



The Cardigans(羊毛衫合唱团),来自瑞典,成立于1992年10月,由五人组成,乐队成员当时都还不到20岁。在此专辑以前,The Cardigans发行过《Emmerdale》(1994年)和《Life》(1995年),但是除在日本影响颇大,并未引起瑞典以外的注意。是金子总要闪光,《First Band On The Moon》使The Cardigans获得了世界声誉。

与其他乐队不同的是,他们的音乐取材于Pop,拉丁,爵士和摇滚。女主唱Nina Persson嗓音清新甜美,将歌曲演绎得婉转动人,俏皮可爱。那种细巧的小女人情怀,虽然并不是令人非常的受落,但单凭听觉享受,仍然十分悦耳趣致。也许大家对他们并不是很熟悉,但脍炙人口的电影《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的主题曲《Love fool》,你们一定还记得吧,这首单曲不仅获得英美点播冠军、英国金榜亚军,还让The Cardigans步入一流乐队行列。


距离上一张专辑6年的时间,The Cardigans带来了迄今为止情绪上最为黑暗的作品,可能也是歌词上最为内省、诚实和动人的作品。当初《Love fool》中诱人的甜美不见了,Nina的声音中多了几分成熟、沙哑与沧桑的落寞感。

听着这样的声音难免有些惆怅,不过《You're the Storm》、《Please Sister》(其中大量使用了管弦乐)这样的作品中,却恰到好处的渲染出一种荡气回肠的气势。而《Couldn't Care Less》中低沉的鼓声随着伤感的歌词,不断的敲打在人隐隐作痛的心上,《Feathers And Down》中如羽毛轻轻坠落般的旋律与歌声却道出了极简单又深邃的哲理。

专辑中也有《A Good Horse》、《For What It's Worth》、《Live and Learn》这样情绪上较为亮色的作品,更充分地展现了Nina声音的真正实力...没有炫技、因为诚实而更加的动人,以至于让人沉溺其中不能自拔。


1. Communication

2. You're the storm

3. A good horse

4. And then you kissed me

5. Couldn't care less

6. Please sister

7. For what it's worth

8. Lead me into the night

9. Live and learn

10.Feathers and down

11.no sleep



在现今流行乐坛一股回归音乐本质的呼唤声中,《Long Gone Before Daylight》正好回应了这个潮流;除了延续The Cardigans作品中一向拥有的清新悦耳旋律, 11首以“爱”为主题、散发简单自然本质的精采作品,诚恳真实而温暖。开场的《Communication》与《You’re The Storm》,柔美的音符中可以听见爱情的挣扎;《Please Sister》有著满满的衷心恳求;而被主唱Nina形容为“旋律优美、节奏强烈”的首发单曲《For What It’s Worth》,更是在欧洲引发点播风潮。

如果您喜欢昔日The Cardigans清新洗练的音乐风格,那么《Long Gone Before Daylight》还有着更多让您赞叹不已的音乐惊奇。



演唱:The Cardigans


For 27 years I've been trying

to believe and confide in

different people I found

Some of them got closer than others

and some wouldn't even bother

and then you came around

I didn't really know what to call you

You didn't know me at all

but I was happy to explain

I never really knew how to move you

so I tried to intrude through

the little holes in your veins

And I saw you

But that's not an invitation

that's all I get

If this is communication

I disconnect

I've seen you, I know you

but I don't know how to connect

so I disconnect

You always seem to know where to find me

and I'm, still here behind you

in the corner of your eye

I never really learnt how to love you

but I know that I love you

through the hole in the sky

where I see you

and that's not an invitation that's all I get

If this is communication

I disconnect

I've seen you, I know you

but I don't know how to connect

so I disconnect

Well this is an invitation

it's not a threat

If you want communication

that's what you get

I'm talking and talking

but I don't know how to connect

and I hold a record for being patient

with your kind of hesitation

I need you, you want me

but I don't know how to connect

so I disconnect

I disconnect……





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