

词条 研究生前沿教材书系·有用的准晶体


出版社: 复旦大学出版社; 第1版 (2006年11月1日)

外文书名: Useful Quasicrystals

丛书名: 研究生前沿教材书系

平装: 482页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 7309052080

条形码: 9787309052084

尺寸: 22.4 x 15.4 x 2.6 cm

重量: 699 g


作者:(法国)Jean-Marie Dubois

Jean-Marie Dubois

1950年出生于法国Nancy市,物理学博士,法国国家科研中心(CNRS)杰出研究导师兼Jean Lamour研究所所长。


①复杂金属合金欧洲合作中心(涉及12个国家19个团体中的255位科学家和80位博士组成的研究集团)总主持;②Jean Lamour研究所关于材料-冶金-纳米科学-等离子体-表面科学课题组的基金和建筑规划项目的负责人;③准晶体研发的Brite-Euram项目的协调人;④Nancy材料科学和工程实验室主任;⑤Nancy材料工程中心的科学主任;⑥法国准晶体和复杂合金重点项目课题组组长(涉及法国30个实验室的130位科学家的研究项目)。



主要的荣誉有:英国剑桥大学Churchill学院会员,法国冶金和材料学会颁发的Jean Rist奖,法国国家科研中心授予的铜质奖章,IBM材料科学奖,大连技术大学终身邀请教授,清华大学海外专家友谊奖,法国物理学会Yves Rocard奖,等等。


20世纪80年代研究发现,合金的组分金属如果严格按黄金比值配比的话,如Al65 Cu20 F15 ,那么从液态逐步冷却到固态过程中就会产生稳定的准晶体。准晶体完全不同于严格的金属晶体和玻璃体,它具有自身奇特的性质,因此具有广阔的应用前景。《有用的准晶体》就是作者在总结研究前沿的应用成果的基础上写成的。全书共分五章:第一章主要讲述准晶体同晶体和玻璃体的区别;第二、第三章分别介绍准晶体的电子特性和原子迁移本领,热输运和表面特性分别是两章的讲述重点。这两章的主要论点在于阐释准晶体的奇异特性无法用金属理论和合金理论解释的原因。第四章主要介绍准晶体的相形变、样品的制备和规模生产的途径。第五章集中讲述准晶体的现有应用和潜在的应用前景。




Foreword The Golden Mean and the Kitchen

General References

Chapter 1 What to Know to Start with

1 Introduction

2 Classical and Non-Classical Crystals

3 The Reciprocal Space

4 The Search for Enhanced Mechanical Properties

5 The Birth of a Monster

6 The Quarrel of Ancients and Modems

7 The World of Quasicrystals

8 Recovering the Periodicity

9 Organised Disorder: the Phasons

10 From Tilings to Coverings


Chapter 2 Strange Physical Properties

1 Introduction

2 Basics of Metal Physics, in Very Simple Words

2.1 Electron Transport in Metallic Crystals

2.2 Electron Bands

2.3 The Hume-Rothery Rules in Crystals

3 Electronic Transport in Quasicrystals

3.1 Phenomenological Data

3.2 An Insulator Made of Metals

3.3 Quantum Interference Effects

3.4 Variable Range Hopping

3.5 Hierarchical Recurrent Localization

3.6 Optical Properties

3.7 Another Step Towards a Model of Electronic Conductivity

4 Electron Densities of States

4.1 Pseudogap and Relevant Experimental Information

4.2 The Hume-Rothery Gap in Related Crystals

4.3 Surface Electronic States

4.4 A Bit More about d-states and the Role of Transition Metals

4.5 Enhanced Stability of Quasicrystals and Approximants

5 Lattice Dynamics and Thermal Conductivity

5.1 Lattice Vibrations in Icosahedral Mono-Domain Samples

5.2 Heat Conduction

5.3 Structural Scattering of Phonons

5.4 Electronic Contribution to Heat Transport

6 Magnetism


Chapter 3 When Atoms Move Away

1 Introduction

2 Brittle Intermetallics that End into Chewing-Gum

2.1 Hardness, Brittleness and Low Friction

2.2 Plastic Behaviour at Elevated Temperature

2.3 The Role of Dislocations

2.4 Behind Dislocations, Cluster Friction

3 Non-Conventional Surfaces

3.1 Rough and Flat Surfaces

3.2 Static Friction on Clean Surfaces

4 Oxidation Behaviour

4.1 Dependence on Oxidizing Environment

4.2 Kinetics and Temperature Dependence

5 Atomic Mobility

5.1 Atomic Transport in Normal Crystals

5.2 Diffusion in Icosahedral Quasicrystals

5.3 Phason Assisted Diffusion

5.4 Atomic Jumps


Chapter 4 Preparation and Mass Production

1 Introduction

2 Phase Selection

3 The Multitude of Approximants

3.1 Crystals and Approximants in the A1-Cu-Fe-Cr System

3.2 B2-Based Approximants in Relation to Quasicrystals

4 Phase Diagrams

4.1 Growth from the Liquid State

4.2 Equilibrium Phase-Diagram Data

5 Phase Transformations

5.1 Order-Disorder Transitions

5.2 Phason-Driven Transitions

5.3 Pressure-Induced Transitions

5.4 Surface Transformations

6 Preparation in the Laboratory

6.1 Out-of-Equilibrium Methods

6.2 Mono-Domain Samples

6.3 The Nightmare of Growing a Stable Quasicrystal

6.4 Sintering

7 The Thick Coatings Route

7.1 Thermal Spraying versus Magnetron Sputtering Techniques

7.2 Processing of Atomized Powders

7.3 Polishing and Surface Preparation

7.4 Phase Stability of Quasicrystalline Coatings in Agressive Media

8 Thin Films and Nanosized Precipitates

8.1 Multilayers or Vapour Deposited Films

8.2 New Data from Kinetics of Growth

8.3 Nanosized Precipitates in Selected Metallic Alloys


Chapter 5 The Rise of a Dream

1 Introduction

2 Smart Surfaces

2.1 Facts and Artifacts

2.2 Wetting and Electronic Properties

2.3 Cooking Utensils for the Future

3 Application to Energy Savings

3.1 Thermal Barriers

3.2 Reducing Friction and Wear

3.3 Friction in Vacuum and (Once More) Surface Energy

4 Electronic Devices

4.1 Light Absorption and Sensors

4.2 Thermo-Power Generation

5 Generation of a Green Energy

5.1 Catalysis

5.2 Hydrogen Storage

6 High-Performance Alloys for Mechanical Applications

6.1 New Maraging Steels and Light Alloys

6.2 Metal and Polymer Matrix Composites

7 Perspective View at Other Applications


Conclusion The Dream is Not Over Yet







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