词条 | 深入浅出WordPress |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 东南大学出版社; 第1版 (2011年1月1日) 外文书名: Head First WordPress 平装: 334页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 12 ISBN: 9787564125035, 7564125039 条形码: 9787564125035 尺寸: 23 x 20.2 x 2 cm 重量: 640 g 作者简介作者:(美国)希尔图(Jeff Siarto) Jeff Siarto is a user experience and webdesigner currently calling Chicago home. He hastwo degrees from Michigan State University andwas a student of the standards-based web designmovement——aspiring to the likes of Cederholm,Zeldman, and Meyer. Jeff is a die-hard coworker and helps organizeJelly Chicago, a coworking group that meets twicea week in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood.When Jeff isn't pushing pixels, he enjoys cookingand eating (OK, mostly eating) and spendingtime with his wife on Chicago's west side and inMichigan with friends and family. 内容简介《深入浅出WordPress(影印版)》主要内容简介:想要让你那简陋的博客变得更出彩吗?有没有想过那些专业博客网站是怎样实现在一个大平台上聚集众多作者。无论你正在推销业务还是撰写自己的旅行冒险日记,《深入浅出WordPress》都将教会你一系列实用技巧,把博客变得更独特、更容易吸引眼球,不仅如此,它还将带你深入挖掘WordPress平台中更为复杂的功能特性。 你将学会如何使用自己的URL和模板定制个人博客、嵌入视频和音频文件,以及支持多位作者等等。随着《深入浅出WordPress(影印版)》的指引一路学到最后,你就能拥有一个内容丰富、功能完善的网站了。 为何这本书看上去如此与众不同? 我们认为你的时间如此宝贵以至于不应该花费在为新概念伤脑筋上面。《深入浅出WordPress》用最新的认知科学和学习理论打造多感官的学习经验,运用适合大脑工作方式的直观的格式编排,而不是令人昏昏欲睡的密密麻麻的文字。 媒体评论“虽然市面上已经存在大量关于WordPress的书籍,但是《深入浅出WordPress》再一次证明,该系列丛书是面向全世界有创意的Web用户.充满智慧、清新可读、简单易用的金牌参考指南。” ——PaulAndress作家和记者 “这本面目友善的书提供了很多在其他同类著作中未曾见过的技巧提示.还有实用的功能特性、真实的应用场景,可以让你尽快跟上新版WordPress的步伐。” ——JimDoran软件工程师 目录intro 1 getting started: wordpressfrom scratch Web publishing for the masses How WordPress works: the 30,000-foot view The lifecycle of a WordPress blog post The Acme Bit and Pixel Company Download WordPress The "famous" 5-minute WordPress Install Upload your WordPress fries to the web server FTP client options WordPress installation step 2: Configuration WordPress stores all your stuff in a database Create a new database from your hosting panel Every blog needs a rifle Pilot your blog with the WordPress dashboard Create your first blog post Use both editors when creating new posts Use Preview to check your post before you publish Remove or replace sample posts before you go live You don't need Photoshop to edit an image Add an image using the media library Update group permissions to get image uploads working Adjusting images within the post editor Edit your post to move the text down a line Welcome to the Bit Blog Your WordPress Toolbox 2 changing your blog's look and feel: a question of style 3 content management with wordpress: beyond the blog 4 users, categories, and tags: keeping things organized 5 video and plug-ins: getting things moving 6 podcasting and syndication: spreading the word 7 securing wordpress: locking things down 8 making wordpress fast: time for the passing lane leftovers: the top ten things (we didn't cover) |
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