词条 | 大连工业大学外国语学院 |
释义 | 大连工业大学外国语学院的前身是外语教研室。1996年成立外语系,招收英语专业专科学生,经过几年不断的努力与探索, 2002年开始招收英语专业本科学生,2007年3月,根据学校新一轮的发展规划,建立合理的学科与专业结构,适应学校的改革与发展,推动多科性大学的建设,成立外国语学院。 学院拥有一支政治素质高、业务能力强、富有朝气的师资队伍。现有教职员工80人,其中专职教师74人,专职教师中副高职以上21人,讲师35人,具有硕士学位的教师38人,正在攻读硕士的教师有13人,聘请外籍教师5人。学院重视教师国际间的交流与合作,长期聘请美国、英国、加拿大、日本等国家外籍教师到学院任教,同时选派一批优秀青年教师出国培训考察。 学院现有英语、英语(日语方向)、英语(商务)、日语、对外汉语五个专业,下设英语系、日语系、对外汉语系、大学英语教学部和俄语教研室等教学机构,目前在校本科生587人。学院重视教学质量管理,建立了领导听课,教师互评,教师评学,学生评教,教学督导评学评教等一体化的评教体系。学院教学科研设施齐全、办学条件完善,现有不同层次的模拟、数字和计算机语音教室13套,两套英语调频广播电台及一个语言视听教室,学院图书数据室现有中外文期刊30余种,专业图书1万余册,各种音像资料1000多盘(部)。 学院建立以市场需求为导向的人才培养模式,注重学生专业应用能力培养,鼓励学生个性化发展。大力开展校园文化艺术节、外语节、英语沙龙等能够提高个人素质和能力的活动,积极营造具有外院特色的校园文化氛围。学院倡导学生走出校门,结合所学专业开展社会实践和青年志愿者活动,充分张扬个性,展示自我,提高自身的综合素质。多年来为社会培养出大量德才兼备的人才。 英文简介The School of Foreign Languages of DaLian Polytechnic University is the former foreign language teaching and research section. Founded in 1996, it enrolled English majors for professional training. After several years' continuous endeavor and research, the department began to recruit undergraduates of English major in 2002. The School of Foreign Languages was established in March 2007 according to the latest program for the development of university, aiming to set up a rational subject and specialty structure, to adapt to the development and reform of university, and to better the academic construction of the comprehensive university. Boasting a highly competent teaching staff with excellent professional proficiency, the school currently has 80 teachers and staff members, of which 74 are full-time teachers. Of the teachers 21 are with vice-senior post titles or above and 35 are lecturers. 38 teachers have received master's degrees and 13 are studying for their master's degrees. Altogether 5 foreign teachers are teaching in the school. The school attaches much importance to international exchange and corporation and has made point of inviting scholars and professors from Britain, America, Canada, Japan and other countries to teach or give lectures. At the same time, the school also conducts academic training and researches by sending some excellent faculties abroad. Covering two specialties (English and Japanese), the school now consists of English department, Japanese department, College English teaching section, teaching and research section of Chinese language, and Russian teaching section. At present altogether 587 undergraduates are studying here. Teaching quality management is taken highly important, so a teaching evaluation system was established, in which the teachers are evaluated not only by their leaders, but by their colleagues, students and teaching supervisors. The school is well with 13 computerized audio laboratories; 2 English broadcasting station and an audio-visual classroom. The school has more than 30 kinds of journals in Chinese or foreign languages, over 10,000 specialized books and 1000 audio-visual tapes. Taking the market -orienting mode for its education, the foreign language school lays much stress on the training of the students'ability in their specialty and on the individuality in their growth. The school organizes various activities to improve students'personal quality and competency. The best examples are Campus Culture and Arts Festival, Foreign Language Festival, and English Saloon. A typical atmosphere with the characteristics of foreign language school is thus created. The school encourages students to go out of school to undertake social practice and voluntary activities, so that they can show their individuality to the public and improve their comprehensive quality. Over the past years, the school has cultivated a great number of talents with both ability and morality. 专业设置英语专业 [培养目标] 本专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础知识, 较强的第二外语应用能力,能在外事、经贸、科技情报、中外企业、教育、科研等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的宽口径、应用型外语高级专门人才。 英语专业(日语方向) [培养目标]本专业实行英语和日语双语教学体制。培养具有坚实的英日双语语言基础知识和实践能力,能在外事、经贸、科技情报、中外企业、教育、科研等部门从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的宽口径、应用型、复合型外语人才。 英语专业(商务方向) [培养目标]培养具有比较扎实的英语基本技能,掌握较宽泛的国际商务基础理论知识,能够适应我国现代化建设需要的, 具有较强的跨文化交流技巧,适应各类企事业单位从事国际商务活动、翻译和办公管理等方面的复合型及应用型人才。 |
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