词条 | 水果蛋炒饭 |
释义 | 中文介绍水果蛋炒饭的原料: 苹果1/2、香蕉1/3、圣女果2个、美颜小黄瓜半根、蛋1个、剩饭1碗(以上原料是一人量,水果可以是自己喜欢的任何水果)油、生抽、胡椒粉、凉开水、鸡精做法: 所有水果均切成半厘米见方的小丁,鸡蛋打散,蛋液中加点胡椒粉和1茶匙凉开水(这样炒出的蛋块比较松嫩)。 锅内热油,8成热时,倒下打匀的蛋液,一边用长筷子或锅铲把蛋液按顺时针迅速划散。盛起蛋块。 热锅中重新倒入油,8成热时,下剩饭炒(剩饭下锅前要把米粒尽量松开,不能有饭团)。 下苹果和黄瓜丁。(硬的水果先放) 下圣水果、香蕉丁翻炒。(质感软的水果后放) 加生抽、鸡精调味即可。(水果蛋炒饭不加盐) 英文解说Fruit Fried Rice materials: Apple 1 / 2 banana 1 / 3, 2 cherry tomatoes, cucumber half a beauty, egg 1, leftovers 1 cup (more than one person is the amount of raw materials, fruit can be any fruit you like) oil, raw sauce, pepper, cold water, chicken Practices: All fruits are cut into half a centimeter square Ding, beat the egg, add a little pepper in the egg and 1 teaspoon of cold water (this comparison Songnen Stir the egg block). Pot heat oil, 8 into the heat, Beat the egg down, while with long chopsticks or spatula to quickly draw a clockwise egg powder. Dish egg block. Pour the oil in the wok again and 8 into a hot, fry the next leftovers (leftovers make rice pot as possible before the release, can not have rice balls.) D under the apple and cucumber. (Hard fruit first place) Under the San fruit, bananas D stir fry. (The soft texture of the fruit after the release) Add soy sauce, chicken seasoning. (Fruit fried rice without salt) |
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