

词条 相互作用电子和量子磁性


出版社: 世界图书出版公司; 第1版 (2009年5月1日)

外文书名: Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism

平装: 255页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 24

ISBN: 7510004896, 9787510004896

条形码: 9787510004896

尺寸: 22 x 14.8 x 1.2 cm

重量: 318 g




《相互作用电子和量子磁性(英文版)》内容为:In the excitement and rapid pace of developments, writing pedagogical textshas low priority for most researchers. However, in transforming my lecturenotesI into this book, I found a personal benefit: the organization of what Iunderstand in a (hopefully simple) logical sequence. Very little in this textis my original contribution. Most of the knowledge was collected from theresearch literature. Some was acquired by conversations with colleagues; akind of physics oral tradition passed between disciples of a similar faith.For many years, diagramatic perturbation theory has been the majortheoretical tool for treating interactions in metals, semiconductors, itiner-ant magnets, and superconductors.



Ⅰ Basic Models

1 Electron Interactions in Solids

1.1 Single Electron Theory

1.2 Fields and Interactions

1.3 Magnitude of Interactions in Metals

1.4 Effective Models

1.5 Exercises

2 Spin Exchange

2.1 Ferromagnetic Exchange

2.2 Antiferromagnetic Exchange

2.3 Superexchange

2.4 Exercises

3 The Hubbard Model and Its Descendants

3.1 Truncating the Interactions

3.2 At Large U: The t-J Model

3.3 The Negative-U Model

3.3.1 The Pseudo-spin Model and Superconductivity

3.4 Exercises

Ⅱ Wave Functions and Correlations

4 Ground States of the Hubbard Model

4.1 Variational Magnetic States

4.2 Some Ground State Theorems

4.3 Exercises

5 Ground States of the Heisenberg Model

5.1 The Antiferromagnet

5.2 Half-Odd Integer Spin Chains

5.3 Exercises

6 Disorder in Low Dimensions

6.1 Spontaneously Broken Symmetry

6.2 Mermin and Wagner's Theorem

6.3 Quantum Disorder at

6.4 Exercises

7 Spin Representations

7.1 Holstein-Primakoff Bosons

7.2 Schwinger Bosons

7.2.1 Spin Rotations

7.3 Spin Coherent States

7.3.1 The 0 Integrals

7.4 Exercises

8 Variational Wave Functions and Parent Hamiltonians

8.1 Valence Bond States

8.2 States

8.2.1 The Majumdar-Ghosh Hamiltonian

8.2.2 Square Lattice RVB States

8.3 Valence Bond Solids and AKLT Models

8.3.1 Correlations in Valence Bond Solids

8.4 Exercises

9 From Ground States to Excitations

9.1 The Single Mode Approximation

9.2 Goldstone Modes

9.3 The Haldane Gap and the SMA

Ⅲ Path Integral Approximations

10 The Spin Path Integral

10.1 Construction of the Path Integral

10.1.1 The Green's Function

10.2 The Large S Expansion

10.2.1 Semiclassical Dynamics

10.2.2 Semiclassical Spectrum

10.3 Exercises

11 Spin Wave Theory

11.1 Spin Waves: Path Integral Approach

11.1.1 The Ferromagnet

11.1.2 The Antiferromagnet

11.2 Spin Waves: Holstein-Primakoff Approach

11.2.1 The Ferromagnet

11.2.2 The Antiferromagnet

11.3 Exercises

12 The Continuum Approximation

12.1 Haldane's Mapping

12.2 The Continuum Harniltonian

12.3 The Kinetic Term

12.4 Partition Function and Correlations

12.5 Exercises

13 Nonlinear Sigma Model: Weak Coupling

13.1 The Lattice Regularization

13.2 Weak Coupling Expansion

13.3 Poor Man's Renormalization

13.4 The/3 Function

13.5 Exercises

14 The Nonlinear Sigma Model: Large N

14.1 The CPI Formulation

14.2 CPU Models at Large N

14.3 Exercises

15 Quantum Antiferromagnets: Continuum Results

15.1 One Dimension, the e Term

15.2 One Dimension, Integer Spins

15.3 Two Dimensions

16 SU(N) Heisenberg Models

16.1 Ferromagnet, Schwinger Bosons

16.2 Antiferromagnet, Schwinger Bosons

16.3 Antiferromagnet, Constrained Fermions

16.4 The Generating Functional

16.5 The Hubbard-Stratonovich Transformation

16.6 Correlation Functions

17 The Large N Expansion

17.1 Fluctuations and Gauge Fields

17.2 1IN Expansion Diagrams

17.3 Sum Rules

17.3.1 Absence of Charge Fluctuations

17.3.2 On-Site Spin Fluctuations

17.4 Exercises

18 Schwinger Bosons Mean Field Theory

18.1 The Case of the Ferromagnet

18.1.1 One Dimension

18.1.2 Two Dimensions

18.2 The Case of the Antiferromagnet

18.2.1 Long-Range Antiferromagnetic Order

18.2.2 One Dimension

18.2.3 Two Dimensions

18.3 Exercises

19 The Semiclassical Theory of the Model

19.1 Schwinger Bosons and Slave Fermions

19.2 Spin-Hole Coherent States

19.3 The Classical Theory: Small Polarons

19.4 Polaron Dynamics and Spin Tunneling

19.5 The Model

19.5.1 Superconductivity?

19.6 Exercises

Ⅳ Mathematical Appendices

Appendix A

Second Quantization

A.1 Fock States

A.2 Normal Bilinear Operators

A.3 Noninteracting Hamiltonians

A.4 Exercises

Appendix B

Linear Response and Generating Functionals

B. 1 Spin Response Function

B.2 Fluctuations and Dissipation

B.3 The Generating Functional

Appendix C

Bose and Fermi Coherent States

C.1 Complex Integration

C.2 Grassmann Variables

C.3 Coherent States

C.4 Exercises

Appendix D

Coherent State Path Integrals

D.1 Constructing the Path Integral

D.2 Normal Bilinear Hamiltonians

D.3 Matsubara Representation

D.4 Matsubara Sums





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