

词条 数据结构与程序设计:C++语言描述


出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2001年5月1日)

外文书名: Data Structures and Program Design in C++

平装: 717页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 9787040100396

条形码: 9787040100396

尺寸: 23.1 x 18.3 x 1.5 cm

重量: 980 g


编者:(美国)克鲁斯 (Robert L.Kruse) Alexander J.Ryba


《数据结构与程序设计:C++语言描述(影印版)》内容简介:Data Structures and Program Design in C++Objccl-oricntcd programming and powerful features of C++ enable this carefully crafted text to build data struc-tures from basic ideas into complete,fully developed programs and interesting applications. In the process, the textexplores problem solving and programming principles, data abstraction, recursion, and the comparative analysis ofalgorithms as fundamentals tools of software design.Employing substantial case studies, reusable software devele pment, and programming projects to increaseundcrstanding, successful authors Robert L. Kruse and Alexander .J. Ryba include topics such as:

C++ tcmplates are introduced early; code for data structures is developed as templated classes in fully reus-able form,the Standard Template Library(STL) is mentioned as appropriate.

Rccursion is treated early and applied throughout the text.

Data abstraction and abstract data types(ADTs) are emphasized, with conceptual development separatedfrom implementation issues.Advanced strnctures and algorithms are developed into complete programs, including splay trees. B-trees,red-black trees and graph algorithms such as minima spanning trees.I)ata Structures and Program Design in C++ will prove useful to both computer science students and professionals,The authors supply all code in this book on the Web. and. as well. they provide an excellent instructor supportpackage that includes an Instructor's Resource Manual with transparency masters, solutions, and source code to allof the programming examples and projects in the text.




Course Structure

Supplementary Materials

Book Production


1.Programming Principles

1.1 Introduction

1.2 The Game of Life

1.2.1 Rules for the Game of Life

1.2.2 Examples

1.2.3 The Solution: Classes, Objects,and Methods

1.2.4 Life: The Main Program

1.3 Programming Style

1.3.1 Names

1.3.2 Documentation and Format

1.3.3 Refinement and Modularity

1.4 Coding, Testing,and Further Refinement

1.4.1 Stubs

1.4.2 Definition of the Class Life

1.4.3 Counting Neighbors

1.4.4 Updating the Grid

1.4.5 Input and Output

1.4.6 Drivers

1.4.7 Program Tracing

1.4.8 Principles of Program Testing

1.5 Program Maintenance

1.5.1 Program Evaluation

1.5.2 Review of the Life Program

1.5.3 Program Revision and Redevelopment

1.6 Conclusions and Preview

1.6.1 Software Engineering

1.6.2 Problem Analysis

1.6.3 Requirements Specification

1.6.4 Coding

Pointers and Pitfalls

Review Questions

References for Further Study


Programming Principles

The Game of Life

Software Engineering

2.Introduction to Stacks

2.1 Stack Specifications

2.1.1 Lists and Arrays

2.1.2 Stacks

2.1.3 First Example: Reversing a List

2.1.4 Information Hiding

2.1.5 The Standard Template Library

2.2 Implementation of Stacks

2.2.1 Specification of Methods for Stacks

2.2.2 The Class Specification

2.2.3 Pushing, Popping,and Other Methods

2.2.4 Encapsulation

2.3 Application: A Desk Calculator

2.4 Application: Bracket Matching

2.5 Abstract Data Types and Their Implementations

2.5.1 Introduction

2.5.2 General Definitions

2.5.3 Refinement of Data Specification

Pointers and Pitfalls

Review Questions

References for Further Study


3.1 Definitions

3.1.1 Queue Operations

3.1.2 Extended Queue Operations

3.2 Implementations of Queues

3.3 Circular Implementation of Queues in C++

3.4 Demonstration and Testing

3.5 Application of Queues: Simulation

3.5.1 Introduction

3.5.2 Simulation of an Airport

3.5.3 Random Numbers

3.5.4 The Runway Class Specification

3.5.5 The Plane Class Specification

3.5.6 Functions and Methods of the Simulation

3.5.7 Sample Results

Pointers and Pitfalls

Review Questions

References for Further Study

4.Linked Stacks and Queues

4.1 Pointers and Linked Structures

4.1.1 Introduction and Survey

4.1.2 Pointers and Dynamic Memory in C++

4.1.3 The Basics of Linked Structures

4.2 Linked Stacks

4.3 Linked Stacks with Safeguards

4.3.1 The Destructor

4.3.2 Overloading the Assignment Operator

4.3.3 The Copy Constructor

4.3.4 The Modified Linked-Stack Specification

4.4 Linked Queues

4.4.1 Basic Declarations

4.4.2 Extended Linked Queues

4.5 Application: Polynomial Arithmetic

4.5.1 Purpose of the Project

4.5.2 The Main Program

4.5.3 The Polynomial Data Structure

4.5.4 Reading and Writing Polynomials

4.5.5 Addition of Polynomials

4.5.6 Completing the Project

4.6 Abstract Data Types and Their Implementations

Pointers and Pitfalls

Review Questions


5.1 Introduction to Recursion

5.1.1 Stack Frames for Subprograms

5.1.2 Tree of Subprogram Calls

5.1.3 Factorials:

A Recursive Definition

5.1.4 Divide and Conquer:The Towers of Hanoi

5.2 Principles of Recursion

5.2.1 Designing Recursive Algorithms

5.2.2 How Recursion Works

5.2.3 Tail Recursion

5.2.4 When Not to Use Recursion

5.2.5 Guidelines and Conclusions


6 Lists and Srings

7 Searching

8 Sorting

9 Tables and Information rRtrieval

10 Binary Trees

11 Multiway Trees

12 Graphs

13 Case Study:The Polish Notation

A Mathematical Methods

B Random Numbers

C Packages and Utility Functions

D Programming Precepts,Pointers,and Pitfalls






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