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主要从事半导体光电子学及器件的理论研究和设计。迄今为止,已在J.Appl.Phys 和J.Opt.Soc .Am.B等SCI源期刊上发表论文40余篇。近期研究兴趣:


2) III族氮化物半导体基光电子器件的理论模拟和设计。

3) 低维半导体结构的量子调控。





[1] Electric field effects on optical properties in zinc-blende InGaN/GaN quantum dot

Congxin Xia, Zaiping Zeng, Shuyi Wei

Journal of Luminscence, 131(2011)623.

[2]Effects of laser field and electric field on impurity states in zinc-blende GaN/AlGaN quantum well

Congxin Xia, Yanping Zhu, Shuyi Wei

Physics Letters A 375 (2011) 2652

[3]Nonlinear Franz-Keldysh effect: two photon absorption in a semiconducting quantum well

Congxin Xia, H. N. Spector

Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27 (2010) 1571.

[4]Electron and impurity states in GaN/AlGaN coupled quantum dots: Effects of electric field and hydrostatic pressure

Congxin Xia, Zaiping Zeng, Shuyi Wei

Journal of Applied Physics 108 (2010) 054307.

[5]Shallow-donor impurity in zinc-blende InGaN/GaN asymmetric coupled quantum dots: effect of electric field

Congxin Xia, Zaiping Zeng, Shuyi Wei

Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 054305.

[6]Effects of applied electric field and hydrostatic pressure on donor impurity states in cylindrical GaN/AlN quantum dot

Congxin Xia, Zaiping Zeng, Shuyi Wei

Journal of Applied Physics 107(2010)014305

[7] Nonlinear Franz-Keldysh effect: two photon absorption in semiconducting quantum wires and quantum boxes

Congxin Xia, H. N.Spector

Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2009)124302/1-6.

(selected for the Vo1.21,No.1 of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)

[8] Franz-Keldy effect in the interband optical absorption of semiconducting nanostructures

Congxin Xia, H. N.Spector

Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2009) 084313.

[9] Barrier width dependence of the donor binding energy of hydrogenic impurity in wurtzite InGaN/GaN quantum dot

Congxin Xia, Zaiping Zeng, Shuyi Wei

Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2009) 094301.

[10]Electric field effect on the donor impurity states in zinc-blende symmetric InGaN/GaN coupled quantum dots

Congxin Xia, Zaiping Zeng, Shuyi Wei

Physics Letters A 374 (2009) 97.





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