词条 | 大铲湾码头(一期) |
释义 | 简介大铲湾码头(一期)是深圳西部港区内的全新世界级集装箱码头,是集散泛珠三角各主要生产基地货物的理想站点。项目股东分别是香港历史最悠久的码头运营商——现代货箱码头有限公司(占65%股份)和深圳市政府旗下全资公司——深圳大铲湾港口投资发展有限公司(占35%股份)。项目是深圳市政府的重大项目之一,已于2005年3月经国家发展与改革委员会批准开发。 码头将修建5个泊位,首2个泊位将于2007年底投产,其余3个泊位计划于2008年完成。码头总面积112公顷,岸线长1,830米,纵深600米,前沿水深初期为-15.5米,远期可浚深至 -18米,可以处理当今及将来可预见的最大型集装箱船。 大铲湾码头(一期)位于深圳西部的宝安区,水路南距香港20海里,北至广州40海里;陆路北距深圳宝安国际机场10公里。码头周围四通八达的陆路交通网络连接东莞、惠州、深圳以及广州等珠三角东部城市。水路也可畅通无阻往返于佛山、顺德、中山等珠三角西部地区。 大铲湾码头(一期)由拥有三十多年码头运营经验的现代货箱码头有限公司管理,具备经营世界上最繁忙港口的资深经验。大铲湾码头(一期)秉承现代货箱码头的专业技术和企业文化,重视互信互敬、承担责任及团队协作,恪守以客为尊的服务承诺,以先进的信息技术、高效的设施设备、国际水平的保安系统,确保码头营运卓越,为客户提供高度专业的服务。 译文Da Chan Bay Terminal One Introduction Da Chan Bay Terminal One is situated in the Western Shenzhen Port area in South China. It is a new world-class container terminal serving the Pan-Pearl River Delta cargo catchment areas. Sixty-five percent of its shares are held by Modern Terminals Limited, the longest-established container terminal operator in Hong Kong. The other 35 percent of its shares have been taken up by Shenzhen Dachan Bay Port Investment and Development Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Shenzhen Municipal Government. Da Chan Bay Terminal One is classified by Shenzhen Municipal Government as a major project, with approval by the National Development and Reform Commission in March 2005. Da Chan Bay Terminal One covers an area of 112 hectares with 5 berths along its quayside of 1,830 metres and 600 metres wide. The terminal is scheduled to commence operations with its first two berths at the end of 2007. The other three berths will be ready for use in 2008. Alongside depth is initially -15.5 metres and could be dredged up to -18 metres in the future, which is able to handle the world’s largest existing and planned container vessels. Strategically situated in Bao An District, Western Shenzhen, Da Chan Bay Terminal One is about 20 nautical miles north of Hong Kong, 40 nautical miles south of Guangzhou, and 10 kilometres south of Shenzhen Bao An International Airport. The terminal will be within easy reach of the key manufacturing centres on the eastern side of the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD), such as Dongguan, Huizhou, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. At the same time, it will enjoy convenient waterway links to the western side of the Pan-PRD, like Foshan, Shunde and Zhongshan. Da Chan Bay Terminal One is managed by Modern Terminals, which has over 30 years of solid experience in container terminal operations in Hong Kong, one of the world’s busiest seaports. Adopting Modern Terminals’ expertise and culture that values mutual trust and respect, accountability, customer-focus and teamwork, Da Chan Bay Terminal One is committed to providing its customers with a continuum of service and operational excellence with the most advanced IT system, equipment, facilities as well as an international-standard security system. |
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