

词条 盛下放









[1] Le-Ni Sun, Yan-Feng Zhang, Lin-Yan He, Zhao-Jin Chen, Qiang-Ya Wang, Meng Qian, Xia-Fang Sheng*. Genetic diversity and characterization of heavy metal-resistant-endophytic bacteria from two copper-tolerant plant species on copper mine wasteland. Bioresource Technology, 2010, 101: 501-509.

[2] Lin Yan He, Yan Feng Zhang, Hai Yan Ma, Le Ni Su, Zhao Jin Chen, Qiang Ya Wang, Meng Qian, Xia Fang Sheng*. Characterization of copper-resistant bacteria and assessment of bacterial communities in rhizosphere soils of copper-tolerant plants. Applied Soil Ecology, 2010, 44: 49-55.

[3] Lin-Yan He, Zhao-Jin Chen, Gai-Di Ren, Yan-Feng Zhang, Meng Qian, Xia-Fang Sheng*. Increased cadmium and lead uptake of a cadmium hyperaccumulator tomato by cadmium-resistant bacteria. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2009, 72: 1343-1348.

[4] X.F. Sheng*, L.Y. He, L. Zhou, and Y.Y. Shen. Characterization of Microbacteriumsp. F10a and its role in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon removal in low-temperature soil. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2009, 55: 529-535.

[5] Xia-Fang Sheng*, Juan-Juan Xia, Chun-Yu Jiang, Lin-Yan He, Meng Qian. Characterization of heavy metal-resistant endophytic bacteria from rape (Brassica napus) roots and their potential in promoting the growth and lead accumulation of rape. Environmental Pollution, 2008, 156:1164-1170.

[6] Xiafang Sheng*, Xiaobing Chen, Linyan He. Characteristics of a endophytic pyrene-degrading bacterium of Enterobacter sp. 12J1. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2008, 62:88-95.

[7] Xia Fang Sheng*, Chun Yu Jiang and Lin Yan He. Characterization of a plant growth promoting Bacillus edaphicus NBT and its effect on the lead uptake by Indian mustard in a lead-amended soil. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2008,54:417-422.

[8] Chunyu Jiang, Xiafang Sheng*, Meng Qian, Qingya Wang. Isolation and characterization of a heavy metal-resistant Burkholderia sp. from heavy metal-contaminated paddy soil and its potential in promoting plant growth and heavy metal accumulation in metal polluted soil. Chemosphere, 2008,72:157-164.

[9] Xiafang Sheng*, Linyan He, Qingya Wang, Hesong Ye, Chunyu Jiang. Effects of inoculation of biosurfactant-producing Bacillus sp. J119 on plant growth and cadmium uptake in a cadmium-amended soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2008,155:17-22.

[10] Xia Fang Sheng,Fei Zhao, Lin Yan He, Gang Qiu, Liang Chen. Isolation and characterization of silicate mineral-solubilizing Bacillus globisporus Q12 from the surfaces of weathered feldspar. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2008, 54:1064-1068.

[11] Sheng* X F, Xia J J. Improvement of rape (Brassica napus) plant growth and cadmium uptake by cadmium-resistant bacteria. Chemosphere, 2006, 64: 1036-1042.

[12] Sheng* X F, He L Y.. Solubilization of potassium-bearing minerals by a wild-type strain of Bacillus edaphicus and its mutants and increased potassium uptake by wheat. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2006, 52: 66-72.

[13] Sheng* XF,Gong JX. Increased degradation of phenanthrene in soil by Pseudomonas sp. GF3 in the presence of wheat. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,2006,38:2587-2592.

[14] Sheng* X F. Growth promotion and increased potassium uptake of cotton and rape by a potassium releasing strain of Bacillus edaphicus. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2005, 37: 1918-1922.

[15] 赵飞,黄智,何琳燕,王鹏,盛下放*. 不同风化程度钾长石表面矿物分解细菌的筛选及遗传多样性. 微生物学报,2010,50(5):647-653.

[16] 黄静,盛下放*,何琳燕. 具溶磷能力的植物内生促生细菌的分离筛选及其生物多样性. 微生物学报,2010,50(6):710-716.

[17] 王静,盛下放,曹建芳,张树奎,张垠,何琳燕*. 南京小龙山钾矿区植物根际可培养细菌的遗传多样性分析. 微生物学报,2009,49(7):867-873.

[18] 孙乐妮,何琳燕,张艳峰,张文辉,王琪,盛下放*. 海州香薷()根际铜抗性细菌的筛选及生物多样性. 微生物学报,2009,49(10):1360-1366.

[19] 郦伟翔,阮林高,盛下放,戈梅*,陈代杰. ECO-0501产生菌的发酵条件优化. 中国医药工业杂志,2008,39(10):736-738

[20] 赵飞,盛下放,黄智,何琳燕*. 山东地区钾矿物分解细菌的分离及生物学特性. 生物多样性,2008,16(6):593-600

[21] 陈小兵,盛下放*,何琳燕,江春玉,孙乐妮,马海燕. 具菲降解特性植物内生细菌的分离筛选及其生物学特性. 环境科学学报,2008,28(7):1308-1313

[22] 江春玉,盛下放*,何琳燕,马海艳,孙乐妮,张艳峰. 一株铅镉抗性菌株WS34的生物学特性及其对植物修复铅镉污染土壤的强化作用. 环境科学学报,2008,28(10):1961-1968

[23] 何玉华,戈梅,盛下放,陈代杰. 一株抗肿瘤活性的粗榧内生真菌的鉴定及其产物特性初步研究. 生命科学研究,2007,11(3):233-237

[24] 周乐,盛下放*,张士晋,刘静.一株高效菲降解菌的筛选及降解条件. 应用生态学报,2005,16(12):2399-2402

[25] 盛下放*,何琳燕,胡凌飞.苯并[a]芘降解菌的分离筛选及其降解条件的研究. 环境科学学报,2005,25(6):791-795


[1] 江苏省社会发展项目(畜禽粪便高效快速腐熟新技术及其示范研究, 项目编号:BS2002044,2002-2004, 6万元,主持);

[2] 国家自然基金项目(铅、镉污染土壤芽胞杆菌强化植物富集修复机理研究,项目批准号:40371070,2004-2006,33万元,主持);

[3] 国家自然基金项目(钾矿物分解细菌生物多样性及其系统发育研究,项目批准号:30400006,2005-2007,20万元,参加)

[4] 国家863项目(绿色荧光蛋白基因标记菌株强化植物快速修复土壤重金属污染新技术及示范研究,课题编号:2006AA10Z404,2007-2010,70万元,主持)

[5] 国家自然基金项目(矿区废弃地重金属耐性(超富集)植物内生细菌生物多样性研究,项目批准号:40871127,2009-2011,42万元,主持);

[6] 国家自然基金项目(钾矿物表生矿物分解细菌资源与生物多样性研究,项目批准号:41071173,2011-2013,45万元,主持);

[7] 国家自然基金项目(细菌强化超富集植物与非超富集植物修复镉污染土壤机理的比较研究,项目批准号:21007028,2011-2013,18万元)





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