词条 | 上海大学国际交流学院 |
释义 | 简介上海大学是首批获得国家教育部批准招收留学生的高校之一。学校于1976年开始招收留学生,至今已经有来自107个国家的12000多名留学生在上海大学学习深造。 上海大学国际交流学院负责招生、管理、对外汉语教学和留学生生活服务。目前,学院是全国对外汉语教学学会56个理事单位之一,也是国家汉办外派对外汉语教师的定点单位之一。 国际交流学院对外汉语教学和研究中心有一支职业素质高、教学经验丰富的师资队伍。学院已建立了长期与短期培训相结合、学历和非学历教育相结合的教育体系。 定位全面负责上海大学外国留学生招生、管理与服务等工作,综合承担对外汉语培训、国际校际学生交流、海外孔子学院创办与管理以及中外合作办学管理等多项职能,既具有一般院系的教学功能,又具有机关部门的管理职能;是上海大学进行对外交流与合作的一个重要窗口。 宗旨发展来华留学生教育事业,促进国际合作与交流,办好海外孔子学院,推广汉语教学,传播中华优秀文化,为世界各国培养具有国际化视野的复合型人才;为我国“大外交”战略服务,为我校建设成“一流的综合性、研究型大学”目标服务,努力增强上海大学的国际化氛围,提升上海大学的国际知名度和影响力。 愿景 Shanghai University is one of the first universities granted the permission by the Ministry of Education to enroll overseas students. It began to admit overseas students in 1976, and since then more than 12000 overseas students from 107 countries and regions have studied in the university. The College of International Exchange is in charge of the enrollment and administration of overseas students, offers Chinese language programs and provides logistic services for overseas students. At present, the College is one of the 56 council member units of the Society of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and one of the institutions appointed by the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a foreign Language (NOTCFL) to dispatch Chinese language teachers abroad. The Chinese as a Foreign Language Teaching and Research Center of the College of International Exchange has a faculty with high professional quality and rich teaching experience. The College has established a course system combining long-term courses with short-tem courses and diploma education with non-diploma education. |
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