

词条 王体健

王体健,博士,教授,博导,南京大学环境科学研究所副所长,大气科学系大气物理教研室主任,中国环境科学学会大气环境分会理事,江苏省气象学会大化学分会主任,江苏省环境科学学会理事。1999-2006年期间先后到香港理工大学、瑞典哥德堡大学、瑞典环境科学研究院、美国爱荷华大学和英国曼砌斯特大学从事学术研究或访问。主要从事中小尺度大气环境模拟、大气化学与区域气候变化、大气沉降与土壤物质交换等方面的研究。已在国内外专业杂志上发表学术论文63篇,其中SCI 16篇;参与编写著作两部;独立主持面上基金等课题16项,参加973课题、国家科技攻关课题、重点基金、省部级课题和各类横向课题26项; 获各类奖项17项,其中包括美国START青年访问学者奖一次,电力部科技进步二等奖一次,江苏省科技进步二等奖一次,涂长望科技进步一等奖一次,“全国优秀青年气象工作者” 荣誉称号两次。


(1) Wang Tijian, Sun Zhaobo and Li Zongkai, A condensed gas-phase model and its application, Advance in Atmospheric Science, 16(4),607-618,1999.

(2) Wang Tijian, Jin Longshan, Li Zongkai and K.S. Lam, A modeling study of acid rain and recommended emission control strategies in China. Atmospheric Environment, 34(26), 4467-4477,2000.

(3) K.S. Lam, T.J.Wang, L.Y. Chan, T. Wang, J. Harris,Flow patterns influencing the seasonal behavior of surface ozone and carbon monoxide at a coastal site near Hong Kong,Atmospheric Environment, 2001, 35(18),3121-3135.

(4) T.J. Wang, Y. Zhang, M. Zhang, Z.Y. Hu, C.K. Xu, Y.W. Zhao. Atmospheric sulfur deposition and the sulfur nutrition of crops at an agricultural site in Jiangxi province of China, Tellus, 2003,55B, 893-900.

(5) T.J. Wang, J.Z Min, Y.F. Xu and K.S. Lam.Seasonal variations of anthropogenic sulphate aerosol and direct radiative forcing over China. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,2003,84(3-4),185-193.

(6) T.J. Wang, K.S. Lam, C.W. Tsang, S.C. Kot.On the variability and correlation of surface ozone and carbon monoxide observed in Hong Kong using trajectory and regression analyses, Advance of Atmosphere Science,2004,21(1),141-152.

(7) T.J. Wang, Z.Y. Hu, M. Xie, Y. Zhang, C.K. Xu, Z.H. Chao, Atmospheric sulfur deposition onto different ecosystems over China, Environmental Geochemistry and Health,2004,26(2),169-177.

(8) T.J. Wang, H.M. Yang, L.J. Gao, Y. Zhang, Z.Y. Hu, C.K. Xu, Atmospheric sulfur deposition on farmland in East China, Pedosphere,2005,15(1),120-128.

(9) K.S. Lam, T.J. Wang, C.L. Wu, Y.S. Li, Study on an Ozone Episode in Hot Season in Hong Kong and Transboundary Air Pollution over Pearl River Delta Region of China, Atmospheric Environment, 2005,39:1967-1977.

(10) T.J. WANG, K.S. LAM, M. XIE, X.M. WANG, G. CARMICHAEL, Y.S. Li, Integrated studies of a photochemical smog episode in Hong Kong and regional transport in the Pearl River Delta of China, Tellus, 2006,58B,31-40.





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