词条 | 程小蓓 |
释义 | 程小蓓Xiaobei Cheng,女 诗人、作家、艺术活动策划人,自上世纪八十年代开始,在从医的同时,创作出大量诗歌作品,出版诗集《热爱生活》《一支偷来的笔》《她跑进跑出》;1997年开始写小说,出版长篇小说《无奈的生命》、《你疯了!》。 中文名:程小蓓 职业:医生 性别:女 兼职:诗人、作家、艺术活动策划人 出版诗集:一支偷来的笔;上苑、上上苑 出版小说:无奈;你疯了! 记实图书:上苑跨界艺术从书——建筑日记 组织策划2000年开始组建上苑艺术馆(中国现代建筑博物馆)。上苑艺术馆由二十一个不同原创艺术建筑群所组成,总占地面积:30000平方米;总建筑面积:19000平方米;总投资:7000万元。全部资金来源于艺术家自主筹措。于2007年10月基本建设完成。 Cheng Xiaobei, female; poet and writer. Profession: Medical Doctor Published Poetry Books: A Stolen Pen; She Runs in and Out Published Novels: Life of Resignation; Are You Crazy! Non-Fiction Books: Construction Diary (Shangyuan Multi-Arts Series); Living Road (Photography Collection) Organization and Promotion: In 2000 she began arranging for construction of the Shangyuan Art Scene (also known as the China Modern Architecture Scene). The Shangyuan Art Scene is composed of 21 works of original architecture occupying a total area of 30,000 meters. The total floor area of the buildings is 19,000 square meters. Total investment is 70,000,000 yuan. All funds were raised by the artists who belong to Shangyuan. Construction of the Shangyuan Art Exhbition Hall and dormitories was basically finished in October 2007. 人物生平Xiaobei Cheng, female; writer, poet and photographer. Beginning in the 1980s, concurrently with her career as a doctor, she wrote numerous poems and published three collections: Love of Life, A Stolen Pen, and She Runs In and Out. In 1997she began to write fiction and published the novels Life of Resignation and Are You Crazy! 程小蓓,江西省吉安人。2000年开始组织策划“北京上苑艺术馆”和“中国现代建筑博物馆”,占地面积30000平方米,建筑面积16000多平方米,2006年建设完成中国当代最具原创性的现代建筑艺术博物馆及中国民间组织的最大规模的艺术家创作基地。同时创作长篇报告文学《建筑故事》图文书籍。 Beginning in 2000, she organized and initiated “Beijing Shangyuan Art Museum” and “China Modern Architecture Park”; at the same time she wrote the novel Construction Story. 曾在1987年背着海鸥120型及玛米亚两部照相机,骑自行车从成都市出发,途经川陕革命根据地、陕北革命根据地、陕甘宁革命根据地、山西、河北到达北京。拍摄了上万幅照片。另自编导有多个摄影故事、摄影长诗,其中《长草的季节》《我该歌唱》等作品在《青春》《青年文学》等刊物发表,为当时的文学刊物提供了一种新的文学表达形式。一些照片参加了国际国内各种摄影展览并获奖。很多书刊选用其作品刊登或作为封面使用。2006年参加“上苑艺术馆建筑行为艺术展”摄影艺术单元展。 In 1987, she travelled to shoot pictures, starting from Chengdu, She went to several revolutionary bases—in Sichuan, North Shaanxi Plateau, Shanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia, then returned to Beijing with detours to Shanxi and Hebei. In her two-month trip she made over 10,000 photographs. She also shot many photo stories and photo poems, among which “Grass Growing Season” and “I should sing” were published in Youth and Young People’s Magazine. She offered a new form of expression for literary publications. Some of her works have been exhibited internationally and have won prizes at photo exhibitions. Her photos have been used as cover pages for books, journals and magazines. In 2006 she showed in the “Photographic Art” section of the “Shangyuan Art Museum Exhibition of Architectural Action Art.” 社会评价程小蓓,江西省吉安人。程小蓓在2007年组织和创建了,中国首个“国际驻馆创作计划”。为来自世界各地的艺术家提供免费的工作室和展示空间。每年有上千名艺术家提出申请,程小蓓组织艺术家、专家团队,对申请人进行审核,在美术、诗歌、音乐、摄影、艺术批评、影视、舞台、建筑设计等不同的艺术领域里,选拔三十多名优秀艺术家进行为期一年的驻馆创作。 程小蓓说:我尊敬这样的诗人——诚实、真纯、有责任感。但我认为不能先为自己设定一种身份,包括诗人的身份。在写作时,我无法让自己先站在那样的制高点上,然后再让文字从自己的指尖像血一样滴落——从天空的高度滴落时,会不会像天女撒花呢?但“天女”是一个虚幻的人。她不食人间烟火。我们能借她的眼睛看到杜甫的“路有冻死骨”,但我们无法借她的皮肤去感知寒冷,并像杜甫那样感到切骨的痛。拿痛这样的感觉作例证——这些必须自己亲历过了才能准确把握的东西。否则,那个字只是一个音节“tong”。用更为“本质的人”去写自己的“亲历”。因为人首先必须关注他自己的感知,再由此延伸出去,关注他人——关注民族——关注国家——关注人类……。否则,创始的文字无法让我碰触,无法让我进入,更不用说让我与作者一同——感叹。 Cheng, Xiaobei: “I respect those poets who are honest, innocent and conscientious. However, I don’t think it appropriate to determine my own identity as a poet. In writing, I fail to live up to a poet’s high status and let words drip down like blood from my fingertips. Perhaps words dripping down from above be like flowers spread by a fairy? But a fairy is a virtual person who neither eats nor sleeps. We can only borrow her eyes to see frozen dead bodies with a sideways glance. However, we can not borrow her skin to feel coldness and bitter pain as Du Fu experienced it. Pain is a form of evidence. We all know it is a prerequisite to experience pain before understanding what it is. Otherwise, pain can only be a syllable which is spelled “tong” in Chinese Romanization. It takes a person who is closer to her essence to write what she herself experienced. People must first be concerned with their own sensibility before reaching out to help others, the nation, the country, as well as humankind… Otherwise, an innovative piece of writing will refuse my touch and entry. They will not let me sigh together with the writer. 主要作品出版诗集:《一支偷来的笔》、《上苑、上上苑》 出版小说:《无奈》、《你疯了!》 记实图书:《上苑跨界艺术从书——建筑日记》、《活路——摄影集》 程小蓓,江西省吉安人。 |
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