词条 | 西方文化入门 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 山东人民出版社; 第1版 (2011年10月1日) 外文书名: Western Culture:An Introduction 丛书名: 临沂大学优秀校本教材 平装: 340页 正文语种: 英语, 简体中文 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787209058551, 7209058559 条形码: 9787209058551 尺寸: 25.8 x 18.2 x 2 cm 重量: 558 g 内容简介《西方文化入门》是遵循着西方文化现象出现的先后顺序来编纂的,这样学生在学到西方人文知识的同时,也对西方历史的发展有一个大体的了解。《西方文化入门》通过对古希腊文化、古罗马文化、基督教文化、中世纪文化和西方近现代文化的系统介绍,使学生了解西方文化史中的一些重大事件和重要人物,认识不同时代的时代精神和基本文化面貌,并且对西方文化各主要构成部分之间的动态关系、各自特色和相互联系有所了解,为全面提升学生们的文化素养奠定必要的知识基础。所以说,探索西方文化的意义不仅在于认识它的起源、内涵与特质,也不仅在于唤起一种文化忧患意识,而且在于培养一种公民意识、现代意识。 目录君子务本。本立而道生 ——《临沂大学优秀校本教材》总序 前言 Chapter 1 Greek Culture Introduction 1. History of Ancient Greece 1.1 Age of Aegean Civilization(c. 3000~1000BC) 1.2 Dark Age/Homeric Age/Heroic Age(1100~750BC) 1.3 Age of City-States 1.4 Classical Age(500~323BC) 1.5 Hellenistic Age(336~146BC) 2. Culture of Ancient Greece 2. 1 Greek Poetry 2.2 Greek Drama 2. 3 Historiography 2. 4 Greek Mythology 2. 5 Greek Philosophy 2. 6 Greek Arts and Architecture 2.7 Greek Science 2.8 Greek Religion 2.9 Olympics 3. Conclusion Chapter 2 Roman Culture Introduction 1. History of Rome l. 1 Founding of Rome 1.2 The Roman Republic(509~264BC) l. 3 Roman Empire(27BC~476AD) 1.4 Eastern Roman Empire(395~1453) 2. Roman Culture 2.1 Latin 2.2 Roman Law 2.3 Roman Literature 2.4 Art 3. Romans and Greeks 3.1 Greco-Roman Relations 3.2 Comparisons between the Ancient Greeks and Romans 4. Conclusion Chapter 3 Christian Culture Introduction 1. The Bible 2. The Old Testament 2. 1 The Pentateuch 2.2 Historical Books 2, 3 The Poetical Books 2.4 The Prophets 3. The New Testament 3.1 The New Testament 3. 2 Jesus Christ 3.3 Peter 3.4 Paul 4. Translation of The Bible 5. Catholic Church and Orthodox Church 5.1 Catholic Church 5.2 Orthodox Church 6. Conclusion Chapter 4 Medieval Culture Introduction 1. The Middle Ages 2. The Early Middle Ages(c. 350,-,-c. 1050) 2. 1 Breakdown o{ Roman Society 2.2 Church and Monasticism 2. 3 Carolingians 2.4 The Holy Roman Empire 3. The High Middle Ages(c. 1050——,c. 1300) 3.1 The Norman Conquest Chapter 5 Culture in the Renaissance Chapter 6 Culture in the 17th Century Chapter 7 Culture in the Enlightenment Chapter 8 Romanticis Chapter 9 Realism l~lmlograpny |
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