

词条 新东方·AP微积分


出版社: 群言出版社; 第1版 (2010年12月1日)

平装: 220页

ISBN: 7802562074, 9787802562073

条形码: 9787802562073

尺寸: 27.4 x 20.8 x 1.2 cm

重量: 499 g


《新东方?AP微积分》简介:AP,全称Advanced Placement,中文名称为大学预修课程。AP课程及考试始于1955年,由美国大学理事会(College Board)主办,在高中阶段开设的具有大学水平的课程,共有22个门类、37个学科。该项考试的目的在于使高中学生提前接触大学课程,完成一些美国大学的学分课程及考试。



Chapter 1 Introduction of AP Calculus Exam AP微积分考试介绍

Chapter 2 Functions函数

2.1 Five Basic Elementary Functions五种基本初等函数

2.2 Inverse Functions反函数

2.3 Composite Functions复合函数

2.4 Parametric Functions参变量函数

2.5 Polar Functions极坐标函数

2.6 Vector Functions向量函数

2.7 Transforming of Functions函数变换

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Chapter 3 Limit and Continuity极限与连续

3.1 Definition of a Limit极限的定义

3.2 Limit Laws极限(存在)定理

3.3 Rules of Limits极限的运算法则

3.4 Two Important Limits两个重要极限

3.5 Application of Limits:Finding Asymptotes极限的应用:找渐近线

3.6 Continuity连续

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Chapter 4 Definition of Derivative导数定义

4.1 Definition of Derivative导数的定义

4-2 ORe—Sided Derivative单侧导数

4.3 The Geometric Interpretation of Derivative导数的几何意义

4.4 The Relation Between Differentiability and Continuity可导与连续的关系

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Chapter 5 Rules for Finding Derivatives求导法则

5.1 Basic Rules for Finding Derivatives导数基本运算

5.2 High Order Derivatives高阶导数

5.3 Implicit Differentiation“隐函数”求导

5.4 The Derivative of an Inverse Function反函数求导

5.5 Derivatives of Parametric Functions参数方程求导

5.6 Derivatives of Polar Functions极坐标函数求导

5.7 Derivatives of Vector Functions向量函数求导

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Chapter 6 Applications of Derivatives导数应用

6.1 Equations of Tangent Lines and Normal Lines切线和法线方程

6.2 The Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives微分中值定理

6.3 Related Rates相关变化率

6.4 Motion运动学

6.5 Maxima and Minima最大值和最小值

6.6 L’Hopital’S Rule洛比达法则

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Chapter 7 Differentials微分

7.1 Defi n ition of Differential微分定义

7.2 Linear Approximation线性估算

7 3 Euler’S Method欧拉法则

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Chapter 8 The Indefinite Integral不定积分

8.1 The Antiderivative原函数

812 Integration Formulas积分公式

8.3 U—Substitution换元法、

8.4 Integ ration by Parts分部积分

8.5 The Method of Partial Fractions分式拆分求积分

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Chapter 9 The Definite Integral定积分

9.1 A Limit of Riemann Sum(Left,Right and Midpoint)黎曼和的极限

9.2 The Fi rst Fundamental Theorem of Calculus微积分第一基础理论

9.3 The Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus微积分第二基础理论

9.4 Improper Integrals反常积分(广义积分)

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Chapter 10 Applications of Integral积分应用

10.1 The Mean Value Theorem for Integ rals积分中值定理

10.2 Area面积

10.3 Volume体积

10.4 Length of a Curve曲线长度

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Chapter 11 Differential Equations微分方程

11.1 Separation Variables可分离变量的微分方程

11.2 Logistic Differential Equation逻辑斯蒂微分方程

11.3 Slope Fields(Direction Fields)斜率场

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Chapter 1 2 Infinite Series无穷级数

12.1 ORe Definition for Infinite Series一个定义

12.2 Two Limits两个极限

12.3 Three Tests of Series三大审敛法

12.4 Four Important Series四种重要级数

12.5 Five Formulas of Power Series and Taylor Series五个重要公式

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