

词条 chariot


In preparation for the US led effort to build a lunar outpost, NASA has completed the first lunar truck prototype, named Chariot. Realizing the importance of crew and payload mobility on the lunar surface, the Exploration Technology Development Program's Human-Robotics Systems Project set out, in Apollo-like style, to build a lunar truck and the team that could shepherd future lunar truck efforts. With only one year to design, manufacture, and assemble Chariot, NASA, teamed with companies from all across America, conquered the challenge.

Chariot was operational and unveiled to the entire agency only eleven months after the beginning of the project. The vehicle is designed to meet the payload transport, range, terrain and speed specifications defined by NASA’s Lunar Architecture Team. Chariot will serve as a 1g-scaled system for technology evaluation and EVA/Ops field testing. It's design incorporates many of the lessons learned from the Apollo rovers, as well as trucks that we drive every day. However, the team also needed to challenge many basic assumptions about what a lunar truck might be - Should it have four wheels? Should people sit on seats? Should it have passive suspension? Should it steer like a car?

These challenges pressed the Chariot engineering team into the design and development of prototypes to answer these and other questions. The Lunar Architecture Team reviewed numerous design options, evaluating vehicle types and scales against mission requirements, launch limits and cost constraints. The Chariot was designed as a 1g (Earth) version of a Lunar Truck, able to work around a construction site like a utility vehicle. The system is sized to be able to carry a mixed suited crew, or combinations of crew and surface payloads such as tools, science equipment, and samples. Chariot’s chassis can be reconfigured to serve as an unpressurized lunar truck, with crew riding onboard in suits, or as a pressurized rover when it is outfitted with a small cabin. Pairs of Chariots can be used to extend crew surface ranges beyond walking distances, expanding the exploration horizon beyond the limits accepted by Apollo crews.

The development of Chariot and, more importantly, the lunar truck team has positioned America in an excellent position to develop a very robust and useful truck to be transported hundreds of thousands of miles away to become the workhorse of the lunar surface. The Chariot project positions NASA as a “smart buyer” of surface vehicles in advance of the System Requirement Review (SRR) and Preliminary Design Review (PDR) dates for Lunar Surface Systems.

Key Design Specifications

Chariot Spec Earth Prototype (1g) Lunar System (1/6g)

Payload 1000 kg 3000-6000 kg

Vehicle Mass 2000 kg 1000 kg

Top Speed 20 KPH 20 KPH

Slope Climbing 15 Deg 25 deg

Range 25 Km 100 Km




网络测试的方法和手段因测试的目的不同而有所不同。典型的网络设备测试的方法有2种:第一种是将设备放在一个仿真的网络环境中,通过分析该产品在网络中的行为对其进行测试;第二种方法是使用专用的网络测试设备对产品进行测试,如专用的性能分析仪器国外的SmartBits 2000、IXIA 1600,国内的信而泰生产的iTester 等。对于网络系统的布线测试、物理连通性的测试和故障监测也有专门的工具,这些工具是一些底层的网络测试和维护工具,如Fluke 公司的网络听诊器、网络一点通、企业级网络测试仪等等。而网络电缆测试仪、令牌环网测试仪、以太网测试仪还有光缆测试仪等等,都是在网络系统的实施部署和运行维护阶段采用的常用的测试工具。对于网络协议的一致性测试一般有专门的测试工具来支持,比如说对ISDN、ATM、ADSL、帧中继等的实现都有专门的测试仪。

对网络系统的测试也有相应的测试工具,最典型和最重要的就是网络协议分析仪。网络协议分析仪一般有专用的硬件设备和专门的软件。这类协议分析仪典型的功能是数据包的捕捉、协议的解码、统计分析和数据流量的产生。用协议分析仪我们可以捕捉网上的实际流量、提取流量的特征,据此对网络系统的流量进行模型化和特征化。此外,网络协议分析仪还可以主动地产生大量的数据包施加到网络上,分析网络的响应或对网络系统进行加重测试。目前典型的协议分析仪有HP 公司的Internet Advisor(网络专家系统)、WG 公司的Domino 系列协议分析仪等。另外还有一些纯软件的协议分析工具,有些甚至可以从网上免费下载。但这类协议分析软件无论在协议的解码能力、解码和数据分析的实时性以及数据流量的产生能力上与用专门硬件实现的协议分析仪相比仍有差距。

还有一些比协议分析仪更高层次的网络性能测试工具,站在应用层的角度使用一些基准流量对网络系统的性能进行分析,代表性的软件是Ganymede Software 公司的Chariot 软件......





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