词条 | cprintf |
释义 | 1. C语言中的cprintf 函数名: cprintf 功 能: 送格式化输出至屏幕 用 法: int cprintf(const char *format[, argument, ...]); 头文件: conio.h 说明:非ANSI C标准,在VC6.0、TC中均有conio.h这个头文件。 下面的三个例子在TC2.0中运行通过。 程序例一: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { /* clear the screen */ clrscr(); /* create a text window */ window(10, 10, 80, 25); /* output some text in the window */ cprintf("Hello world\\r\"); /* wait for a key */ getch(); return 0; } 程序例二: #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main(void) { clrscr(); /*清屏函数*/ textbackground(2); /*文本的背景色*/ gotoxy(1, 5); /*定位函数*/ cprintf("Output at row 5 column 1\"); textbackground(3); gotoxy(20, 10); cprintf("Output at row 10 column 20\"); getch(); /*等待用户按键*/ return 0; } 程序例三: #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main(void) { int color; textcolor(10); /* 设置文本颜色 */ for(color=0;color<8;color++) { gotoxy(1+color*3,1+color*2); /* 定位函数 */ textbackground(color); /* 设置背景颜色 */ cprintf("Hello World",color); } getch(); /* 等待用户按键 */ return 0; } 下面的例子在VC6.0中运行通过。 #include <conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) cprintf("%d\\r\", i); cprintf("\\r\Press any key to clear screen"); getch(); system("cls"); cprintf("The screen has been cleared!"); getch(); system("cls"); return 0; } 2. matlab中的cprintf 这个函数不是matlab中的官方发布的函数,这是国外的一个叫Yair M. Altman的人写的程序。这个函数的下载地址为(下载后将放入当前程序运行目录下就可以调用了)。 它的用法我来简单翻译一下: 语法: count = cprintf(style,format,...) 描述: CPRINTF 用指定格式(style)来处理指定的文档 可用的格式名为 'Text' -- 默认:黑色black 'Keywords' -- 默认:蓝色blue 'Comments' -- 默认:绿色green 'Strings' -- 默认:紫色purple 'UnterminatedStrings' -- 默认:暗红darkred 'SystemCommands' -- 默认:橘色orange 'Errors' -- 默认:淡红lightred 'Hyperlinks' -- 默认:带下划线的蓝色underlined blue 其他颜色如下 'Black','Cyan','Magenta','Blue','Green','Red','Yellow','White' 注意: 以'-'开始的是下划线,例如: '-Blue' 是蓝色的下划线,与'Hyperlinks'相似 STYLE 也接受通用的RGB向量做为参数,在它前面加负号,表示下划线,例如: -[0,1,1]表示带下划线的蓝绿色cyan STYLE 不区分大小写(case-insensitive),接受唯一的部分字符串 一些实用例子,如图所示 cprintf; % displays the demo cprintf('text', 'regular black text'); cprintf('hyper', 'followed %s','by'); cprintf('k', '%d colored', 4); cprintf('-comment','& underlined'); cprintf('err', 'elements\'); cprintf('cyan', 'cyan'); cprintf('-green', 'underlined green'); cprintf(-[1,0,1], 'underlined magenta'); cprintf([1,0.5,0],'and multi-\lineorange\'); cprintf('string'); % same as fprintf('string') and cprintf('text','string') 附原文帮助文件: % CPRINTF displays styledformatted text in the Command Window % % Syntax: % count = cprintf(style,format,...) % % Description: % CPRINTF processes the specified text usingthe exact same FORMAT % arguments accepted by the built-in SPRINTFand FPRINTF functions. % % CPRINTF then displays the text in theCommand Window using the % specified STYLE argument. The acceptedstyles are those used for % Matlab's syntax highlighting (see: File /Preferences / Colors / % M-file Syntax Highlighting Colors), andalso user-defined colors. % % The possible pre-defined STYLE names are: % % 'Text' - default: black % 'Keywords' - default: blue % 'Comments' - default: green % 'Strings' - default: purple % 'UnterminatedStrings' - default: dark red % 'SystemCommands' - default: orange % 'Errors' - default: light red % 'Hyperlinks' - default: underlined blue % % 'Black','Cyan','Magenta','Blue','Green','Red','Yellow','White' % % Note: styles beginning with '-' will beunderlined. For example: % '-Blue' is underlined blue, like'Hyperlinks'; % '-Comments' is underlined green etc. % % STYLE also accepts a regular Matlab RGBvector, that can be negated % for underlining. For example: -[0,1,1]means underlined cyan. % % STYLE is case-insensitive and acceptsunique partial strings just % like handle property names. % % CPRINTF by itself, without any inputparameters, displays a demo % % Example: % cprintf; % displays the demo % cprintf('text', 'regular black text'); % cprintf('hyper', 'followed %s','by'); % cprintf('k', '%d colored', 4); % cprintf('-comment','& underlined'); % cprintf('err', 'elements\'); % cprintf('cyan', 'cyan'); % cprintf('-green', 'underlined green'); % cprintf(-[1,0,1], 'underlined magenta'); % cprintf([1,0.5,0],'and multi-\lineorange\'); % cprintf('string'); % same as fprintf('string') and cprintf('text','string') |
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