

词条 许芳宜



许芳宜成长於宜兰乡下,老家就是光复路南馆市场旁的老字号南兴药局,在地方上颇知名,是宜兰县宜兰市人,从小即喜爱跳舞,表现令人注意,家人也都全力支持。就读於国立艺术学院(今国立台北艺术大学)的舞蹈系,跟随葛拉汉的首席舞者罗丝派克(Ross Parkes)学习。毕业後,1994年她接受了台湾的国家艺文奖助学金,并在1995年加入了玛莎葛兰姆舞团,1997年她已於舞团中担任独舞,并且在短短两年後晋升为首席舞者。


与许多才华洋溢的编舞家以及舞团合作如蒙特布朗舞团(Monte/Brown Dance Company),以及Buglisi/Foreman 舞团。她也曾在1998年至2003年间担任云门舞集的首席舞者。

2005年,舞蹈杂志(Dance Magazine) 将许芳宜列为当年“最引人注目的25位舞者”,并且成为封面人物。她也曾接受总统陈水扁先生所颁赠的国家勋章。2007年得到国家文艺奖舞蹈类。

2005年,美国《舞蹈杂志》(Dance Magazine)将许芳宜列为当年“最引人注目的25位舞者”之一,并且成为封面人物,同年获总统颁赠五等景星勋章;2007年获国家文艺奖舞蹈类,为有史以来最年轻的受奖者;更受邀至美国,参与美国著名摄影师David Michalek的现代摄影艺术──“Slow Dancing慢舞”计划,并于美国纽约林肯中心以多媒体影像展的方式呈现,许芳宜同时也为纽约“巴瑞辛尼可夫舞蹈中心”首位亚洲驻村艺术家。

2008年受Ballet Tech邀请参与年度Mandance Project,与编舞家Eliot Feld合作于纽约Joyce Theatre演出,而后于美国维尔国际舞蹈节、雅各枕舞蹈节、及纽约秋季舞蹈节演出,获海内外观众及媒体赞赏,获选欧洲《舞蹈杂志》(Ballettanz magazine)赞许为“杰出女性舞蹈家”。该年10月,受玛莎葛兰姆舞团邀请,参与舞团世界巡演,于希腊雅典、美国华盛顿D.C与纽约市、法国巴黎等地领衔演出玛莎葛兰姆经典名作Clytemnestra。

2009年,再度受邀至美国维尔国际舞蹈节、澳门文化中心、雅各枕舞蹈节演出。 2010年于澳洲WOMADelaide艺术节、温哥华冬奥艺术节与杜塞朵夫国际舞蹈双年博览会演出,并参与上海世界博览会台北馆影片拍摄。

媒体评论 Who needs a voice when you’ve got legs like Ms. Sheu? - The New York Times, Claudia la Rocco

Fang-Yi Sheu is one of the most beautiful dancers in the world. She is a woman whose extended arm can tell an epic story, who can suspend herself in space like a floating bodhisattva and curl up as if she contained the world’s suffering. And she is in that special moment of maturity when her physical strength is equaled by her emotional range. -The Boston Globe

Ms. Sheu seems to be the critically and publicly anointed star - The New York Times, John Rockwell

Ms. Sheu proved that all it takes to transform Graham from a relic to a classic is- aside from picking the right repertory for revival-superb performers -The New York Times, John Rockwell

Fang Yi Sheu is praised as the finest present-day embodiment of Martha Graham’s technique and tradition. - The New York Times, John Rockwell

Not only Sheu a superb dramatic artist, but she dances magnificently-who else combine such emotional intensity with such powerful yet lyrical technique? -New York Observer, Robert Gottlieb

She is so intense, so full, so sensitive to nuance-and so beautiful – that you forget to wonder what Graham was like in the role. - New York Observer, Robert Gottlieb

Ms. Sheu holds the stage with unmistakable force and subtlety. -The Wall Street Journal, Robert Greskovic

Right now, the choreography of Martha Graham lives most fully in the volcanic performances of Fang Yi SHEU - The New York Sun

A dancer like Ms. Sheu almost justifies the all-you-to-do-is-see-it idea, and her presence in the company is the greatest sign of its artistic health. - The New York Sun





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