词条 | 什锦炒面疙瘩 |
释义 | 中文介绍【配料】面疙瘩:面粉150克,细玉米面50克,凉水100克,盐1/4小匙。 配菜:鸡胸肉、胡萝卜、蒜苗、鲜香菇各80克。 调料:葱姜蒜末、生抽、盐、鸡精。 【做法】 1、面粉、玉米面、盐混匀,慢慢加入凉水揉成面团,盖布醒30分钟; 2、鸡肉切丁,用料酒、生抽、白胡椒粉和淀粉拌匀,腌15分钟; 3、蔬菜洗净。胡萝卜去皮切丁;蒜苗切小段;鲜香菇去蒂,用热水烫一下后切丁; 4、醒好的面团擀成0.5-1cm厚的面片; 5、表面撒上一层薄面,切成1cm宽的条; 6、面板上撒薄面,把面条在面板上搓一下。一来滚上面粉后一会切时不容易沾,二来面条也会变得圆一些; 7、面条切小段,然后撒上玉米面,这样就不容易沾了,外面卖面条的也都是撒的玉米面呢; 8、锅中放入少许盐煮开,放入面疙瘩,不停用勺子推动,煮开两次,分别点少许凉水,再次煮开时捞出,用凉水冲一下,沥干水分; 9、煮好过完凉水的的面疙瘩; 10、锅入油,四成热时放入鸡肉滑炒至变色后捞出; 11、另起锅入油,热后倒入葱姜蒜末和胡萝卜丁翻炒至胡萝卜变色; 12、倒入蒜苗和香菇翻炒片刻; 13、倒入面疙瘩和鸡丁炒匀;然后调入适量生抽和鸡精翻炒,使材料微微上色; 14、最后加盐炒匀即可。 英文解说【Ingredients】 Dough: flour, 150 grams, 50 grams of fine cornmeal, cold water 100 grams of salt 1 / 4 tsp. Side dishes: chicken breast, carrots, garlic, fresh mushrooms 80 grams each. Seasoning: Cong Jiangsuan the end, soy sauce, salt, chicken. 】 【Practice 1, flour, cornmeal, salt mixing, slowly add cold water to knead the dough, cover cloth wake up 30 minutes; 2, chicken cubes with cooking wine, soy sauce, white pepper, and starch, mix well and marinate for 15 minutes; 3, wash vegetables. Carrot to Piqie Ding; garlic cut into small pieces; fresh mushrooms stalks, blanched with hot water Houqie Ding; 4, wake up a good roll the dough into 0.5-1cm thick patches; 5 Sprinkle Thin layer, cut into 1cm wide section; 6, panel Sprinkle Thin to rub on the panel about the noodles. To roll on a flour for a cut is not easy to stick, and second, the noodles will become rounder; 7, noodles cut into small pieces, then sprinkle with cornmeal, this dip is not easy, noodles are also sold out the cornmeal sprinkle it; 8, a little salt into the pot boil, add gnocchi and kept promoting the use of a spoon, boil two, respectively, point a little cold water, boil again when the fish out, what with the cold water washed, drained; 9 End of cold water over the cooked gnocchi; 10, the pan into the oil, add chicken, four-slide into a hot color after the fish fry; 11, another pot filling, heat, pour Cong Jiangsuan the end and carrots stir fry until carrots change color; 12, into the garlic and mushrooms, stir fry a while; 13, into the gnocchi and chicken and stir well; then transferred amount of soy sauce and chicken stir fry, and the material a little color; 14 Finally, you can salt and stir well. |
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