗糙的吉他,处处弥漫着厄运的气息,令人感到无限的伤感 以下under the dying sun(demo-cd 1998 | self-production)与where dreams turn to dust(demo-cd 2000 | self-production)歌词转载自百度空间乐游鱼小栈 under the dying sun The Silent Cry Forest of Shadows Trapped inside walls of grief 忧伤是我的牢笼 My dismal excistance 无人知晓这灰暗的存在 I am longing for you, oh queen of my desire 可听清我心呼唤,向往的女王 Alone I cry so silent 为何留形影相吊,使悲泣无声 Can you hear me 可听清我心呼唤 Oh deliver me from my sorrow 请把我释放出痛苦的刑狱 I feel so cold as I am drowning 这里如此阴冷,而又让人窒息 In a sea of darkness am I fading away 夜色的海,随时会把我淹没其中 Under The Dying Sun Forest of Shadows In the fields of grey 在灰白的原野 Her silhouette towards the sky 侧影沉坠向苍穹 Under the dying sun 暮色里残阳欲灭 I see her die 竟以目光诀别 In the fields of grey 在灰白的原野 An arrow of death 死神竟射来箭矢 A dying beauty breathing 枯萎的容颜轻叹 Her last breath 那游丝的一息 In the fields of grey 在灰白的原野 Under the dying sun 暮色里残阳欲灭 I cry out 我失声哭泣 In grief for my beloved one 只为痛失所爱 A symbol of life and hope she was to me 我的希望啊,生命的印记 Now pain and suffering is all I can see 只留下伤痛折磨,日日夜夜 An act of vengeance for the deeds I've done 究竟是惩罚我的罪行 Why must she pay with a life now gone 怎叫飘逝芳年华偿还 I lay down beside her and gaze into the sky 仰躺在她身旁,我凝视天空 Eyes filled with tears why must she die 双眼盈泪,却怎唤她不回 In the fields of grey 在灰白的原野 Under the dying sun 暮色里残阳欲灭 I cry out 我失声哭泣 In grief for my beloved one 只为痛失所爱 Moments In Solitude Forest of Shadows Embraced by darkness my abandoned soul 暗夜包裹着我被遗弃的魂灵 Screams within my mind I see 我能听见它在内心尖叫的声音 But darkness drowning in my misery 只是漆黑淹没了我的伤痛 Take me away to lands beyond this bleeding earth 带我远离这片血色浸染的土地 Those moments in solitude where my mind flies away 在那些许独处的时光,我的思绪渐渐飞离 Into the realm among the clouds where I rule my own life 到达云霄之间的神域,在那里主导自己的生命 A kingdom for myself 一个完全自我的王国 A place without fear and with no need for your gods 全没有惊慌也不需神佑 Where I find eternal piece within my soul 为灵魂找到永久的安宁 The realm among the clouds 那云霄之间的神域啊 Where I wander in my moments of solitude 在我独处的时光里徜徉 But still I am falling through endless skies 但仍然要跌落那无尽的黑暗 Skies of darkness obscured by reality 现实遮蔽中黑暗的天渊 That shrouds my life with hatred and lies 我的世界从此覆盖怨恨与谎言 A November Dream Forest of Shadows Obscured by night 夜色笼罩中 A forest of Shadows 影影憧憧的森林 The silence of birds bringing peace 鸟雀噤声,寂静姗姗而来 The whispering night it calls my name 夜的呢喃,召唤着我的名字 And so I follow the path of unknown 我起身沿着,不知名的小径 In solitude I wander about 只身四处闲逛 Flakes of snow falling from the sky 雪的精灵散落天幕 By the frozen lake she awaits my arrival 结冰湖畔,她在等我的到来 That weeping angel of endless sorrow 泣泪的天使,蕴着无尽的感伤 Under the starlit sky 天穹的星辉也对她眷恋 My eyes embraced by her beauty 我的视界装满那凄美容颜 Aware of my presence 仿佛感知我的存在 She arise from her slumber 惊吓到她的浅睡 I meet her crystal eyes 我沉迷那水晶般的眸子啊 A sad smile I behold 且带哀伤且带着笑颜 As she melts into the everlasting night 她竟融入永夜的缠绵 where dreams turn to dust Eternal Autumn Forest of Shadows So sudden it seemed 恍然间似曾看到 This tragic vision painted before my eyes 悲剧的幻影浮现于眼前 Amidst withering leaves I had found my beloved 枯叶丛中是我所至爱 Bloodstained and pale,falling into the forever 血迹斑驳,容颜苍白,竟坠入那永恒 So silent... 世界沉入无声…… Aware of my presence she turned towards me 循着我的气息,她转过来脸庞 Her agonizing stare,one last breath and 痛苦的凝视,游丝的喘息,和那 She whispered: "everything dies" 末日的耳语:一切都已终结 Before my tearfilled eyes 划过我泪眼所及 Dead and silent,a golden leaf of autumn falling 僵冷无言,秋日黄叶的轨迹 Before my tearfilled eyes 凝固在我泪眼里面 This withering beauty,This eternal autumn 枯竭的容颜,这永恒的秋天 So silent... 世界沉入无声…… So silent... 世界沉入无声…… Wish Forest of Shadows Awakened this dying season such a beauty to behold 被唤醒的沉睡季节,满目美好的景象 Oh autumn hath arrived a tragedy painted dead 噢!秋日降临,离别伤感渲染的剧目 Fallen am I without thee I am lost 坠落而下,没有你陪伴,我陷入迷失 In a region of doleful shades I am withering away 在寂寞的阴暗角落渐渐干枯 I dwell in the shadows of life 被囚禁在这生命的阴影当中 A dismal state of mind I'm in pain 忧郁的心绪来舔尝我的伤痛 Oh sun I hate thy beams 噢!太阳我厌倦了你的光芒 Leave me here to sleep and dream 且任随我昏昏睡去进入梦乡 In the midst of falling leaves 在这一层层堆叠的落叶中间 In a garden of endless grief 在这个充满无尽感伤的花园 I yearn for thee my precious one 但我仍想念你,最最珍贵的 Beneath a pale grey sky I dream of your embrace 灰暗的天空下,我梦想你的拥抱 How I wish I had you near in this oh so dolorous life 多希望这忧伤的命运有你相伴 Where dreams turn to dust I have lost all my hope 哪怕梦想成灰不再有光亮 Of lasting pain and unpresent bliss 哪怕伤痛绵长而赐福不予 This soul of mine I welcome thee 我挥臂拥抱你呵我的魂灵 Eternal sleep 恒久的长眠 Silent advent of white death 白色的精灵悄然降临 I feel so cold 感觉如此冰冷 Silent advent of white death 白色的精灵悄然降临 I feel so cold 感觉如此冰冷 Crystallized tears falling still 泪水静静流淌成晶状 Oh autumn hath died 噢!秋日已死 Enshrouded am I in thy mist of endless gloom 我被掩藏在你无尽的忧伤 Enthralled am I by thy beauty 我被迷惑在你无比的美艳 How I wish how I wish 我多希望,我多希望 In the midst of falling snow 在纷飞雪花的覆盖之下 In a garden of endless grief 在无尽感伤的花园之中 My forlorn soul of misery 我被遗弃的忧郁的魂灵 Where peace and rest can never dwell 宁静和休憩从不逗留 Hope never comes 希望也从不来光顾 I see no point in going on 遍地都是死寂的景象 Still I dream but now I know 我仍梦想但我也深知 I dream a lie so I close my eyes and I sigh 这梦想是个谎言,我于是瞑目叹息 A life of shattered dreams I can no longer bear 梦想破碎的命运使我出离 I enter thee eternal sleep 我便陶醉在你恒久的长眠 Of Sorrow Blue Forest of Shadows Of sorrow blue and clad in mist 带着哀伤之蓝,穿着薄雾霓裳 Dancing midst the meadows of my dreams 在我梦中的草地翩然起舞 My precious one my fallen beauty 我的珍宝,坠落的美人 Fallen beneath a dismal cloud 坠落那片阴沉的云彩 I recall that dreary morning 回想起那阴郁的早晨 I ran to the shores of her eyes 我奔往那两抹秋水沿岸 I was there watching the seas 凝神默对那海般深邃 And it was all silent upon the sea 海面上也充满静寂 A candle caravan 烛光的队列 The final stream of angel gleam 由天使的辉光汇集 There was no farewell of solace 究竟没有抚慰的道别 Before the caravan was gone 那烛光径自不见 Of sorrow blue and clad in tears 带着哀伤之蓝,泪水浸湿脸庞 Her cordial hands reach for me 颤抖的芊手将我挽住 My peaceful dream her soothing warmth 宁静的梦乡有她抚触的温暖 Fallen beneath a dismal cloud 坠落那片阴沉的云彩 I bow to her beautiful name 问候她妙美的芳名 The flowers need not to be watered 不必去浇灌那些花丛 These tears wont let the soil dry 别去让这片土壤干枯 Where her name is carved in stone 只因她的名字已刻入磐石 You were my core you were my soul 你是我的魂灵,我的主宰 Lips of roses mane of gold 玫瑰的芳唇,金色的鬓丝 Intoxicated we lay entwined 醉意里我俩相拥缠绵 I wore the carnal crown of sorrow 哀伤时我加冕欲望的王冠 Blue and clad in soil 忧郁且土壤已将我掩埋 My mind still echoes from her songs 我的灵魂仍旧萦绕她的歌谣 Earth and time are calling my name 现实的时空竟唤醒我过来 Let me fall beneath this dismal cloud 让我坠落这片阴沉的云彩 以上under the dying sun(demo-cd 1998 | self-production)与where dreams turn to dust(demo-cd 2000 | self-production)歌词转载自百度空间乐游鱼小栈 |
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