词条 | 什蔬虾仁蝴蝶面 |
释义 | 中文介绍【配料】原料:蝶型意大利面,圆白菜,毛豆,青虾,黄瓜片,干辣椒。 调料:盐,生抽,番茄酱,辣椒仔原味辣汁,味精。 【制作方法】 前期准备: 1、圆白菜洗净头沥干水份后切成块备用。 2、煮好的毛豆剥出豆子备用。 3、青虾去头,去虾线,去壳,剥出整颗虾仁,黄瓜切菱形片备用。 4、虾仁用少许盐,料酒腌制5分钟。 5、干辣椒用剪刀剪成小段备用。 6、锅中倒入适量的水大火烧开,放入意面。 7、煮好的意面过一下白开水,可以去除表面的粘质物,变的比较干净利落。 烹饪制作: 1、锅中放适量的油,油温约5成热的时候放入虾仁,炒至变色捞出备用。 2、锅中重新倒入适量炒菜油,下入干辣椒煸出香味后放入圆白菜翻炒。 3、再放入煮好的意面。(此时如果用的是没有煮熟的毛豆,那可以先放入毛豆粒先炒。) 4、放入之前炒好的虾仁和毛豆翻炒均匀。 5、加入适量的生抽,辣椒仔原味辣汁翻炒匀。 6、再放入少许的番茄汁后,炒匀,加入适量的味精即可出锅。 英文解说【Ingredients】 Raw materials: butterfly pasta, cabbage, soybeans, freshwater shrimp, cucumber slices, dried chili. Seasoning: salt, soy sauce, tomato sauce, spicy flavor of chili sauce, monosodium glutamate. Making Preparation: 1 head cabbage, wash and drain, cut into pieces for use. 2, stripping out the beans cooked soybeans spare. 3, the freshwater shrimp to the head, to the shrimp line, shell, stripping out the whole shrimp pieces, diamond-shaped slices of cucumber cut back. 4, the shrimp with salt, cooking wine sit 5 minutes. 5, cut into small pieces with scissors chili stand. 6, the right amount of water into the fire pot to boil, add pasta. 7, look over the cooked pasta water, to remove the surface of the mucilage, and become more crisp. Production of cooking: 1, a pot the right amount of oil into the hot oil about 5 times into the shrimp, fry color remove and reserve. 2, re-pot into the amount of cooking oil down into the fragrant dried chili stir fry into the cabbage. 3, then add the cooked pasta. (At this point if the peas are not cooked, it can first be placed in soybean grain speculation.) 4, placed before the good fried shrimp and peas stir fry evenly. 5, by adding an appropriate amount of soy sauce, chili sauce spicy flavor of turn and stir well. 6, then add a little tomato juice, stir well, add the right amount of MSG you can pan. |
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