词条 | 商务英语沟通技能系列·商务演讲技巧 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 人民邮电出版社; 第1版 (2008年8月1日) 外文书名: Presentations 平装: 139页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 24 ISBN: 9787115182753 条形码: 9787115182753 尺寸: 20.8 x 18.4 x 1.4 cm 重量: 259 g 作者简介作者:(英国)安妮·劳斯 (Laws.A.) 内容简介《商务英语沟通技能系列?商务演讲技巧》是一本不谈任何理论而集中从微观层面关注和介绍沟通技能与技巧训练的实用书。旨在帮助从事商务活动的人士,提高在谈判中用英语有效沟通的技能。 《商务英语沟通技能系列?商务演讲技巧》分为三大部分,分别从谈判前的准备、谈判中的注意事项、谈判后的效果评估等方面对所需技巧进行了概括总结。并真正地做到图文并茂、深入浅出、即学即用!《商务英语沟通技能系列?商务演讲技巧》绝对是一本可以使读者花费最少的时间与精力却能获得出乎意料收获的好书。 目录Preparing the Presentation 1 Introduction 3 2 Purpose 4 3 People 7 4 Place,seating,equipment 12 5 Presenting yourself 23 6 Using your voice 24 7 Body language 31 8 Timing 36 9 Preparing visuals 39 10 Using visuals 47 11 Content 53 12 Structure 67 Putting it into words 13 Preparing the main message 77 14 Key wodrs 78 15 Word families 84 16 Talking about trends 88 17 Presentation phrasas 93 18 Beginning the presentation 94 19 Stating the purpose,giving an outline 97 20 Referring to handouts 102 21 The main content:getting started 103 22 Involving the audience 104 23 Changing to another topic 107 24 Referring to other parts of the talk 109 25 Talking about options 110 26 Advantages and disadvantages 111 27 Emphasising important points 112 28 Referring to visuals 114 29 Making recommendations 117 30 Summarising and concluding 118 31 Dealing with questions 120 32 Farewell 124 Evaluating the Presentation 33 Before the Presentation 127 34 Giving the Presentation 134 35 After the Presentation 135 |
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