词条 | 香辣南瓜 |
释义 | 中文介绍原料:南瓜、花生米、郫县辣酱。 做法: 1、花生米在凉水里浸泡十分钟左右,剥去红衣;南瓜去皮切丁。 2、热锅凉油,放入花生仁,小火翻炒,等听到噼啪声,有香味飘出时盛出备用。花生剥去红衣后不易炸糊,口感更加香脆。 3、重新坐锅,加一点油,趁油未热时放一勺香辣酱,炒香后倒入南瓜丁继续翻炒,大概七、八分钟后,南瓜丁软熟,加入花生仁拌匀即可出锅。 贴心提示:炒菜用的南瓜要选用含水量小,又干又面的品种,炒时才不出汤,现在市场上常见的海南南瓜就非常合适,海南南瓜体形巨大,只买一小块就可以了。 英文解说Ingredients: pumpkin, peanuts, Pixian sauce. Practice: 1, peanuts, soaked in cold water about ten minutes, stripped red; pumpkin to Piqie Ding. 2, the wok cool oil, add peanuts, stir a small fire, and so heard the crackling sound, a smell wafting out of standby when the Sheng. After the red strip fried peanut paste is not easy, taste more crisp. 3, re-sit the pot, add a little oil, while oil is not hot when you put a spoonful of fragrant sauce, saute continue to stir and pour into the small pumpkin, about seven or eight minutes later, the small soft-cooked pumpkin, add the peanuts and mix well to pan. Tips: To use the pumpkin cooking water with a small, dry, surface species, not only fried soup, and now the market common pumpkin is very appropriate in Hainan, Hainan pumpkin great shape, only buy a small piece to it. |
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