

词条 偷窃时间


英文名:Thief of Time作 者/Author:Terry Pratchett 著

出 版 社/Publisher:HarperCollins


出版时间/Publication Date:2007-10-30

页 数/Pages:384

装 帧/Format:平装

尺寸及重量/Dimensions & Weight:17.323 x 10.77 x 2.718 cm ; 0.186 kg


所属分类/Category:图书 > 英文原版书 > Literature & Fiction(文学与虚构类)

图书 > 英文原版书 > Mystery & Thrillers(神秘与惊悚)

定 价:¥62.90

京 东 价:¥33.50(54折)



虽然每个人都总是谈论减速了,一个年轻的horologist就要做些不可思议的事情。他将停止。嗯,停止“时间”,即通过建立了世界上第一个真正准确的时钟。这意味着贵和尚Lu-Tze历史和他的徒弟Ludd Lobsang不得不穿上一些速度前就先停止时钟。因为如果完美的时钟开始滴答响,如我们所知的时间- - - - - - - - - - - -将会结束。然后麻烦将“真正”的开始……


Everybody wants more time, which is why on Discworld only the experts can manage it -- the venerable Monks of History who store it and pump it from where it's wasted, like underwater (how much time does a codfish "really" need?), to places like cities, where busy denizens lament, "Oh where "does" the time go?"

While everyone always talks about slowing down, one young horologist is about to do the unthinkable. He's going to stop. Well, stop "time" that is, by building the world's first truly accurate clock. Which means esteemed History Monk Lu-Tze and his apprentice Lobsang Ludd have to put on some speed to stop the timepiece before it starts. For if the Perfect Clock starts ticking, Time -- as we know it -- will end. And then the trouble will "really" begin...






Sir Terry Pratchett is one of the world's most popular authors. his novels about the fantastical flat planet Discworld have sold more than 65 million copies, and in 2009 he was knighted for "services to literature."

Sir Terry's highly praised novels for children have won such honors as the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award, the Los Angeles Times Book prize for Young Adult Literature, a Printz Honor, and Britain's prestigious Carnegie Medal.

He lives in England with his wife and many cats.



成人/高School-In面对的最新一集“Discworld”系列(HarperCollins),审计师,灰色的实体和反感的生活,再次试图消灭人类。他们已委托一个玻璃钟可以阻止时间和冷冻里的宇宙的完美状态。死亡给他的孙女苏珊找时间的儿子,希望避免未来的启示。Lu-Tze,一个清洁工的山谷中,历史的僧侣,和他的徒弟Lobsang Ludd,也是一个使命,防止完成时钟。Discworld是新鲜的,并邀请一如既往。经典的主/学徒的东方哲学的关系(功夫电影形式的中心的小说。这是一个对那些喜欢幽默的幻想。有一个意外地出现在五骑马的启示,送牛奶的人罗尼浸泡。如何抵制这本书的读者是拯救了世界的可怕力量巧克力吗?



Here we go again! In the newest appealing installment of the Discworld series, Pratchett (The Truth) takes on religion, time and... kung-fu movies? The cast includes Death; Miss Susan, Death's granddaughter; Jeremy Clockson, a clockmaker; Lobsang, a novice monk; and Lu-Tze, a sweeper at the temple of the History Monks. When a mysterious lady asks Jeremy to make a clock that is perfectly timed (even to the last tick), trouble begins it seems that such a clock would have the power to stop time completely. There would be no yesterday, no tomorrow, no next minute; in fact, everything and everyone would stop in its tracks. It's up to Miss Susan, Lobsang and Lu-Tze to figure out who in the end has decided to build the dangerous clock and how to stop him before the world crashes to a halt. Along the way we learn Rule One: "Do not act incautiously when confronting a little bald wrinkly smiling man," which is a very good lesson to learn. We also find out that Lobsang has more in store for his future than to be an apprentice monk. The story includes a quick nod to James Bond flicks with Qu, the monk who supplies gadgets to Lu-Tze and Lobsang, and at the end of Time the four (no, make that five) horsemen of the Apocalypse get to ride out for a jaunt. You don't need to catch all the in-jokes to enjoy the fun. Agent, —— Ralph Vincinanza. 6-city author tour,Publishers Weekly

Adult/High School-In the latest installment of Pratchett's "Discworld" series (HarperCollins), the Auditors, gray entities with an antipathy for life, are again trying to wipe out humanity. They have commissioned a glass clock that will stop time and freeze the universe in a state of perfection. Death sends his granddaughter Susan to find Time's son and hopefully avert the coming apocalypse. Lu-Tze, a sweeper in the valley of the History Monks, and his apprentice, Lobsang Ludd, are also on a mission to prevent the completion of the clock. The Discworld is as fresh and inviting as ever. The classic master/apprentice relationship of Eastern philosophy (and kung fu) movies forms the centerpiece of the novel. This is a treat for anyone who likes humorous fantasy. There is a surprise appearance by the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse, milkman Ronnie Soak. And how can readers resist a book in which the world is saved by the awesome power of chocolate?

—— Susan Salpini, Fairfax County Public Schools, VA,School Library Journal






“嗯…呃…这是一个树,主人,'说Clodpool,还不很清醒。“记得吗?它是存在的yesterday. '

“没有yesterday. '


“我记得昨天,'说温家宝若有所思地说。“但是回忆是在我的脑海中了。昨天是真实的吗?或者只是记忆,是真的吗?真的,我昨天没有born. '







According to the First Scroll of Wen the Eternally Surprised, Wen stepped out of the cave where he had received enlightenment and into the dawning light of the first day of the rest of his life. He stared at the rising sun for some time, because he had never seen it before.

He prodded with a sandal the dozing form of Clodpool the apprentice, and said: 'I have seen. Now I understand.'

Then he stopped, and looked at the thing next to Clodpool.

'What is that amazing thing?' he said.

'Er... er... it's a tree, master,' said Clodpool, still not quite awake. 'Remember? It was there yesterday.'

'There was no yesterday.'

'Er... er... I think there was, master,' said Clodpool, struggling to his feet. 'Remember? We came up here and I cooked a meal, and had the rind off your sklang because you didn't want it.'

'I remember yesterday,' said Wen thoughtfully. 'But the memory is in my head now. Was yesterday real? Or is it only the memory that is real? Truly, yesterday I was not born.'

Clodpool's face became a mask of agonized incomprehension.

'Dear stupid Clodpool, I have learned everything,' said Wen. 'In the cup of the hand there is no past, no future. There is only now. There is no time but the present. We have a great deal to do.'

Clodpool hesitated. There was something new about his master. There was a glow in his eyes and, when he moved, there were strange silvery-blue lights in the air, like reflections from liquid mirrors.

'She has told me everything,' Wen went on. 'I know that time was made for men, not the other way round. I have learned how to shape it and bend it. I know how to make a moment last for ever, because it already has. And I can teach these skills even to you, Clodpool. I have heard the heartbeat of the universe. I know the answers to many questions. Ask me.'

The apprentice gave him a bleary look. It was too early in the morning for it to be early in the morning. That was the only thing that he currently knew for sure.





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