

词条 时代教育国外高校优秀教材精选·统计推断


出版社: 机械工业出版社; 第1版 (2002年10月1日)

丛书名: 时代教育国外高校优秀教材精选

平装: 660页

开本: 16

ISBN: 7111109457

条形码: 9787111109457

尺寸: 23.4 x 16.6 x 2.8 cm

重量: 762 g


《统计推断》(英文版)(原书第2版)从概率论的基础开始,通过例子与习题的旁征博引,引进了大量近代统计处理的新技术和一些国内同类教材中不能见而广为使用的分布。其内容包括工科概率论入门、经典统计和现代统计的基础,又加进了不少近代统计中数据处理的实用方法和思想,例如:Bootstrap再抽样法、刀切(Jackknife)估计、EM算法、Logistic回归、稳健(Robust)回归、Markov链、Monte Carlo方法等。它的统计内容与国内流行的教材相比,理论较深,模型较多,案例的涉及面要广,理论的应用面要丰富,统计思想的阐述与算法更为具体。强力推荐:Statistical Inference 英文原版火热发售



1 Probability Theory

1.1 Set Theory

1.2 Basics of Probability Theory

1.3 Conditional Probability and Independence

1.4 Random Variables

1.5 Distribution FunCtions

1.6 Density and Mass Functions

1.7 Exercises

1.8 Miscellanea

2 Transformations and Expectations

2.1 Distributions of Functions of a Random Varible

2.2 Expected Values

2.3 Moments and Moment Generating Functions

2.4 Differentiating Under an Integral Sign

2.5 Exercises

2.6 Miscellanea

3 Common Families of Distributions

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Discrete Distributions

3.3 Continuous Distributions

3.4 Exponential Families

3.5 Location and Scale Families

3.6 Inequalities and Identities

3.7 Exercises

3.8 Miscellanea

4 Multiple Random Variables

4.1 Joint and Marginal Distributions

4.2 Conditional Distributions and Independence

4.3 Bivariate Transformations

4.4 Hierarchical Models and Mixture Distributions

4.5 Covariance and Correlation

4.6 Multivariate and Correlation

4.7 Inequalities

4.8 Exercises

4.9 miscellanea

5 Properties of a Random Sample


6 Principles of Data Reduction

7 Point Estimation

8 Hypothesis Testing

9 Interval Estimation

10 Asymptotic Evaluations

11 Analysis of Variance and Regression

12 Regression Models

Appendix:Computer Algebra

Table of Common Distributions


Author Index

Subject Index





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