

词条 谭文长




1997年,山东大学博士1997-1999年, 北京大学博士后

2002-2004年, 日本九州大学博士后





长期从事生物力学、非牛顿流体力学的研究工作,在血液流变学、细胞内钙信号传导、分数阶反常扩散、粘弹性流体力学、多孔介质内的热流等方面取得了一些有重要意义的研究成果, 相关工作被SCI论文他引500多次.


2000.1-2002.12,主持教育部高等学校骨干教师资助计划项目: 弯曲血管内脉动流的分叉现象及其对传质影响的理论和实验研究

2001.1-2003.12,主持国家自然科学基金项目(10002003): 复杂血管内流动的分叉现象及其对大分子传质的影响

2002.1-2003.12,主持北京大学生物医学跨学科中心项目: 单通道钙信号转导的实验和理论研究

2002.1-2004.12,主持中国石油天然气集团公司石油科技中青年创新基金开放课题: 粘弹性聚合物溶液微观驱油的数值模拟

2004.1-2006.12,主持国家自然科学基金项目(10372007): 心肌细胞内钙信号传导的动力学研究

2006.1-2008.12,主持国家自然科学基金项目(10572006): 粘弹性流体在多孔介质内对流的演化机制

2006.1-2008.12 主持教育部新世纪优秀人才计划基金项目: 广义Oldroyd-B流体在多孔介质内自然对流的数值模拟

2006.6-2009.6 主持教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目: Oldroyd-B流体在多孔介质内自然对流的非线性动力学研究

2007.1-2009.12 联合主持国家自然科学基金海外青年学者合作研究基金项目(40628001):区域盆地地下水年龄的空间分布---数值模拟与应用,(外方主持人:阿拉巴马大学郑春苗教授)

2007.1-2011.12 参加国家自然科学基金重点项目(10632010):动脉系统中的旋转流动现象-它对血小板运动、粘附和物质(LDL)输运的影响及其在临床中的应用。

2007.1-2011.12 参加973计划子课题(2006CB705803):CO2地下埋存的监测和前缘预测技术。

2009.1-2012.12 主持国家杰出青年基金(10825208):生物流体力学








1 . Malashetty M.S, Tan Wenchang, Mahantesh Swamy, The onset of double diffusive convection in a binary viscoelastic fluid saturated anisotropic porous layer. Physics of Fluids, 2009, 21, 084101

2. Zhang Zhiyong, Fu Ceji, Tan Wenchang#, Linear and nonlinear stability analyses of thermal convection for Oldroyd-B fluids in porous media heated from below. Physics of Fluids, 2008, 20, 084103

3. Fu Ceji, Zhang Zhiyong, Tan Wenchang#, Numerical simulation of thermal convection of a viscoelastic fluid in a porous square box heated from below. Physics of Fluids, 2007, 19, 104107

4. Zhang Zhiyong, Fu Ceji, Tan Wenchang#, Wang Cangyi, Onset of oscillatory convection in a porous cylinder saturated with a viscoelastic fluid, Physics of Fluids, 2007, 19, 098104

5. Tan Wenchang#, Takashi Masuoka, Stokes’ first problem for an Oldroyd-B fluid in a porous half-space. Physics of Fluids, 2005, 17,23101

6. Fu Ceji, Tan Wenchang, Near-field radiative heat transfer between two plane surfaces with one having a dielectric coating. J. Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2009, 110,1027

7. Liu, Yu, Hong Jinxing, Zhang Yan, Cui Rongli, Wang Jinyong, Tan Wenchang#, Li Yan#, Flexible orientation control of ultralong single-walled carbon nanotubes by gas flow. Nanotechnology, 2009, 20, 185601

8. Fu Ceji, Tan Wenchang, Semiconductor Thin Films Combined With Metallic Grating for Selective Improvement of Thermal Radiative Absorption/Emission, J. Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 2009,131 , 033105

9. Wang Shaowei, Tan Wenchang#, The onset of Darcy-Brinkman thermosolutal convection in a horizontal porous media, Physics Letters A,2009, 373: 776-780

10. Hong Jinxing, Wei Lan, Fu Ceji, Tan Wenchang#, Blood flow and macromolecular transport in complex blood vessels. J. Clin. Biomechanics, 2008, 23, S125-129

11. Wang Shaowei, Tan Wenchang#, Stability analysis of double-diffusive convection of Maxwell fluid in a porous medium heated from below. Physics Letters A, 2008, 372, 3046-3050

12. Xue Changfeng, Nie Junxiang, Tan Wenchang, An exact solution of start-up flow for the fractional generalized Burgers’ fluid in a porous half-space. Nonlinear Analysis A, 2008, 69, 2086-2094

13. Xue Changfeng, Tan Wenchang, The solutions of covariant derivative equations of cross section in associated bundles. Nonlinear Analysis A, 2008, 68, 3419-3427

14. Deng Jianxin, Wang Gang, Huang Qiaobing, Yan Yuan, Li Kaitao,Tan Wenchang, Jin Chunhua, Wang Yanru, Liu Jie, Oxidative Stress Induced Leaky Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Underlying Acute Heart Failure in Severe Burn Trauma. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2008, 44, 375-385

15. Jin Zhong, Chu Haibin, Wang Jinyong, Hong Jinxing, Tan Wenchang, Li Yan, Ultralow feeding gas flow guiding growth of large-scale horizontally aligned single-walled carbon nanotube arrays. Nano Letters, 2007, 7:2073-2079

16 .Tan Wenchang#, Fu Chaoqi, Fu Ceji, Xie Wenjun, Cheng Heping, An anomalous subdiffusion model for calcium spark in cardiac myocytes. Applied Physics Letters, 2007, 91, 183901

17. Tan Wenchang#, Takashi Masuoka, Stability Analysis of a Maxwell fluid in a porous medium heated from below. Physics Letter A. 2007,360 (3):454-460

18 Shen Fang,Tan Wenchang#, Zhao Yaohua, Masuoka Takashi, The Rayleigh Stokes problem for a heated generalized second grade fluid with fractional derivative model, Nonlinear Analysis B:Real World Applications, 2006, 7, 1072

19. Tan Wenchang, Velocity overshoot of start-up flow for a Maxwell fluid in a porous half-space. Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (11): 2644-2650

20. Wei Lan, Wen Gongbi, Tan Wenchang#, Blood flow and macromolecular transport in curved blood vessels. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2006, 27 (9): 1223-1231

21. Xu Mingyu,Tan Wenchang#, Intermediate processes and critical phenomena: Theory, method and progress of fractional operators and their applications to modern mechanics, Science in China (Series G), 2006,49: 257.

22. Tan Wenchang#, Takashi Masuoka, Stokes’ first problem for a second grade fluid in porous half-space with a heated plate. International J. Non-Linear Mech. 2005, 40, 515

23. Tan Wenchang#, Mingyu Xu, Unsteady flows of a generalized second grade fluid with the fractional derivative model between two parallel plates. ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 2004, 20 (5):471-476

24. Fang Shen, Tan Wenchang #, Yaohua Zhao, Takashi Masuoka, Decay of vortex and diffusion of temperature in a generalized second grade fluid. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2004, 25 (10): 1151-1159

25. Xie LD, Yang HJ, Zhang WG, Sun DG, Wen ZY, Tan Wenchang, Study of the microrheological characteristics of reticulocytes with Co-60 radiation. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2004, 31 (7): 666-670

26. Tan Wenchang #, Liu Shiqiang, Guo Jingjing,Wang Shiqiang, Cheng Heping & Masuoka T., New dynamic model for non-Fickian diffusion of calcium spark in cardiac myocytes. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(23): 2564-2567

27. Tan wenchang #, Wei lan, Zhao yaohua, Masuoka T, Bifurcation of flow and mass transport in a curved blood vessel. ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 2003, 19 (4): 315-319

28. Xu Mingyu, Tan Wenchang#, Representation of the constitutive equation of viscoelastic materials by the generalized fractional element networks and its generalized solutions. Science in China (Series G), 2003, 46(2):145-157

29.Tan Wenchang#, Pan Wenxiao, Xu Mingyu, A note on unsteady flows of a viscoelastic fluid with the fractional Maxwell model between two parallel plates. International J. Non-Linear Mech. 2003, 38 (5):645-650

30. Tan Wenchang#, Xu Mingyu, The impulsive motion of flat plate in a general second grade fluid. Mechanics Research Communication, 2002, 29(1):3-9

31. Tan Wenchang #, Xian Feng, Wei lan, An exact solution of unsteady Couette flow of generalized second grade fluid. Chinese Science bulletin, 2002, 47(21):1783-1785

32. Tan Wenchang #, Xu Mingyu, Plane surface suddenly set in motion in a viscoelasticfluid with fractional Maxwell model. ACTA Mechanica Sinica, 2002, 18(4):342-349

33. Xu Mingyu, Tan Wenchang #, Theoretical analysis of the velocity field, stress field and vortex sheet of a generalized second order fluid with fractional anomalous diffusion. Science in China (Series A), 2001, 44(11):1387~1399.

34. Tan Wenchang #, Wu Wangyi, Yan Zongyi, Wen Gongbi, Moving Boundary Problem for Diffusion Release of Drug from a Cylinder Polymeric Matrix. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2001, 22 (4): 331-337

35. Xu Mingyu, Tan Wenchang, The problem of fluid-dynamics in semicircular canal. Science in China (Series A), 2000, 43 (5):517-526

36. Wu Wangyi, Tan Wenchang #, Li Juan, Xie Wenjun, Theoretical study on the bifurcation of vortexes structure for flow in curved tube. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2000, 21 (12): 1345-1358

37. Tan Wenchang #, Wu Wangyi, Yan Zongyi, Wen Gongbi, Effect of the distributary of nasal eatuses on olfaction. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,1999 , 20 (12):1342-1349





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