词条 | 扫描电子显微学及在纳米技术中的应用 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2007年1月1日) 外文书名: Advanced Scanning Microscopy for Nanotechnology Techniques and Applications 丛书名: 当代科学前沿论丛 精装: 450页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787040190083 条形码: 9787040190083 尺寸: 26.2 x 18.8 x 3.2 cm 重量: 1.2 Kg 作者简介周维列,博士,1993年毕业于中国科学院物理研究所。1994一1997年先后在日本精密陶瓷材料研究所(JFCC)和美国凯斯西部保留大学(CWRU)从事电子显微学博士后研究。1998年至今任美国新奥尔良大学(LJNO)先端材料研究所(AMRI)电镜室主任。从事电子显微镜在材料中的应用近20年,获美国自然科学基金(NSF)和美国国防部先端研究项目(DARPA)等多项资助。现为美国电子显微学会和材料学会会员。 王中林博士,美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of TechnoIogy)终身教授、校董事讲席教授(Regents’Professor)、纳米结构表征和器件制造中心主任,中国国家纳米科学中心海外主任,美国物理学会资深会员(Fellow)。荣获美国显微镜学会1999年巴顿奖章,佐治亚理工学院2000年和2005年杰出研究奖,2005年Sigma Xi学会持续研究奖,2001年S.T.Li奖金(美国化学学会),美国自然科学基金会CAREER基金。他是1992——2002年10年中纳米科技论文引用次数世界个人排名前25位作者之一,其学术论文已被引用10000次以上。 内容简介《扫描电子显微学及在纳米技术中的应用》包含扫描电子显微学基础理论、近年发展起来的背散射电子衍射、复杂X射线分析、低电压图像获取、生物材料环境扫描电子显微观察、电子刻蚀和聚焦离子束微加工。这些章节将介绍如何运用这些技术来实施纳米材料及其结构的表征和制备。 目录Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Scanning Electron Microscopy 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Configuration of scanning electron microscopes 1.3 Specimen preparation 1.4 Conclusion References Chapter 2 Electron Backscatter Diffraction(EBSD)Technique and Materials Characterization Examples 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Data measurement 2.3 Data analysis 2.4 Applications 2.5 Current limitations and fur 2.6 Conclusion References Chapter 3 X-ray Microanalysis in Nanomaterials 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Monte Carlo modeling of nanomaterials 3.3 Case studies 3.4 Conclusion References Chapter 4 Low kV Scanning Electron Microscopy 4.1 IntrOductlon 4.2 Electron generation and accelerating voltage 4.3 Why use low kV? 4.4 Using low kV 4.5 Conclusion References Chapter 5 E-beam Nanolithography Integrated with Scanning Electron Microscope 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Materials and processing preparation 5.3 Pattern generation 5.4 Pattern processing 5.5 Applications 5.6 Conclusion References Chapter 6 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy for Nanostructure Characterization 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Imaging in the STEM 6.3 Spectroscopic imaging 6.4 Three-dimensional imaging 6.5 Recent applications to nanostructure characterization 6.6 Future directions References Chapter 7 Introduction to ln-situ Nanomanipulation for Nanomaterials Engineering 7.1 Introduction 7.2 SEM Contamination 7.3 Types of nanomanipulators 7.4 End effectors 7.5 Applications of nanomanipulators 7.6 Conclusion References Chapter 8 Applications of FIB and DualBeam for Nanofabrication 8.1 Introductlon 8.2 Onboard digital patterning with the ion beam 8.3 FIB milling or CVD deposition with bitmap files 8.4 Onboard digital patterning with the electron beam 8.5 Automation for nanometer control 8.6 Direct fabrication of nanoscale structures 8.7 Conclusion References Chapter 9 Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Ⅲ-V compound semiconductors nanowires 9.3 Ⅱ-VI compound semiconductors nanowires 9.4 Elemental nanowires 9.5 Carbon nanotubes 9.6 Conclusion References Chapter 10 Photonic Crystals and Devices 10.1 Introduction 10.2 SEM imaging of photonic crystals 10.3 Fabrication of photonic crystals in SEM 10.4 Conclusion References Chapter 11 Nanoparticles and Colloidal Self-assembly 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Metallic nanoparticles 11.3 Mesoporous and nanoporous metal nanostructures 11.4 Nanocrvstalline oxides 11.5 Nanostructured semiconductor and thermoelectric materials 11.6 Conclusion References Chapter 12 Nano-building Blocks Fabricated through Templates 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Materials and methods 12.3 Nano-building blocks 12.4 Conclusion References Chapter 13 One-dimensional Wurtzite Semiconducting Nanostructures 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Synthesis and fabrication of one—dimensional nanostructures 13.3 One-dimensional metal oxide nanostructures 13.4 Growth mechanisms 13.5 Conclusion References Chapter 14 Bio-inspired Nanomaterials 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Nanofibers 14.3 Nanoparticles 14.4 Surface modification 14.5 Conclusion References Chapter 15 Cryo-Temperature Stages in Nanostructural Research 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Terminology used in cryo-HRSEM of aqueous systems 15.3 Liquid water,ice,and vitrified water 15.4 History of 10W temperature SEM 15.5 Instrumentation and methods References |
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