

词条 伊斯兰堡孔子学院


In April 2005, Confucius Institute Islamabad was jointly founded by The Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban), Beijing Language and Culture University, and National University of Modern Languages in Islamabad. It is not only the first Confucius Institute based on the all-weather strategic partnership between China and Pakistan, but also the first Confucius Institute in Islamic world.


The establishment of Confucius Institute was ascribed to the solicitude and support of leaders of two countries President Hu Jintao & General Musharaf. During his visit to Pakistan in 2006, President Hu Jintao delivered a speech Carry forward the traditional friendship, Deepen overall cooperation. He said "we are glad to see that the Confucius Institute has been established in Pakistan, and the letters have been exchanged on the issues about our friendship. I hope these two programs can be the new platform for the interaction of our literae humaniores.

时任巴基斯坦教育部长Javed Ashraf先生为伊斯兰堡孔子学院揭牌

Mr. Javed Ashraf, former educational minister was unveiling the nameplate of Confucius Institute Islamabad.


General Musharaf, who is also the Chancellor of NUML said "The Confucius Institute can not only strengthen the interaction between two countries on educational fields but also strengthen the interaction and cooperation on culture, science & technologies, arts and economy, hence deepen the mutual understanding and friendship.

2009年,伊斯兰堡孔子学院坚持汉语教学与文化交流两翼齐飞的发展策略,积极在巴基斯坦推广中国语言与文化,先后与巴基斯坦高等教育委员会(HEC)、巴基斯坦外交部政策研究所、旁遮普省对华事务局、旁遮普省语言文化艺术学院等开展交流与合作;开设了不同等级、不同领域的共31个班次的汉语教学,学员近500名,主要来自国立现代语言大学伊斯兰堡本部、国立现代语言大学拉合尔分校等学校的在校学生和社会人士;伊斯兰堡孔子学院拉合尔分院也已基本筹备完毕,计划明年年初举行揭牌仪式;举办过30多场丰富多彩的文化交流活动,参加人员近1万人次;巴基斯坦10多家著名媒体,如"AUSAF"、"EXPRESS"、"KHABRAIN"、"THE NEWS"等及新华网、人民网、光明网、国际台媒体均进行报道。这些活动有力扩大了伊斯兰堡孔子学院的影响,进一步提升了孔子学院的品牌价值。

In 2009, Confucius Institute Islamabad actively popularized Chinese language and culture in Pakistan with commitment of the strategy of developing Chinese teaching and cultural exchanging what so called "Fly by Two Wings". The institute not only had plentiful exchanges and cooperation with many units successively, including High Education Council of Pakistan, Institute of Foreign Policy Studies Islamabad, Pak-China Bureau of Punjab Province, University of Languages, Cultures and Arts in Punjab etc. launched 31 Chinese teaching classes in different level and areas for nearly 500 students totally who mainly came from National University of Modern Languages Islamabad and its branch in Lahore and other fields, prepared enough for opening ceremony of the branch of NUML in Lahore next year, but held over 30 wonderful cultural exchange activities, and nearly 10,000 participators came for the activities that were reported by famous media both from China and Pakistan, which strongly extended influence and promoted reputation of the institute.


After development of two years, Confucius Institute Islamabad has already established complete class system. In 2009, the institute launched a lot of learning programs, including Business Chinese, Basic Chinese, Children Chinese, Great Wall Chinese (elementary, intermediate and advanced), PhD Program, Taiji Course, Chinese KungFu Class, Chinese Radio (FM104.6 in Islamabad, FM95 in Lahore), Class for HSK and Class for YCT.

文化交流是伊斯兰堡孔子学院的重要工作环节之一。2009年,先后举办了迎春晚会、为巴基斯坦总统做中文翻译、华人华侨协会副会长刘江向学院捐赠奔驰轿车仪式、向FAST UNIVERSITY赠送图书、罗照辉大使会见孔子学院志愿者、第八届"汉语桥"世界大学生中文比赛巴基斯坦赛区预选赛、拉合尔中国语言文化推广活动、巴基斯坦国防大学"美食节"、夏令营说明会、庆祝新中国成立60周年座谈会、中华文化与伊斯兰文化友好交流学术研讨会等30多场文化交流活动。

Cultural exchange is one of important task for Confucius Institute Islamabad. In 2009, the institute successively held and organized over 30 cultural exchange activities, including Spring Festival party 2009, Chinese language interpretation for president of Pakistan, the donation ceremony of Benzi car from Liu Jiang, vice-chairman of Overseas Chinese Association to Confucius Institute Islamabad, activity of books donation from the Institute to FAST University, ambassador Luo Zhaohui met with two volunteers of the Institute, qualifying competition in Pakistan of THE 8th CHINESE BRIDGE-Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students, activity of popularizing Chinese language and culture in Lahore, participation of "Food Festival" in National Defense University, explanation session of summer camp, symposium to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and friendly exchange academic seminar between Chinese culture and Islamic culture, etc.





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