词条 | 新东方·GRE考试官方指南 |
释义 | 基本信息书名:新东方·GRE考试官方指南 作者:美国教育考试服务中心 出版社: 群言出版社; 第1版 (2010年12月1日) 外文书名: The Official Guide to the GRE Revised General Test 定价:88.00 平装: 432页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787802562110, 7802562112 条形码: 9787802562110 商品尺寸: 27.2 x 20.8 x 2.4 cm 商品重量: 1.1 Kg 品牌: 新东方 内容简介本书为ETS(美国教育考试服务中心,即GRE考试的主办方)在中国独家授权版本,是ETS专为GRE考试准备的官方备考指导用书。书中全面介绍了GRE考试的相关信息,提供了翔实的备考资料与权威指导,同时附有样题范例、全真试题、备考策略、计分体制等,是GRE考生必备的权威辅导书。 ETS官方独家授权版本,权威解析GRE考试各个方面; 提供样题范例,帮助考生了解GRE考试各题型的命题形式和要求; 内含完整的GRE考试全真试题,并配1张CD-ROM光盘,带给考生真实的考场体验; The GRE General Test is changing. If you're taking the test on or after August 1,2011, you'll see new question types and a new test-taker friendly design. Make sure you have the most accurate preparation available! Turn to the people who know the new test best——the GRE test-makers at ETS. This Official Guide has been created by the ETS team that actually makes the test. Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the revised exam and give you hundreds of authentic test questions for practice! This guide is packed with everything you need to succeed on the test——and move forward toward your graduate or business degree. 编辑推荐Features the new test design and question types Two complete tests——one in the book and one on CD Proven success strategies from the test-maker No other guide to the GRE revised Genera/Test gives you: Everything you need to know about the revised test, straight from the test-makers! Hundreds of authentic test questions——so you can study with the real thing Two complete tests——one in the book and one on CD-ROM In-depth descriptions of Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning Detailed information about the Analytical Writing essay tasks——with sampleresponses and actualraters' comments At nonprofit ETS, we advance qualityand equity in education for peopleworldwide by creating assessmentsbased on rigorous research. Foundedin 1947, ETS develops, administers,and scores more than 50 million testsannuallymincluding the TOEFL andTOEICtests, the GREtests, andThe Praxis Seriesassessments——inmore than 180 countries, at over 9,000locations worldwide. 作者简介作者:(美国)美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service) 美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)成立于1947年,是全球最大的非盈利私营教育考试和评测机构,也是教育研究领域的领先机构之一。ETS在全球超过180个国家设有9000多处考试中心,每年开发、举办并评估2400万人次参加的考试。ETS设计并提供一系列考试产品以适应市场需求,包括用于大学的考试申请和录取工作的托福考试、GRE考试以及托业考试等。 |
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