词条 | 一句话让老美刮目相看 |
释义 | 图书信息作者:阳程 (作者, 编者) 出版社: 中国纺织出版社; 第1版 (2011年6月1日) 平装: 252页 正文语种: 英语, 简体中文 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787506473828 条形码: 9787506473828 产品尺寸及重量: 23.2 x 16.6 x 2 cm ; 422 g 内容简介《一句话让老美刮目相看》主要内容简介:想要练就炉火纯青的英语口语,就要将复杂的话说得简单易懂,就要将简单的话说得有模有样。人们常说:“难者不会,会者不难。”学习英语,也是同样的道理,找到方法,掐准要点,你也就不会在面对老外时结结巴巴,甚至是哑口无言了。这本《一句话让老美刮目相看》就将带你进入一个轻松快乐的学习氛围,一点一滴、举一反三地破解英语口语密码。 《一句话让老美刮目相看》涉及情感表达、工作学习、社交娱乐三个方面,以发散、拓展的思维方式,亮出英语日常应用口语。《一句话让老美刮目相看》由阳程主编。 编辑推荐《一句话让老美刮目相看》:轻松、快乐、易学,爱不释手。情感表达、工作学习、社交娱乐。下一个英语口语高手就是你! 目录情感表达 Who cares? 谁管那么多? I give you an inch.and you lake a yard. 你太得寸进尺了。 I've had enough of your ordering! 我受够你的支使了! You are completely out to lunch。 你脑子进水了啊! Traffic jams drive me nuts. 堵车把我气疯了。 He kicked himself for missing so many chances. 他气自己错过了那么多机会。 It really made my hair stand on end. 真把我吓死了。 It's none of your business. 没你的事儿! It's the last straw. 我已经忍无可忍了。 Don't jump the gun. 别轻举妄动。 I'll sort you out sooner or later. 我迟早要找你算账。 He is on his high horse these days. 他最近几天很嚣张。 Don't fly off the handle. 不要这么冲动。 Where can I dump these white elephants? 这些无用的垃圾我要丢到哪里? I am on cloud nine. 我心情特别好。 That would be asking for the moon. 那是痴人说梦。 It's a storm in a teacup! 没什么大惊小怪的。 What a stick-in-the-mud. 真是个老古董。 He's a real pain in the neck. 他真招人讨厌。 I don't buy your story. 我不会相信你的鬼话。 I'm in the pink. 我精神好极了。 I am laughing my head off。 我都要笑掉大牙了。 He is a skinflint. 他是个一毛不拔的人。 I have ants in my Dants. 我感到坐立不安。 I never have the guts to talk to foreigners. 我从来都没有勇气和外国人说话。 Don't try to tie me down with those conventions. 休想用那些规矩绊住我。 Don't take it out on me. 别拿我当出气筒。 工作学习 Do you get the pcture? 明白是怎么回事了吗? I'm done. 我不行了。 The discussions throw no light on the matter. 讨论没能让事情有个头绪。 He's alive to the danger of the work. 他非常清楚这项工作的危险。 He is the Man Fnday of his boss. 他是他老板的得力助手。 He was So absorbed in his Work that he didn't see me. 他全神贯注于工作,没有看到我。 It's a far cry from what l expected. 这离我想要的差远了。 He did a dry run of his speech in front of a mirrOr. 他对着镜子试讲。 What do you do for a living? 你做什么工作呢? We like to shoot the breeze during the break. 我们喜欢在休息时闲聊。 The firm has gone to the dogs since he took over. 公司自他接手已大不如前。 I really need to kick back during the holiday. 我假期时真的需要好好放松一下。 He always blows hot and cold about doing something. 他做事总是拿不定主意。 It's in the cards for him to win the competition. 对于他而言,赢得这次比赛已胜券在握。 I'm a dyed in the wool Yao Ming fan. 我是姚明的铁杆粉丝。 He often puts on the dog. 他常常耍阔。 He had to cool his heels for a whole hour. 他足足等了一小时。 Whenever she goes for work,she puts on her Sunday best. 她上班时总是穿最好的衣服。 Lel's play it by ear. 走一步看一步吧。 Don't just bury your head in the sand. 不要回避现实。 I don't have all day. 我没时间跟你耗。 You've just said a mouthful! 你说得很对I If the plan fa{ls.1 will be the fall guy. 如果计划失败,我将会是替罪羊。 Life isn't always a bed of mses. 那绝不是安乐窝。 I am as busy as a bee now. 我现在忙得不可开交。 You're acting out of whack! 你的行为真是不正常! Our boss looked like the cA that Me the canary. 我们老板看起来很得意。 You should put thal projecl on the back burner. 你应该把那个项目先放一放。 My new job has got me behind the eight ball. 我的新工作使我陷入困境。 His speech brought down the house. 他的演讲获得雷鸣般的掌声。 I was in a brown study. 我刚才走神了。 I'll keep things in apple-pie order. 我会把一切管得井井有条的。 Let me put it this way. 这么跟你说吧。 社交娱乐 There will never be another you. 你是这个世界上独一无二的人。 His girlfriend is So high maintenance. 他的女朋友真是太难伺候了。 I couldn't agree more. 我完全同意。 I've something pressing. 我有急事。 It's a perfect match. 真是天生一对。 I didn't mean to stand you up. 我不是故意对你失约的。 He drank himself under the table. 他喝得不省人事。 I only have eyes for you. 我只在意你。 l bought it on the spur of the moment。 我心血来潮买下的。 l am used to going to bed with the chicken. 我习惯早睡。 You're wearing your sweater inside out. 你毛衣穿反了。 Speak of the devil and he appeaB. 说曹操,曹操到。 There is a big hole in my head. 我什么也不记得了。 I can't feel my hands. 我的手麻了。 I have no other choice but to do So. 除此之外我别无选择。 I am having a beef with my girlfriend. 我和我女朋友现在关系紧张。 I want to invest in stocks to make a quick buck. 我想炒股,尽快赚点儿钱花。 There is a skeleton in the cupboard。 家丑不外扬。 She likes to keep up with the Joneses. 她喜欢赶时髦。 Let's go and catch a flick. 我们去看场电影吧。 I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭听。 Please don't stand on ceremony. 不要太客套了。 That's my cup of tea. 那正合我的胃口。 The rock group was only a flash in the pan. 这个摇滚乐队只是昙花一现。 He always goes back on his words. 他说话从不算数。 He gave her a snow job. 他用花言巧语骗了她。 You're barking up the wrong tree。 你找错人了。 He is as poor as a church mouse now。 他一贫如洗。 He is playing ducks and drakes with his money. 他挥金如土。 My boyfriend always chats me up. 我的男朋友总是跟我说甜言蜜语。 |
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