

词条 水永安

1. 工作简历

1953,9-1964,1 北京大学物理系助教、讲师;中级物理实验室主任

1964,1-现在 南京大学声学研究所讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师;曾任超声研究室主任

1982,5-1983,5 美国Stanford大学Ginzton实验室访问科学家

1983,5-1983,12 美国Polytechnic Institute of New York微波研究所研究教授

1987,9-1988,7 法国巴黎六大邀请教授

1993,11-1994,4 美国Penn State University材料研究所访问教授

2. 研究方向


3. 研究成果

(1) 获奖:











(2) 发表文章:

1. Yongan Shui, Jimin Lin, Haodong Wu, Ning Wang and Hui Chen, "Optimization of single phase unidirectional transducers using three fingers per period", to be published on IEEE Trans. UFFC

2. Jiming Lin, Ning Wang, Hui Chen and Yongan Shui, " Fast, precise and full extraction of the COM parameters for multi-electrode-type gratings by periodic Green's function method", to be published on IEEE Trans. UFFC

3. 林基明,童 健,陈 慧,王 宁,水永安,"用周期格林函数方法全面提取COM模型参量",将发表于中国科学

4. Y. Shui, H. Wu, N. Wang and J. Lin, "A noval weighting method for low loss SAW wideband filters: Topological weighting", 2002 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc.

5. Q. Xue, Y. Shui and H. Wu, "A highly efficient 20 MHz peizo-composite transducer for nondestructive characterization of multiplayer plastics", 2002 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc.

6. 陈慧、王宁、林基明、吴浩东、水永安,"低损耗宽带声表滤波器",压电与声光,第24卷,第5期,第343-345页,2002

7. 水永安、王宁、林基明、吴浩东,"声表面波滤波器的拓朴加权",声学技术,第21卷,增刊,中国声学学会2002年全国声学学术会议,第275-276页,2002

8. 林基明、水永安、王宁、吴浩东,"用格林函数方法计算并优化EWC/SPUDT结构",声学技术,第21卷,增刊,中国声学学会2002年全国声学学术会议,第277-278页,2002

9. 吴浩东,水永安,"高频复合换能器",声学技术,第21卷,增刊,苏、鄂、川声学会2002开发中国西部声学学术交流会论文集,第47-48页,2002

10. 林基明、王宁、水永安,"漏表面波在周期栅格阵中的传播" ,第21卷,增刊,第49-51页,2002

11. J. Chen, W. Jiang and Y. Shui, "Observation of nonlinear acoustic effects at isotropic solid-solid interfaces", J. Acous. Soc. Am, vol. 109, No, 2, pp. 501-507, 2001

12. Y. Shui and D. Zhang, "The development of SAW for the mobile communication system in China", (Invited paper), International Symposium on Surface Acoustic wave Devices for Future Mobile Communication System, Chiba, Japan, 2001,March

13. Y. Shui, J. Lin, N. Wang and H. Chen, "Complete extraction of the COM parameters in a simple way", (Invited paper), XI International Sympoium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Linz, Austria, August, 2001

14. H. D. Wu, J. M. Lin, H. Gao, Q. Xue, Y. A. Shui, "The optimal structure of composite transducer for the wide bandwidth, high frequency and low lateral coupling", PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, Vol. 11 Supplement, 2001, S40-S44

15. J. M. Lin, H. D. Wu, H. Gao, Y. A. Shui, "Extraction of COM parameters for leaky SAW based on periodic Green's function", PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, Vol. 11 Supplement, 2001, S53-S57

16. 童健,林基明,陈慧,王宁,水永安,"漏波和高次谐波的耦合模式模型公式的严格推导",压电与声光,第23卷,第5期,第330-332页,2001

17. 吴浩东,水永安,"2-2 高频宽带复合换能器",声学技术,第20卷,增刊,161-163,2001 18. 林基明,陈慧,王宁,水永安,"用格林函数和谐波导纳提取COM参量",声学技术,第20卷,增刊,164-166,2001

19. H. Gao, J. Lin, H. Wu and Y. Shui,"A high efficiency distributed amplifier by using varying impedance", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 339-341, 2000 v

20. H. Wu, J .Lin, H. Gao, Y. Shui and Q. Xue,"Optimization of composite transducer designing in high frequency applications", IEEE Trans.-UFFC. Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 1610-1615, 2000

21. Y. Shui, "The modeling of piezocomposite material with 2-2 and 1-3 connectivity", 8th International Workshop on Modern Acoustics, A-8, 2000

22. J. Lin, H. Wu, H. Gao and Y. Shui, "Extraction of the parameters for coupling-of-mode model with periodic Green's function method", 8th International Workshop on Modern Acoustics, PA-7, 2000

23. 吴浩东,水永安,"高频压电复合换能器的设计",中国学术期刊文摘(科技快报),第6卷,第5期,第632-633页,2000年

24. 周益,水永安,"用二维格林函数分析静态电荷分布",压电与声光,第21卷,第6期,425-427,1999

25. Chen Jianjun, Jiang Wenhua and Shui Yongan, "Experimental studies of nonlinear reflection on isotropic solid interface", Chinese Journal of Acoustics, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 89-96, 1999

26. Wu Haodong, Gao Huai, Zhou Yi and Shui Yong-an, "Acoustic Excitation of Piezoelectric Composite Material", Acta, Physica Sinica(Overseas Edition) Vol. 8 Supplement August 1999, pp. S42-S47

27. Deng Mingxi, Lin Jingbo and Shui Yong'an, "Time domain self-reciprocity calibration of ultrasonic transducer", Acta, Physica Sinica(Overseas Edition) Vol. 8 Supplement August 1999, pp. S48-S52

28. Zhou Yi, Lin Jiming, Wu Haodong and Shui Yong'an, "Diffraction analysis in SAW device using Green function", Acta, Physica Sinica(Overseas Edition) Vol. 8 Supplement August 1999, pp. S154-S158

29. X. Li, W. Jiang , Y. Shui, "Coupled mode theory for nonlinear piezoelectric plate vibration", IEEE Trans. UFFC-45, pp. 800-805,1998 v

30. 高怀、水永安,"阶梯型变阻抗分布式放大器", 南京大学学报(自然科学)第34卷第4期,439-448页,1998年 v

31. 张朝、水永安、何世平、印建华,"动目标雷达的模拟相干补偿理论",南京大学学报(自然科学)第34卷第1期,64-70页, 1998年 v

32. 陈建军、姜文华、水永安,"各向同性固体界面非线性效应的实验研究",南京大学学报(自然科学)第34卷,第41-52页,1998

33. W. Jiang, J. Chen and Y. Shui, "Nonlinear reflection of acoustic waves at the dissipative isotropic solid-solid interfaces", Proc. 16th ICA, pp. 1727-1728, 1998"

34. Yi Zhou, Y. Shui, "Diffraction analysis in SAW device using Green function method", 7th International Workshop on Modern Ultrasonics, Nanjing, p. 63, 1998

35. Gao Huai, Lin Jiming, Shui Yongan, "Acoustoelectric attenuation in an ACT channel determined by transmission line technique", 7th International Workshop on Modern Ultrasonics, Nanjing, p. 64, 1998

36. H. D. Wu, Y. Shui, "Acoustic excitation of piezoelectric composite material", 7th International Workshop on Modern Ultrasonics, Nanjing, p. 22, 1998

37. M. X. Deng, J. B. Lin, Y. Shui, "Time domain self-reciprocity calibration of ultrasonic transducer", 7th International Workshop on Modern Ultrasonics, Nanjing, p. 33, 1998

38. 林基明、水永安,"色散换能宽带弹性卷积器设计",'98全国声学学术会议论文集, 第301-302页,1998年

39. 吴浩东、水永安,"压电复合材料的声激发问题", '98全国声学学术会议论文集, 第353-354页,1998年

40. Y. Shui and Q. Xue, "Dynamic Characteristics of 2-2 piezoelectric composite transducers", IEEE Trans. UFFC vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 1110-1119, 1997

41. C. Zhang, Y. Shui and J. Yin, "LiNbO3/p+n diode acoustic wave memory correlator", Science in China, Series E, vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 497-504, 1997

42. 陈建军、姜文华、水永安,"固-固界面的非线性效应",声学技术第16卷,第3期,第143-144页,1997年

43. X. J. Tong, D. Zhang, Y. A. Shui, "Investigation of surface leaky longitudinal acoustic wave on lithium niobate and quartz substrate", 97 IEEE inter'l Ultrasonics Symposium, p. 157.

44. X. He, Y. Shui, Y. Mao and W. Jiang, "A nonlinear interaction of two acoustic beams on the solid interface", Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 69, No. 5, pp. 614-616, 1996

45. D. Ding, Y. Shui, J. Lin and D. Zhang, "A simple calculation approach for the second harmonic sound field generated by an arbitrary axial-symmetric source", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Vol. 100, No. 2, pp.727-733, 1996

46. 水永安、薛强,"2-2结构压电复合材料的机电耦合系数研究",中国科学(E辑),第26卷,第4期,第304-310页,1996年

47. Y. Shui and Q. Xue, "Electromechanical coupling of 2-2 piezo-composite meterial", Science in China(Series E), Vol. 39, No. 5, pp.535-542, 1996

48. 水永安,"压电复合材料的理论模型",物理学进展,第16卷,第3,4期 ,第 353-362页,1996年

49. 姜文华,水永安,毛一葳,杜功焕,"有限振幅声波在固体中传播的非线性特性",物理学进展,第16卷,第3,4期,第353-362页,1996年

50. 水永安、薛强,"2-2结构压电复合材料的机电耦合系数研究",中国学术期刊文摘,第2卷,第9期,第120页,1996年

51. Y. Shui, X. He, Y. Mao and W. Jiang, "A nonlinear interaction of two acoustic beams on the solid interface", 14 th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, pp. 321-327, 1996

52. W. Jiang, S. Zhou and Y. Shui, "Observation on spatial deformation in wavefront of nonlinear longitudinal wave obliquely reflected from a free surface", 14-th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, pp. 298-303, 1996

53. 水永安,"超声阵列探头材料设计的最佳化"96超声应用国际讨论会邀请 报告 ,南京,1996

54. W. Jiang, X .Li, Y. Mao and Y. Shui, "Optical detection of the subharmonic vibration in piezoelectric resonators", Progress in Natural science, suplement to vol. 6, S-743, 1996

55. Y. Mao, Y. Shui and W. Jiang, "Application of laser probe to investigation of Lamb wave profile", Progress in Natural science, suplement to vol. 6, S-693, 1996

56. 陈建军、姜文华、水永安,"各向同性固体界面非线性反射的进一步研究",中国声学学会青年学术会议论文集,第64-67页,1996年

57. 毛一葳、姜文华、水永安,"激光探针检测兰姆波激发模式", 中国声学学会青年学术会议论文集,第64-67页,1996年

58. Y. Shui, X. Geng and Q. M. Zhang, "Theoretical modeling of resonant modes of composite ultrasonic transducers", IEEE Trans. UFFC, vol. 42, No. 4, pp.766-773(1995)

59. S. Zhou, W. Jiang and Y. Shui, "Nonlinear bulk acoustic waves in anisotropic solids: Propagation, generation and reflection", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 78, No. 1, p. 39-46(1995)

60. Y. Shui, Q. Xue, "Theoretical modeling of composite ultrasonic transducers", Annual Science Report, Supplement of Journal of Nanjing University, vol. 31, English Series 3, p.49-55(1995)

61. Y. Shui and Y. Lu, "A complex impedance model for SAW and LSAW propagation in periodic grating", 1995 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc. pp. 269-272

62. Y. Mao, Y. Shui, W. Jiang and J. Yin, "Switchable single mode Lamb wave transduction by means of both side excitation", 1995 IEEE Ultraconics Symposium Proc. pp.807-810

63. X. H. Li, W. H. Jiang and Y. Shui, "The harmonic generation in strong acoustic nonlinear materials", 1995 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 669-672

64. Y. Shui and Q. Xue, "The piezoelectric coupling of 2-2 composite transducers", 1995 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 929-932

65. C. Zhang, J. Yin, Q. Lin and Y. Shui, "Adaptive filter based on saw injection-locked oscillator", 1995 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 77-80

66. J. Yin. D. Zhang, P. Wu, J, Yu and Y. Shui, "Novel Architecture of harmonic filter", 1995 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 23-26

67. 水永安,"2-2结构压电复合材料的机电耦合系数研究",江苏声学学会成立十周年学术报告会特邀报告,1995

68. 水永安,薛强,"2-2结构压电复合材料的机电耦合系数研究",95年全国超声电子学会议论文集,第43-46页

69. 水永安,陆一宁,"漏表面波在栅格中传播的复阻抗模型",95年全国超声电子学会议 论文集,第39-42页

70. 范晓虹,水永安,印建华,"声电荷输运延迟线",95年全国超声电子学会议论文集,第72-77页

71. 毛一葳、水永安、姜文华,"叉指换能器激发兰姆波的实验研究"中国声学学会1995年青年学术会议论文集,第310页,1995

72. 印建华,申扣喜,水永安,蒋智亮,何世平,"一种新型声表面波--二极管卷积器",电子学报,第22卷,第11期,第13-16页,1994年

73. S. Zhou, W. Jiang and Y. Shui, "Nonlinear reflection of BAW's at an interface of isotropic solids", 1994 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 769-772

74. Y. Mao, Y. Shui, Y. Ni and M Deng, "Pure mode low loss Lamb wave transducer", 1994 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 687-690

75. W. Jiang, S. Zhou, X. Li and Y. Shui, "The second harmonic generation in piezoelectric resonators", 1994 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 969-972

76. Q. M. Zhang, Y. Shui, X. Geng, W. Cao and L. E. Cross, "1-3 piezoceramic-polymer composite as thickness resonance mode transducers", 1994 ONR (Office of Naval Research) Transducer Materials and Transducers Workshop

77. Q. M. Zhang, Y. Shui, W. Cao and L. E. Cross, "piezoceramic-polymer composite--seffects of the coupling between the constituent phases", 1994 ONR (Office of Naval Research) Transducer Materials and Transducers Workshop

78. 水永安,"声表面波研究的最新发展",1994年全国声学学术会议论文集第41-46页, 1994

79. Y. Shui, "A dynamic model of composite ultrasonic transducers", International Workshop on Modern Acoustics, p.58(1994)

80. X. Chen, Y. Li, W. Jiang and Y. Shui, "Modification to SAW properties of quartz by ZnO film", International Workshop on Modern Acoustics, p.59(1994)

81. J. H. Yin, W. Q. Wu and Y. Shui, "Bulk acoustic wave generation by interdigital transducer in piezoelectric/isotropic structure", International Workshop on Modern Acoustics, p.60(1994)

82. S. Zhou, W. Jiang and Y. Shui, "Nonlinear reflection of bulk acoustic waves at the free surface of an isotropic solid", International Workshop on Modern Acoustics, p. 25(1994)

83. 丁德胜,林清波,水永安,杜功焕,章德,"活塞式超声换能器声场的一种描述",声学学报,第十八卷 ,第二期,第249-255页,1993年

84. D. Ding, Q, Lin, Y. Shui, G, Du and D. Zhang, "An analytical description of ultrasonic field produced by circular piston transducer", Acta Acustica, vol. 18, No. 2, p. 249-255(1993)

85. D. Zhang, G. M. Crean, A .Shallow, T. Flaherty and Y. Shui, "Quasi-longitudinal wave mode waveguide sensing concentration of liquid solution", 1993 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 431-434

86. W. Li, J. Yin and Y. Shui, "Acoustoelectric nonlinear effect of vertically incident bulk wave at LiNbO3/Si boundary", Chinese Phys. Lett., vol. 10, No. 6, p. 369-370(1993)

87. D. Ding, Q, Lin, Y. Shui, G, Du and D. Zhang, "The enhancement of second harmonic generation in ultrasonic microscopic observation by triple transition", 1993 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 575-578

88. S .Zhou, Y. Shui, "Nonlinear reflection of bulk acoustic waves at an interface", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 72, No. 11, p. 5070-5080(1992), "Errata", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 78, No. 1, p. (1995)

89. J. H. Yin, K .X .Sun, Y .Shui, Z. L. Jiang and X. He, "Modified SAW diode convolver", Electronics Lett., vol. 28, No. 2, p. 172(1992)

90. H. Xu, G. Jiang, L. Mao, Y. Zhu, M. Qi, N. Ming, J. Yin and Y. Shui, "High frequency resonance in acoustic supperlattice of barium sodium niobate crystals", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 71, No. 5, p. 2480-2482(1992)

91. 何世平,水永安,洪海涛,张云生,"SAW集成化FH/DS扩频通信系统 ", 电信科学,第八卷,第三期,第14-19页,1992年

92. Y. Shui, Y. Ni, M. Deng, Y. Mao, S. Yin and C. Gan, "Low loss pure mode Lamb wave transducer", 14th ICA p. C8-2(1992)

93. Y. Shui, Y. Mao, S .Zhou, X. He and Y. Li, "Interface acoustic nonlinearity", 14th ICA p. A1-2(1992)

94. 水永安,"声电荷输运器件综述",全国通信电子对抗会议上报告, 1992年

95. 周盛青,水永安,"流体二维非线性问题",江苏省青年学术讲座会,第二期, 第145-151页,1992年

96. 水永安," 声电荷输运评述",压电与声光,第十四卷, 第五期,第40-49页, 1992年

97. Q. Xue and Y. Shui, "Analysis of leaky-surface-wave propagating under periodic metal grating", IEEE Trans. UFFC vol. 37, No. 1, p.13-25(1990)

98. J. Yin, Y. Shui, D .Zhang, J. Yu and P. Wu, "Simple method for calculating optimum cut of piezoelectric material with small BAW generation by idt", Electronics Lett., vol. 26, No .15, p. 1175-1176(1990)

99. Y. Shui, D. Mazarolle, Y. Mao and X. He, "Elastic convolution effect on the solid interface", 1990 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 1263-1266

100. 水永安,"通信中声表面波技术的应用和发展",电子学会数字通信学术会议上特邀报告,1990年

101. S. Zhou, Y. Shui and Y. Mao, "A new method of the third order stiffness measurement", International Workshop on Physical Acoustics, p.42 (1990)

102. Y. Shui, D. Mazarolle, Y. Mao and X. He, "Elastic convolution effect on the solid interface", International Workshop on Physical Acoustics, p.41 (1990)

103. J. Yin, Y. Shui and W Jiang, "The generation of bulk acoustic waves by interdigital transducer", Chinese Phys. Lett., vol. 6, No. 10, p. 461-463(1989)

104. Y. Mao, Y. Shui, W. Jiang, Z. Lu and W. Wu, "Second harmonic generation of interface waves", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 55, No. 23, p.2394-2395(1989)

105. Y. Shui and I. Yu. Solodov, "Nonlinear properties of Rayleigh and Stoneley waves in solids", J. Appl. Phys. vol. 64, No. 11, p. 6155-6165(1988)

106. Y. Zhu, N .Ming, W. Jiang, and Y. Shui, "High frequency resonance in acoustic supperlattice of LiNbO3 crystals", Appl. Phys. Lett.., vol. 53, p. 2278-2280(1988)

107. Y. Zhu, N .Ming, W. Jiang, and Y. Shui, "Acoustic supperlattice of LiNbO3 crystals and its application to bulk wave transducers for ultrasonic up to 800 Mhz", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 53, No. 15, p. 1381-1383(1988)

108. D. Royer, E. Dieulesaint, X. Jia and Y. Shui, "Optical generation and detection of surface acoustic wave on a sphere", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 52, No. 9, p. 706-708(1988)

109. 章德,水永安,吴文虬,"无调谐低插入损失表面漏波滤波器",声学学报,第十三卷,第一期,第14-19页,1988年

110. Y. Mao, Y. Shui, W. Jiang, Z. Lu and W. Wu, "Experimental investigation on the second harmonics generation of acoustic bulk wave reflection", Third Western Pacific Regional Acoustic Conference, p. 45(1988)

111. 水永安,吴文虬,"表面声波器件的回顾与展望",声学技术,第七卷, 第二期, 第8-10页,1988年

112. Y. Shui, D. Royer, E. Dieulesaint and S. Sun, "Resonance of surface waves on spheres", 1988 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 343-346

113. D. Royer, Y. Shui, X. Jia and E. Dieulesaint, "Surface wave on spheres", Third Western Pacific Regional Acoustic Conference, p. 235-238(1988)

114. Y. Shui, Y. Mao, W. Jiang, W. Wu and I. Yu. Solodov, "The second harmonics generation of bulk acoustic wave reflection", 1987 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 429-430

115. J. H. Yin, W. Q. Wu, D. Zhang and Y. Shui, "Temperature characteristics in SiO2/128o Y-X LiNbO3 structure", 1987 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 237-240

116. Y. Shui and I. Yu. Solodov, "The acoustic nonlinearity of the solid interface, Proc. China-Japan Joint Conference on Ultrasonics, p. 191-194(1987)

117. D. Zhang, Y. Shui, Z. Jiang, J. Yu and W. Wu, "Sidelobe suppression of untuned low insersion loss filters", Proc. China-Japan Joint Conference on Ultrasonics, p. 295-298(1987)

118. 水永安,"复合材料换能器在超声领域占有显著地位",国际学术动态,第三期,第3537页, 1987年

119. Q. Xue, Y. Shui and D. Zhang, "Acoustic surface leaky wave propagation under periodic metal grating", Chinese Physics Lett., vol. 1, No. 6 p. 273-276(1986)

120. D. Zhang and Y. Shui, "The study of modified MSC reflectors", 12th ICA, vol. II G1-2(1986)

121. Q. Xue, Y. Shui and D. Zhang, "Acoustic surface leaky wave propagation under periodic metal grating", Proc. International Symposium on surface wave in solids and layered structures, vol. I, p. 239-242(1986)

122. Y. Shui and I. Yu. Solodov, "Second harmonics and finite amplitude SAW in isotropic solids", Proc. International Symposium on surface wave in solids and layered structures, vol. I, p. 159-162(1986)

123. Y. Shui and I. Yu. Solodov, "Nonlinear Stoneley waves in isotropic solids", 1986 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 1089-1092

124. D. Zhang, Y. Shui and W Wu, "Untuned low insertion loss surface leaky wave filters", Electronics Lett., vol. 21, No. 13, p. 559-560(1985)

125. Y. Shui and I. Yu. Solodov, "Nonlinear reflection of bulk acoustic waves in solids", Second Western Pacific Regional Acoustic Conference, p. 188-192(1985)

126. Y. Shui and J. Huang, "The discussion on elastic wave in the periodic composite and the acoustic impedance of composite", Proc. of Acoustic NDE Workshop, N-1-N12(1985)

127. D. Zhang Y. Shui and W. Wu, "Single phase low loss leaky wave filters without tuning", Second Western Pacific Regional Acoustic Conference, p. 465-469 (1985)

128. Q. Xue, Y. Shui and D. Zhang, "Acoustic surface leaky wave propagation under periodic metal grating", Second Western Pacific Regional Acoustic Conference, p. 182-187(1985)

129. T. R. Gururaja, W .A. Schulze, L. E. Cross, B. A. Auld, Y. Shui and Y. Wang, "Resonant modes of vibration in piezoelectric PZT-polymer composites with two dimensional periodicity", Ferroelectrics, vol. 54, p.183-186(1984)

130. B. A. Auld, Y. Shui and Y. Wang, "Elastic wave propagation in the three dimensional periodical composite materials", J. de Physique, vol. 45, p. C5-159-163(1984)

131. 章德,水永安,姜文华,刘燕,"低插损微小型表面漏波谐振波器",声学学报,第九卷,第三期,第145-152页,1984年

132. D. Zhang, Y. Shui, W. Jiang and Y. Liu, "A surface leaky wave resonator with low loss and small dimension", Chinese J. Acoustics, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 144-151(1994)

133. 水永安,姜文华,郁炯,章德,"叉指换能器的抽指加权",声学学报,第九卷,第四期,第249-257页,1984年

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135. B .T. Khuri-Yakub, Y. Shui and D .B. Marshall, "Evaluation of surface machining damage in structural ceramics", Proc. Application and development of NDE for use in materials processing, American Society of Metal, p. 203(1984)

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138. P. Qiu ,Y. Shui and R. Wei, "Quadraphase unidirectional surface acoustic wave interdigital transducer", Chinese Physics, vol. 3, p.729(1983)

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141. B. A. Auld, H. A. Kunkel, Y. Shui and Y. Wang, "Dynamic behavior of periodic piezoelectric composite", 1983 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 554-558

142. B. A. Auld, Y. Shui and Y. Wang, "Elastic wave propagation in three-dimensional periodical composite material", International Conference on dynamics of interfaces(1983)

143. Y. Shui, B. A. Auld, "Switchable surface transducer on an electrictive substrate", Invention disclosure Stanford University, p. S83(1983)

144. D. Zhang, Y. Shui and W. Jiang, "A STW resonator with low loss and small dimension", 11th International Conference on Acoustics, vol. 20, p. 1-4,(1983)

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146. S. Zhang, S. Fang and Y. Shui, "Generation characteristics of SAW in excited interdigital transducers", Chinese Physics, vol. 1, p. 750(1982)

147. P. Qiu, Y. Shui, D. Zhang ,W. Jiang and W. Wu, "Wideband low loss surface acoustic wave filters", 1982 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 222-226

148. D. Zhang, Y. Shui and W. Jiang, "Surface quasi-transverse wave resonator on rotated Y cut lithium niobate", 1982 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc., p. 53-56

149. 水永安,"信号处理用声表面波器件研究的当前进展",无线电通信,第一卷, 第17-30页, 1982年

150. 章德,吴文虬,水永安,姜文华,"相位干涉法测量表面声波速度的相对变化",声学学报,第六卷,第四期,第242-248页, 1981年

151. 张淑仪,方松如,水永安,"叉指换能器激发表面声波的生长特性",声学学报,第五卷,第四期,第258-269页,1980年

152. 水永安,姜文华,吴文虬,杨道淳,"127.86oY旋转X传播铌酸锂上声表面波的衍射效应",南大学报(物理学专刊)第1-12页,1980年

153. S. Zhang, W. Jiang and Y. Shui, "Acoustic modes of 127.86o rotated Y-cut lithium niobate excited by interdigital transducers", 10th International Conference of Acoustics, Australia(1980)

154. Y. Shui, W. Jiang, D. Zhang and W. Wu,"Suppression of reflection coefficient sidelobe of SAW reflective arrays by means of withdrawal weighting", 1980 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proc.,p. 326-329

155. D. Zhang, Y. Shui, W. Wu and W. Jiang, "Measurement of relative change of surface acoustic wave velocity by interference method", 10th International Congress of Acoustics, Australia(1980)

156. 水永安,"周期叉指阵中指间多次反射问题",南大学报(自然科学版), 第二期,第39-47页, 1979年

157. S. Zhang, S. Fang and Y. Shui, "Generation characteristics of surface acoustic wave in the excited interdigital transducers", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. vol. 65, Suppl. No. 1, S47(1979)

158. Y. Shui, "The interelectrode multi-reflection effect of surface acoustic wave", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. vol. 65, Suppl. No. 1, S47(1979)

159. 水永安,方松如,王耀俊,"声表面波器件的二阶效应",第一届声表面波会议论文集,第512-554页,1978年

160. 水永安,"声表面波平面谐振器中反射阵的反射特性",第一届声表面波会议论文集,第56-68页,1978年

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162. 水永安,姜文华,吴宗森,"小角度散射法测滴谱",南大学报(自然科学) 第九卷,第三期,第302-308页,1965年

163. 杜功焕,水永安,"MgSO4水溶液低频超声弛豫吸收的水化机构",南大学报(自然科学)第八卷,第二期,第266-273页,1964年





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