

词条 水信息采集与处理


出版社: 中国水利水电出版社; 第1版 (2011年1月1日)

外文书名: Collection of Water Information and Data Processing

丛书名: 普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材

平装: 236页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 9787508483351, 7508483359

条形码: 9787508483351

尺寸: 26.2 x 18.2 x 1.4 cm

重量: 358 g






Chapter 1 Hydrometric Stations

1.1 Hydrometric network design

1.1.1 Purpose of network design and classification of network

1.1.2 Principles for designing a base network

1.1.3 Hydrometric networks in some countries

1.2 Selection and reconnaissance of river reaches for hydrometric stations

1.2.1 Contr01 0f hydrometric stations

1.2.2 Selection of stream gauging reaches

1.2.3 Survey for the stream-gauging reaches

1 3 Establishment of hydrometric stations

1.3.1 Procedures of establishing gauging stations and stream gauging stations

1.3.2 Establishment of the cross section and the base line

Chapter 2 Water Level

2.1 0utline

2.1.1 The base level

2.1.2 Water level Or stage

2.2 Instruments for observing stages

2.2.1 Different types of gauges

2.2.2 Automatic recording systems

2.2.3 Stilling well

2.2.4 Accuracy of water level measurements

2.2.5 Presentation of results of water level measurements

2.2.6 International Standards

2.3 Processing of stage records

2.3.1 Checking the datum level and zero point of the gauge

2.3.2 Computation of mean daily stage

2.3.3 Interpolation of stage records

2.3.4 Plotting stage hydrographs

2.3.5 Making average daily hydrograph tables

2.3.6 Selection of stages for various durations

2.3.7 Inspecting the rationality of stage data

3. 1 Introduction

3.1.1 Purpose

3.1.2 Different methods of discharge measurements

3, 2 Measurement of cross Section

3.2.1 Introduction

3.2.2 Measurement of depth

3.2.3 Position of verticals

3.2.4 Data processing and computation

3.2.5 International standards

3.3 Velocity of flow

3.3.1 Pulsation of the velocity

3.3.2 Velocity distribution

3.3.3 Current meter

3.4 Current meter measurement and discharge computation

3.4.1 Theory

3.4.2 Arrangement of verticals and points for velocity measurement

3.4.3 Duration of measurement

3.4.4 Computation of discharge

3.5 Measurement of discharge by float method

3.5.1 Principle and method of measuring stream flow by a float

3.5.2 Float coefficient

3.5.3 Computation of discharge for surface float method

3.5.4 Computation of discharge from mean velocity by float method

3.5.5 Example of a subsurface float

3.6 Other methods of flow measurement

3.6.1 Dilution (tracer) method of flow measurement

3.6.2 Flow measuring structures

3.6.3 Measurement of discharge by ultrasonic wave method

3.6.4 Electromagnetic method

3.6.5 Flow measurement in hydroelectric station

3.6.6 Limited number of verticals (the h3/2 method)

3.6.7 Moving boat method

3.6.8 Slope area method

3.6.9 The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. ADCP

3.6.10 Remarks

3.7 Errors in measurement and computation of discharge

3.7.1 Errors in measuring discharge

3.7.2 Computational error of discharge

3.7.3 Analysis and estimation of the composite error

3.7.4 Error due to reduction

3.7.5 Accuracy of discharge measurements by velocity——area methods

3.7.6 Selection of methods

Chapter 3 Discharge Measurement

Chapter 4 Compilation of Stream Flow Data

Chapter 5 Sediment Observation and Sediment Data Compilation

Chapter 6 Groundwater Monitoring

Chapter 7 Collection of Water Quality Information








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