

词条 文颖强


文颖强,男,1974年10月生,陕西省户县人,讲师,在读博士。1997年7月毕业于西北农业大学园艺系果树学专业,获学士学位,同年留校工作。2003年1月获西北农林科技大学果树学专业硕士学位。2003年9月起在职攻读西北农林科技大学生物化学与分子生物学专业博士学位。2007年获首批“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”资助,赴美国马里兰大学生物技术研究所生物系统研究中心(The Center for Biosystems Research, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute)(该所从2010年6月合并到马里兰大学,更名为The Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research)从事三年植物抗病分子机理合作研究。中国园艺学会会员。










[1] Wenming Wang, Robert Berkey, Yingqiang Wen, and Shunyuan Xiao. Accurate and adequate spatiotemporal expression and localization of RPW8.2 is key to activation of resistance at the host-pathogen interface. 2010. Plant signaling & behavior, 5(8) (online abstract, publication will be August 2010)

[2] Wang, Wenming, Wen, Yingqiang, Berkey, Robert, and Xiao, Shunyuan. Specific targeting of RPW8.2 to the interfacial membrane encasing the fungal haustorium renders broad-spectrum resistance to powdery mildew in Arabidopsis. 2009. Plant Cell,21, 2898-2913(影响因子10.458)

[3] 文颖强,冯嘉玥,任小林. 热空气处理对延长梨枣果实冷藏保鲜期的机理研究. 2007, 农业工程学报, 23(12):24-29(EI收录)

[4] 文颖强,冯嘉玥,万春雁. ABT和CaCN2对葡萄插条萌芽生根及一些生理生化指标的影响. 中国农学通报, 2007,23(12):270-273.

[5] 文颖强,冯嘉玥,万春雁. 葡萄组织培养苗不同节位茎段的生长、生根以及多酚氧化酶和IAA氧化酶酶的活性. 植物生理学通讯2007,40(4):723-724.

[6] 文颖强,刘雅莉,王荣花,许勇泉. 6-BA 和 PP333 对郁金香切花的保鲜研究. 2005, 西北植物学报, 25(12):2535-2538.


[1] Wenming Wang, Yingqiang Wen, Shunyuan Xiao. Natural mutation-guided transgenic analysis reveals the critical sites in RPW8.2 for activation of cell death and resistance. April 3-4, 2009, Mid-Atlantic Section American Society of the Plant Biologists Annual Spring Meeting,

[2] Wenming Wang, Yingqiang Wen, Robert Berkley, Shunyuan Xiao. Specific Targeting of RPW8 to the Interfacial Membrane Encasing the Fungal Haustorium Renders Cost-Effective Broad-Spectrum Resistance. July 18-22, 2009, American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) and the Phycological Society of America (PSA), Hawaii.

[3] Yingqiang Wen, Wenming Wang, Jiayue Feng, Shunyuan Xiao. Basal Resistance Mechanisms Revealed by Golovinomyces cichoracearum UMSG1, A Poorly Adapted Powdery Mildew Pathogen in Arabidopsis. March 25-26, 2010, Mid-Atlantic Section American Society of the Plant Biologists Annual Spring Meeting.

[4] Wenming Wang, Yinqiang Wen, Robert Berkey, Xianfeng Ma, and Shunyuan Xiao. Functional Diversification between RPW8.1 and RPW8.2, Two Homologous Disease Resistance Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. March 25-26, 2010, Mid-Atlantic Section American Society of the Plant Biologists Annual Spring Meeting.

[5] Jiayue Feng, Yingqiang Wen, Wenming Wang, Robert Berkey, and Shunyuan Xiao. Functional Analyses of the Broad-Spectrum Resistance Protein RPW8.2 in Heterologous Genetic Backgrounds. March 25-26, 2010, Mid-Atlantic Section American Society of the Plant Biologists Annual Spring Meeting.





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