

词条 易光辉


易光辉教授是2004年世界名人录(Who's Who in the World, 21 Edition), 2005年世界科学与工程名人录(Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 8 Edition)及2006年亚洲名人录(Who's Who in Asia, 1 Edition)评选最具影响力的人物之一。


易 光 辉Kuang-Hway Yih


● 现任台湾弘光科技大学特聘教授 化妆品应用系暨化妆品科技研究所 专任教授


2008年:结合西方的研究科学与东方的植物精油整合创新,研发出「具清除自由基之复方精油」(FRSAB E.O.)

2006年:Who's Who in Asia, 1 Edition, 2006. Marquis Who's Who U.S.A.

2005年:Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 8 Edition, 2005. Marquis Who's Who U.S.A.

2004年:2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, 2004, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.

2004年:Marqus' Who's Who in the World, 21st Edition, 2004 USA.














1.化学,2009, 08. 易光辉,欧明秋,刘惠铭,庄丽津,石莹,徐照程编着。

2.精油之化学基础与实务之应用,2008, 01. 易光辉,王晓芬,李依倩编着。

3.化妆品调制学实验,2007, 11. 易光辉编着。

4.化妆品化学,2006, 08. 易光辉,欧明秋,徐照程编着。

5.医护化学,2001, 07.易光辉,欧明秋,刘惠铭,庄丽津,石莹,徐照程编着。

6.Organic Chemistry (Hart, Craine & Hart) 2001, 06.易光辉,庄丽津,刘惠铭,吴姿燕,徐照程合译。


1.具有清除自由基功能之化妆品 Taiwan (98118618) and China (201010283570.8)

2.具有清除自由基功能之精油 USA (12/861552), Europe (10172356.7), Japan (2010-155740), Taiwan (98136029) and China (201010223993.0)



1..Hsiao-Fen Wang, Kuang-Hway Yih*, Gene-Hsiang Lee and S. L. Haung (2012). Syntheses, Reactivities, Characterization, and Crystal Structures of Dipalladium Complexes Containing the 1, 3-pyrimidinyl Ligand: Structures of [Pd(PPh3)(Br)]2(m,h-C4H3N2)2, [Pd(Br)]2(m,h-Hdppa)2, and [{Pd(PPh3)(CH3CN)}2(m,h-C4H3N2)2][BF4]2. J. Organomet. Chem., in preparation.


2.Hsiao-Fen Wang, Kuang-Hway Yih*, Gene-Hsiang Lee and S. L. Haung (2012)Synthesis and Crystal structures of the Molybdenum(II) Complexes With the N,N-dimethylthiocarbamoyl Containing Ligand: Crystal Structures of -[Mo(CO)2{hS2P(OEt)2}(hSCNMe2)(PPh3)] and [Mo(CO)2(hTp)(hSCNMe2)]. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., in preparation.


3.Lee, G.-H., Wang, .H.-F., Yih*, .K.-H., Haung, S. L.(2012). trans -Bromido(3,3’-pyrimidinyl-κC2)bis(triphenylphosphane-κP )palladium(II). Acta Cryst., in preparation.


4.William M. Alley, Long Li, Judith C. Yang, Kuang-Hway Yih, Saim Özkar, Kimberly A. Johnson, Richard G. Finke*. (2011) Examination of an Unusual Dependence of Turnover Frequency on Precatalyst Concentration in Kinetic Studies of Industrially Relevant Iridium Ziegler-type Hydrogenation Catalysts made from [(1,5-COD)Ir(-O2C8H15)]2 and AlEt3. J. Am. Chem. Soc., in preparation.


5.Isil K. Hamdemir, Kuang-Hway Yih, Joephen E. Mondlock, Richard G. Finke*. (2011) Hydrocarbon-Soluble, Ziegler-type Ir(0)n Nanoparticle Catalysts Made from [(1,5-COD)Ir(-O2C8H15)]2 and AlEt3: Ranking Their Catalytic Activity, Lifetime and Their AlEt3-Dependent, Unusually High, 200 0C Thermal Stability.


6.Kuang-Hway Yih, Isil K. Hamdemir, Ercan Bayram, Saim Özkar, Relja Vasic, Anatoly I. Frenkel, Richard G. Finke*. (2011) Synthesis and Characterization of [(1,5-Cyclooctadiene)Ir(µ-H)]4: A Precursor Relevant to Ziegler-type Hydrogenation Catalysts. J. Am. Chem. Soc, in preparation.


7.Kuang-Hway Yih, Willian M. Alley, Richard G. Finke*. (2011) An Improved Synthesis Procedure for the Compounds [(1,5-COD)M(-O2C8H15)]2 (M is Ir or Rh), Organometallics, submitted. (04/04/2011).


8.Chiu-Ching Huang, Hsiao-Fen Wang, Chia-Hui Chen, Ya-Ju Chen and Kuang-Hway Yih*(2011). A Study of Four Antioxidant Activities and Major Chemical Component Analyses of Twenty-five Commonly Used Essential Oils. Journal of the Cosmetic. Science, accepted. (04/18/2011)


9.Alley, W.; Hamdemir, I.; Wang, Q.; Frenkel, A.; Li, L.; Yang, J.; Menard, L.; Nuzzo, R.; Ozkar, S.; Yih, K. H.; Johnson, K.; Finke, R. Industrial (2011) Ziegler-type Hydrogenation Catalysts made from Co(neodecanoate)2 or Ni(2-ethylhexanoate)2 and AlEt3: Evidence for Nanoclusters and Sub-Nanocluster or Larger Ziegler-Nanocluster Based Catalysis. Langmuir, accepted (web on line, 04/11/2011),


10.Hsiao-Fen Wang1, Kuang-Hway Yih1*, and Gene-Hsiang Lee2* (2011). Synthesis and Crystal structures of the Molybdenum(II) Complexes With the N,N-dimethylthiocarbamoyl Containing Ligand: Crystal Structures of [Mo(CO)2(S2COEt)( SCNMe2)(PPh3)] and [Mo(CO)2(S2CNC4H8)( SCNMe2)(PPh3)]. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 58, 262-267.


11.Hsiao-Fen Wang1, Kuang-Hway Yih1*, and Gene-Hsiang Lee2 (2011). Synthesis, Reactivity and Crystal Structures of the Palladium(II) Complexes with the Pyrimidine Containing Ligand: Crystal Structures of [Pd(PPh3)2(1-C4H3N2)Br], [Pd(PPh3)(1-C4H3N2)(2-S2CNC4H8)] and [Pd(PPh3)(1-C4H3N2)(2-Tp)]. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 58, 174-180.


12.Hsiao-Fen Wang1, Kuang-Hway Yih1*, Gene-Hsiang Lee2* and Shou-Ling Haung2 (2011). Synthesis and Characterization of the First Doubly-bridgd N, N-dimethylthiocarbamoyl Metal Complex: Crystal Structure of [Mo(Cl)(CO)2(PPh3)]2(-SCNMe2)2 J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 58, 15-17.


13.Hsiao-Fen Wang1, Kuang-Hway Yih1*, Gene-Hsiang Lee2* and Shou-Ling Haung2 (2011).Bis(carbonyl-κC)(chloro)(phenoxythiocarbnoyl-κ2C,S)bis(triphenylphosphane-κP)molybdenum(II) Acta Cryst., E67, m117-m118.


14.Wei-Lung Chou,a Kuang-Hway Yih,b* Gene-Hsiang Lee*,c Yen-Hsiang Huanga and Hsiao-Fen Wangb (2010). Methylene bis(pyrrolidinyldithiocarbamate). Acta Cryst., E66, O3193.


15.Lee. G.-H., Wang .H.-F., Yih .K.-H.(2010). trans -Bromido(pyrimidinyl-κC2)bis(triphenylphosphane-κP )palladium(II).Acta Cryst., E66, m1345.


16.Yih .K.-H., Wang .H.-F., Lee. G.-H.(2010). Bis(carbonyl-jC)(N,N-dimethylthiocarbamoyl-2C,S)(pyridine-2-thiolato2N,S)(triphenylphosphine-P)-molybdenum(II). Acta Cryst., E66, m1189-m1190.


17.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. (2010). Thiocarbarmoyl-Assisted Formation of a New Type of r- and β-Isomer Paddlewheel Pd2 4t Compounds. Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structures of [Pd(η1-SCNMe2)(η2-Tp)(PPh3)], [Pd2(μ-Hdppa)2(μ-SCNMe2)2][Cl]2, [Pd2(μ-dppa)2(μ-SCNMe2)2], and [Pd{η2-S2P(OEt)2}]2(μ-dppa)(μ-SCNMe2).Organometallics, 29, 3397-3403.


18.Wang .H.-F., Yih .K.-H., Huang. K.-F(2010). Comparative Study of the Antioxidant Activity of Forty-five Commonly Used Essential Oils and their Potential Active Components.J. Food Drug Anal. 18(1), 24-33.


19.Wang .H.-F., Yih .K.-H., Huang. K.-F, Kwan. C.-C., Lee. G.-H. (2009). The Nitrogen-Assisted Triphenylphosphine Displacement of 3-hydroxypyridine and 3-aminopyridine Ligands in Palladium(II) Complex: Crystal Structures of [Pd(PPh3)Br]2{,2-C5H3N(OH)}2 and [Pd(PPh3)Br]2{,2-C5H3N(NH2)}2 .J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 56, 718-724.


20.Lin. C.-W., Yih .K.-H., Yu. C.-W., Wu. S.-C. (2009). DPPH Free-Radical Scavenging Activity, Total Phenolic Contents and Chemical Composition Analysis of Forty-Two Kinds of Essential Oils. J. Food Drug Anal., 17(5), 386-395.


21.Wang .H.-F., Yih .K.-H., Wang. Y.-K. (2008). DPPH free radical scavenging ability, total phenolic contents and chemical composition analysis of forty-five kinds of essential oils. Journal of the Cosmetic. Science, 59, 509-522.


22.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. (2008). Synthesis, Fluxional Behavior, and endo, exo-Stereoisomers of Allyl Molybdenum Complexes with Ethoxyldithiocarbonate, EtOCS2-, Containing Ligand: Crystal Structures of [Mo(CH3CN)(3-C3H5)(CO)2(2- S2COEt)], exo-[Mo(2-dppm)(3-C3H5)(CO)(2-S2COEt)], and endo-, exo-[Mo(2-dppa)(3-C3H5)(CO)(2-S2COEt)].J. Organomet. Chem., 693, 3303-3311..


23.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. (2008). The Nitrogen-Assisted Triphenylphosphine Displacement of methylpyridine Ligand in Palladium(II) Complex: Crystal Structures of [Pd(PPh3)2{1-C5H3N(CH3)}(Br)] and [Pd(PPh3)Br]2{2-C5H3N(CH3)}2 .J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 55, 109-114.


24.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Wang .H.-F. (2007). The Nitrogen-Assisted Triphenylphosphine Displacement of Thiazoline Ligand in Palladium(II) Complex: Crystal Structures of [Pd(PPh3)2(1-CSCHCHN)(Br)] and [Pd(PPh3)(Br)]2(2-CSCHCHN)2. . J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 54, 553-558.


25.Chou. W.-L., Chang. H.-H., Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H.(2007). Syntheses, and Crystal Structures of Indium Complexes with 2-piperidinyldithiocarbamate and 2-pyridine-2-thionate Containing Ligands: Structures of [In(2-S2CNC5H10)3] and [In(2-pyS)3].J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 54, 323-330.


26.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. (2007). The First Metal-Carbon Bond -Isomer Paddlewheel Pd24+ Compounds. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 54, 1-4.


27.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. (2006). Syntheses, Dissociation Behavior, Hetero-atom Carbene, and Crystal Structures of Platinum Complexes Containing the N, N-dimethylthiocarbamoyl, Me2NC=S, Ligand: Structures of [Pt(PPh3)(Cl)]2(2-SCNMe2)2, [Pt(PPh3)(2-dppa){1-C(S)NMe2}][Cl], and [Pt(PPh3)2{1-C(SEt)(NMe2)}(2-S2CO)].J. Organomet. Chem., 691, 3997-4005.


28.Lin. Y.-C., Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Huang, S.-L. Wang. Y. (2004).Synthesis, Dissociation Behavior and Crystal Structures of Palladium(II) Complexes with N, N-dimethylthiocarbamoyl, Me2NC=S, Containing Ligand: Structures of [Pd(PPh3)2(1-SCNMe2)(Cl)], [Pd(PPh3)(Cl)]2(,2-SCNMe2)2, [Pd(PPh3)2{1-C(SMe)(NMe2)}(2-S2CO)], and [Pd{1-SC(O)NMe2}Pd(Cl)](,2-SCNMe2)(,2-dppm)2. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 51, 279-290.


29.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. (2004).Sulfur-Assisted Chloride and Triphenylphosphine Dissociation of Palladium(II) Complex With Phenyloxythiocarbonyl, PhOC(S), Containing Ligand: X-ray Structure of [Pd(PPh3)2{1-C(S)OPh}(Cl)].J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 51, 265-270.


30.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Huang. S.-L., Wang. Y. (2004).Sulfur-Assisted Intermolecular Triphenylphosphine Dissociation of Thiocarbamoyl Ligand in Platinum(II). X-ray Structure of Complex [Pt(PPh3)2(1-SCNMe2)(Cl)].J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 51, 493-498..


31.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Wang. Y. (2004).Synthesis, reactivity, and crystal structure of the h2-thiocarbamoyl palladium complex [Pd(PPh3)2(2-SCNMe2)][PF6].J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 51, 31-36..


32.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Wang. Y. (2003).Novel palladium and platinum carbene-complexes containing dithiocarbonate ligand [M(PPh3){2(S,S)-S2CO]{C(SR)(NMe2)}] formed via alkyl migration of O-alkyldithiocarbonate to thiocarbamoyl ligand. Dalton Trans., 2810-2812..


33.Yih .K.-H. (2003).Stereoselectivity in Diphos Addition to Molybdenum Complex With Pyridine-2-thionate (pyS) and 3-Methallyl Coordinated Ligands.J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 50, 1109-1113..


34.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. , Wang. Y. (2003).Sulfur-Assisted Chloride and Triphenylphosphine Dissociation of Palladium(II) Complex [Pd(PPh3)2(1-SCNMe2)(Cl)]. X-ray Structures of [Pd(PPh3)2(1-SCNMe2)(Cl)], [Pd(PPh3)(Cl)]2(2-SCNMe2)2, and [Pd(PPh3)2(2-SCNMe2)][PF6].Inorg. Chem. Commun., 6, 577-580. .


35.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. , Wang. Y. (2003). Syntheses, Fluxional Behavior and Crystal Structure of the exo-3-C3H4(CH3) Pyrolidine-Dithiocarbamate Molybdenum Complexes: Crystal Structure of exo-[Mo[3-C3H4(CH3)]{2-S2CNC4H8}(CO)(2-dppm)].Inorg. Chim. Acta, 348, 271-278..


36.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. , Wang. Y. (2003).Syntheses, Reactivity, and Crystal Structures of Molybdenum Complexes with Pyridine-2-thionate (pyS) Containing Ligand: Crystal Structures of [Mo(3-C3H5)(CO)2]2(1:2:-pyS)2, exo-[Mo(3-C3H5)(CO)(2-pyS)( 2-dppe)], [Mo(CO)3(1-pySH)( 2-dppm)] and [Mo(CO)(2-pyS)2( 2-dppm)].Inorg. Chem, 42, 1092-1100 .


37.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Huang .S.-L., Wang. Y. (2003).Reactivity and Crystal Structures of the First Dithiocarbamate Chromium (0) and Dithiophosphate Tungsten (0) Complexes: Crystal Structures of [Et4N][Cr(2-S2CNC5H10)(CO)4] and [Et4N][W{2-S2P(OEt)2(CO)4 ].J. Organomet. Chem., 665, 114-121..


38.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Wang. Y. (2003).Synthesis and Characterization of the First Doubly-bridging Pyridine-2-thionate (pyS) Molybdenum Complex: Crystal Structure of [Mo(3-C3H5)(CO)2]2(1:2:-pyS)2.Inorg. Chem. Commun., 6, 213-216..


39.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Huang .S.-L., Wang. Y. (2002).Syntheses, Reactivity, and Stereochemistry of 3-Allyl Dithio-Molybdenum Complexes: Crystal Structures of endo-[Mo(3-C3H5)(2-S2CNC4H8)(CO)(2-dppe)], endo-[Mo(3-C3H5){2-S2P(OEt)2}(CO)(2-dppe)], exo-endo-Mo(3-C3H5)(2-S2CNC4H8)(CO)(2-dppm)], and endo-[Mo(3-C3H5){2-S2P(OEt)2}(CO)(2-dppm)].Organometallics, 21, 5767-5774. .


40.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. , Wang. Y. (2002).Syntheses, Fluxional Behavior and Crystal Structures of the endo and exo3-Allyl Monocarbonyl Dithiocarbonate and Dithiocarbamate Molybdenum Complexes: Crystal Structures of exo-[Mo(3-allyl)(2-S2COC2H5)(CO)(2-dppm)] and endo-[Mo(3-allyl)(2-S2CNC4H8)(CO)(2-dppe)].J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 49, 479-482. .


41.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H., Huang .S.-L., Wang. Y. (2002).Synthesis, reactivity and structures of diethyldithiophosphate molybdenum complexes: Crystal Structures of [Mo{2-S2P(OEt2)}2(PhC≣CPh)2] and [Mo(3-C3H5){1-S2P(OEt)2}(Phen)(CO)2].J. Organomet. Chem., 658, 191-197.


42.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. , Wang. Y. (2001).Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Tungsten Complexes with Various Ligands Containing (1,3-Dithioliumyl)diphenylphosphine..Organometallics, 20, 2604-2610. .


43.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. , Wang. Y. (2000). Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Configurational Isomers of the Tungsten-Palladium Complexes with Bridging Diphenyl(dithioalkoxycarbonyl)phosphine as Ligand and Phosphine Transfer Reaction from Tungsten to Palladium.Inorg. Chem., 39, 2445-2451..


44.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. , Wang. Y. (2000).Characterization of Rigid endo- and exo-h3-Allyl Carbonyl Diethyldithiophosphate Molybdenum Complexes: Crystal Structure of endo-Mo(3-allyl)(CO){2-S2P(OEt)2}(Dppe).Inorg. Chem. Commun., 422, 458-461..


45.Yih .K.-H., Lee. G.-H. , Wang. Y. (1999).Syntheses fluxional behavior and structures of diethyldithiophosphate molybdenum complexes: crystal structures of [Et4N][Mo(CO)4{2-S2P(OEt)2}] and [Mo(CH3CN)(3-C3H5)(CO)2{2-S2P(OEt)2}].J. Organomet. Chem., 588, 125-133..


46.Yih .K.-H. (1999).Syntheses and Characterization of Molybdenum Complexes with the (1,3-Dithioliumyl)-diphenylphosphine Containing Ligands.J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 46, 535-538..


47.Yih .K.-H., Lin. Y.-C. (1999).Syntheses and Reactivity of Molybdenum Complexes with the Diphenyldithioformato-phosphine Containing Ligands..J. Organomet. Chem., 577, 134-139..


48.Yih .K.-H., Lin. Y.-C., Cheng. M.-C., Wang. Y. (1998). Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Tungsten Compleses Containing Various (Thiazoliumyl)diphenylphosphine Ligands.Organometallics, 17, 513-518. .


49.Ekkehard Lindner, Lin. Y.-C., Michael Geprags, Yih .K.-H., Raid Fawzi , Manfred Steimann (1996) .Reaction of ether-phosphine ruthenium hydride complexes with carbon disulfide and phenylacetylene: crystal structures of RuCl(P~O)3(2-S2CH) and Ru(CO)Cl(P~O)2(2-S2CH).J. Organomet. Chem., 512, 101-110..


50.Yih .K.-H., Chen. S.-C., Lin. Y.-C. , Cheng. M.-C., Wang. Y. (1995).New syntheses of [Et4N][(C5H10NCS2)M(CO)4](M = Cr, Mo and W): Insertion reaction of carbon disulfide into the metal-nitrogen bond.J. Organomet. Chem., 494, 149-155..


51.Yih .K.-H., Lin. Y.-C., Cheng. M.-C., Wang. Y. (1995).Syntheses, Reactivities and Molecular Structures of Tungsten Complexes containing the Diphenylphosphinodithioformato Ligand.J. Chem. Soc., Dalton.Trans., 1305-1313. .


52.Yih .K.-H., Lin. Y.-C., Cheng. M.-C., Wang. Y. (1995).Synthesis and Crystal Structure of the First 6a-Thiathiophthen Metal Complex [Mo(CO)5PPh2]2(-C5H2S3)..J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 223-224..


53.Yih .K.-H., Lin. Y.-C., Cheng. M.-C., Wang. Y. (1994).Novel Pathway for the Intermolcular Cyclization of the ((Propargylthio)thiocarbonyl)diphenylphosphine Ligand in Tungsten Complexes..Organometallics, 13, 1561-1563. .


54.Yih .K.-H., Lin. Y.-C., Cheng. M.-C., Wang. Y. (1994).Transfer of the (dithiomethoxycarbonyl)diphenylphosphine ligand from tungsten to palladium: syntheses and crystal structures of two palladium (dithiomethoxycarbonyl)diphenylphosphine complexes.J. Organomet. Chem., 474, C34-C36. .


55.Yih .K.-H., Lin. Y.-C., Cheng. M.-C., Wang. Y. (1993).New Bonding Mode of (Dithioformato)phosphine Ligand: Synthesis, Reactivity and Crystal Structure of [W(CO)5(PPh2CS2)Et4N.J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1380-1382. .


56.Shiu. K.-B., Yih .K.-H. , Wang . E., Liao. F.-L. (1991).XVII. Synthesis and characterization of some h3-allylcarbonyl complexes of molybdenum containing dithiocarbamates as the uni-negative sulphur-bidentate ligands: crystal structure of [Mo(2-S2CNEt2)(CO)(3-allyl){2-bis(diphenylphosphino)methane}].

J. Organomet. Chem., 420, 359-370..


57.Shiu. K.-B., Yih .K.-H. , Wang . E., Liao. F.-L. (1991).XV. Chelate-assisted synthesis of molybdenum(II) carbonyl complexes; crystal structure of [Mo(2-dppm)(1-dppm)(CO)2Br2](dppm = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane).

J. Organomet. Chem., 414, 165-176.







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