

词条 兽人氏族


战歌氏族(Warsong clan)

现任酋长:加尔鲁什·地狱咆哮(Garrosh Hellscream)(代理部落大酋长, start from 毁灭与重生)

前任酋长:格罗姆·地狱咆哮(Grom Hellscream)(死亡)

The Warsong clan is an orcish clan, formerly led by Grom Hellscream and now led by his headstrong son Garrosh Hellscream. The clan's Warsong Outriders form the Horde faction in the Warsong Gulch battleground — where they are attempting to defend their logging operations in Ashenvale from the Silverwing Sentinels, a group of night elves unwilling to have their forest continue to be cut down. Additionally, the Warsong Offensive spearheads the Horde's assault against the Scourge in Northrend.

霜狼氏族(Frostwolf Clan)(拒绝血咒)

现任酋长:索尔(Thrall)(部落大酋长, 大灾变之后忙于修复地深之源裂缝, 杜洛坦之子)


主要成员:主母吉雅(Greatmother Geyah), 德雷克塔尔(Drek'Thar)

The Frostwolf clan (otherwise known as Frost Wolf clan) was one of the original orc clans from the planet of Draenor, and one of very few clans not to partake of the Blood of Mannoroth which corrupted the other clans. Today, the Frostwolf clan hopes to retake Alterac Valley from the relic seeking Stormpike Guard dwarves.

黑石氏族(Blackrock clan)(前部落主要氏族)

现任酋长:Rend Blackhand

前任酋长:奥格林.末日锤(Orgrim Doomhammer)(二次战争时期部落大酋长, 死亡),

Blackhand the Destroyer(一次战争时期部落大酋长, 死亡)

主要成员:Telkar Doomhammer(Orgrim 之父, 死亡)

The Blackrock clan led the charge during the First War and Second War. During that time period, it was one of the largest and most feared of the orc clans. During the Third War a faction of the clan tried to summon demons, while another group is still fighting the Alliance and is known as the Dark Horde.

影月氏族(Shadowmoon clan)

领导者:伊利丹(Illidan Stormrage)

前任酋长:耐奥祖(Elder Shaman Ner'zhul)

Clan color:Black


The Shadowmoon clan, also known as Shadow Moon clan, was led by the orc shaman Ner'zhul, and was the most powerful clan on Draenor prior to the world's destruction. Named for the Shadowmoon Valley in which it was based, the clan was very heavily influenced by shamanistic traditions, like all orcish clans at that time. Although the Shadowmoon clan practiced traditional orc shamanism, their leader, Ner'zhul practiced a much darker version of shamanism, that was heavily influenced by Warlock magic, a result of Ner'zhul's trafficking with Kil'jaeden, a demon of immense power.

龙喉氏族(Dragonmaw clan)


前任酋长:大酋长莫格(Warchief Mor'ghor)(魔狱兽人,大灾变之后于暮光高地被杀),

Zuluhed(萨满, 术士(腐化后), 被腐化,但没变成魔狱兽人,于外域被玩家杀死)

血之谷氏族(Bleeding Hollow clan)

现任酋长:乔林·亡眼(Jorin Deadeye)

前任酋长:Kilrogg Deadeye(死亡)

主要成员:科伊瑞斯(Kilrath), Pargath Throatsplitter(下落不明)

破碎之手氏族(Shattered Hand clan)

于奥格玛的成员:盖斯特(Gest)(于奥格玛任盗贼训练师), 奥莫克(Ormok)(于奥格玛任盗贼训练师)

The Shattered Hand clan was named for the practice of self-mutilation that every grunt in the clan must perform. Led by Kargath Bladefist, the Shattered Hand remained on Draenor while the majority of the orcishclans, led by Blackhand, traveled through the Dark Portal into Azeroth. Upon the return of the Bleeding Hollow clan from Azeroth, Kargath volunteered his clan to make war against the humans. When Draenor was destroyed, a part of his clan was stranded along with the 血之谷(Bleeding Hollow) and 战歌(Warsong) clan.

The Shattered Hand in the New Horde

The members of the Shattered Hand that remained in Azeroth became an integral part of Thrall's New Horde. With the foundation of Durotar, and the Horde capital of Orgrimmar, the Shattered Hand has become the Horde's guild of assassins, training new rogues in the service of their Warchief. However, as with most rogues, the extent of their loyalty is unknown; one member, Zando'zan, states that he has foreseen the death of Thrall, but whether this is just a premonition he had of the Warchief's demise or that he or the Shattered Hand in Orgrimmar plans to kill Thrall remains a mystery. However Wrenix the Wretched, Zando'zan's contact, does point out that he's not quite sane and that his words perhaps should not be taken seriously.

破碎之手氏族(Shattered Hand clan)(魔狱兽人Fel Orcs)

领导者:卡加斯·刃拳(Kargath Bladefist)

Fel Orcs of the Shattered Hand

Unbeknown to any until now, Kargath Bladefist was approached by the Pit Lord Magtheridon, the Lord of Outland. He consumed the pit lord's blood and became a fel orc. Now presumably in the service of the current Lord of Outland, Illidan Stormrage (Magtheridon had been deposed sometime after his return), Kargath is the self-declared Warchief of the Fel Horde, ruling from the Shattered Halls in Hellfire Citadel.

Much of his clan, now fel orcs as well, are camped along the Path of Glory leading up to Hellfire Citadel from the Dark Portal, as well as in the breaches in the northern and southern ramparts. They also make up the majority of the forces inside the Shattered Halls, including archers, gladiators, and assassins.

怒嚎氏族(Rageroar clan)

领导者:卡加·暴吼(Karga Rageroar)


摩克纳萨尔氏族(Mok'Nathal clan)



摩克纳萨尔的意思是“纳斯 (Nath, 巨魔战神)之子”。定居在剑刃山脉,目前濒临灭绝,甚至雷克萨(Rexxar)本人被认为是摩克纳萨尔在艾泽拉斯的最后一人。已知的摩克纳萨尔族人都是巨魔-兽人的混血,而李欧纳克斯说过:“混血并不代表摩克纳萨尔。(being born a half-breed does not make you Mok'Nathal)”意指摩克纳萨尔可能并非全是半巨魔。

狞笑骷髅氏族(Laughing Skull clan)


The Laughing Skull clan is a very deceptive and treacherous clan of orcs that is distrusted by most of the other clans for their kinship of thievery and assassination. Although their loyalty is questionable, their skill and audacity are unequaled. Their treacherous leader, Mogor the Ogre, and most of his clan remained in Draenor during both of the crossings.

赤红行者氏族(Redwalker clan)(拒绝血咒)


白爪氏族(Whiteclaw clan)(拒绝血咒)



闪电之刃氏族(Lightning's Blade clan)




刃风氏族(Bladewind clan)


黑暗疤痕氏族(Dark Scar clan)

主要成员:卡斯拉克尔(Kash'drakor), 纳兹格雷尔(Nazgrel)

黑暗疤痕氏族是一个古老的兽人氏族,里面有一位有名的人物"Kash'drakor"(卡斯拉克尔),他的斧头就是塞拉希尔,他带着这把斧头参与了血河战争(Blood River War),该场战役中,导致了黑暗疤痕氏族的灭亡。而Kash'drakor的后代,就是索尔在外域时的副官-纳兹格雷尔

雷霆王氏族(Thunderlord clan)

酋长:Fenris Wolfbrother(下落不明), Garm Wolfbrother(死亡)

主要成员:Malgrim Stormhand(下落不明)

燃刃氏族(?)(Searing Blade) (不是火刃氏族Burning Blade Clan)

领导者:巴札兰(Bazzalan,恶魔)及『塑能师』耶戈什(Jergosh the Invoker)





燃刃(台)/火刃(国)氏族(Burning Blade Clan)

领导者:尼尔鲁·火刃(Neeru Fireblade)

噬骨氏族(Bonechewer clan)

领导者:Tagar Spinebreaker

前任:Hurkan Skullsplinter





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