词条 | 生活汉语初步短期课课程 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 陕西师范大学出版社; 第1版 (2004年12月1日) 平装: 414页 正文语种: 简体中文 开本: 16 ISBN: 7561330693 条形码: 9787561330692 尺寸: 29 x 20.8 x 2 cm 重量: 962 g 作者简介作者:(英国)石明理 (Martin Symonds) (美国)Cavis Parshall (英国)David Seiboth Martin Symonds.David Pa rsh all and David Seiboth have all beeninvolved in helping weste rne rs lea rn Chinese.Martin Symonds has written manyChinese textbooks in cluding Chinese Made Easier 1—5实用速成汉语which is alsopublished by Shaanxi Normal Unive rsity Press陕西师范大学出版社。 内容简介《生活汉语初步短期课课程》主要内容:This book is written with one pu rpose in mind to get you communicating inChinese as quickly as possible!We’ve the refo re t ried to present each lesson in auser—friendly fo rmat SO that lea rning Chinese should be fun!The fi rst 1 0 lessonscove r the p ronunciation of Chinese,as well as sta rting you off on some simplesentence patte rns Then LessonS 11—33 cove r topics which you wilI meet frequently while Iiving in China. What makes this book different from many other Chinese text—books published in China? The content of each lesson is intensely practical.We have assumed thatyou a re living in China and want to communicate on eve ryday topics as quickly aspossible.So only useful vocabula ry,immediately relevant to you r eve ryday needs,is incIuded. We have wo rked ha rd at trying to n,,ake the grammar explanations as simpleand clearas possible avoiding complicated IinguistiC te rminology. Each lesson contains an activity related to the topic in o rde r to get youusing the content as quickly as possible. 目录Introduction&Acknowledgements To the Teacher 1.Overview of Mandarin Pronunciation and the Mandarin Four Tones Consonants:f,|,m,n,S,h Vowels:a。i,e,ai 2.Consonants:p.t.k,b,d-g Vowels:u.ou,ao 3.Consonants:Z,C Vowels:an,ang,ong Two 3rd tones together 4.Consonants:sh,ch,zh,r 5.WU 6.yi 7.ji,qi,xi 8.1410,en,eng 9.e,yu/u 10.yur/yue,yuan,er Neutral tone Intonation&Stress 11.Introducing Yourself 12.Introducing Others 13.Addresses&Locations 14.Giving Directions 15.Counting 16.Shopping for Stationery 17.Days&DateS 18.What’s the Time? 19.How Long Have YoU Lived Here? 20.POst office 21.Making a Telephone Call 22.At the Market 23.At the Market Again 24.Eating Out 25.Eating Out Again 26.Taking a Bus 27.Going on a Trip 28.Buying Daily Necessities 29.Buying Clothes 30.A Student Comes to Visit 31.Sports&Leisure 32.Telling Others about Yourself 33.Entertaining a Guest REFERENCE SECTIoN CHINESE—ENGLISH VOCABUI.ARY UST ENGLISH—CHINESE VOCABULARt LIST |
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