词条 | 三亚雨树背包客青年旅馆 |
释义 | 三亚雨树背包客旅舍位于风景秀丽的三亚河东岸,东郊大东海旅游休闲度假区,南临景秀俊逸的鹿回头公园,西与三亚河西路隔河相望。三亚河同时也是黄嘴白鹭鸟类自然保护区,夕阳西下,郁郁葱葱的雨树随风轻舞,成群的白鹭在红树林河边觅食,三三两两的渔船踩着余晖的光芒慢慢驶入港口码头。端上一杯咖啡,可以想象着鹿回头的爱情故事,也可在露台上观赏白鹭起舞;或者骑上自行车沿着三亚河东路休闲长廊一路寻寻觅觅;更或者抱着你的笔记本好好发呆。。。生活由你选择舒适!! 从旅舍步行十分钟内可到达: 1、三亚国际购物中心,集大型超市,KTV,商场,美食于一体的目前三亚环境最好的购物中心。 2、鸿港市场-三亚热带水果批发市场,位于国际购物中心南侧大门斜对面。 3、第一市场-热带水果和海鲜批发市场,位于隔河相对的河西路。 4、鸿洲国际游艇码头俱乐部—目前国内最好的豪华游艇停靠码头。 5、酒吧一条街--三亚唯一的酒吧集散地 6、免税店(CDF)--国际顶级品牌购物中心 7、商品街——川菜、东北菜、湘菜、粤菜、西北菜、海南菜等,应有尽有。各地著名的小吃如东北冷面、四川泡菜、桂林米粉、陕西肉夹馍等,在巷里走上一圈,都可寻得到。 8、中西餐厅若干家 设施和服务 餐厅和酒吧,娱乐室,洗衣房,自行车租赁,自驾车租赁,投影仪,无线网络,保险柜,小卖店,24小时热水供应,空调.旅舍有大床房,标准间,三人间,六人间, 提供机票预定,经典旅游线路(天涯海角、南山寺、南田温泉、蜈支洲岛等)。同时我们不断的开发一些极具挑战和冒险的旅游项目(冲浪、潜水、风筝冲浪、快艇拖伞、漂流、丛林探险),绝对可以满足各种旅游需求的您,相信我们,您将物超所值。 交通 距离三亚凤凰国际机场(公里):16 巴士: 从凤凰国际机场乘坐“8路”公交车到港门村下车,用时35分钟,全程票价5元 出租车:机场排队拉客的出租车经常不打表拉客,价格面议,不过都比打表的价格高(打表大约30元,他们一般收费不低于50元)。如果想打出租车,您不防走到二楼的出发大厅门口打车,很多的送客出租车,即下即走,所以全部以打表价格为准。 从汽车总站打车到旅舍费用在10元以内。 距离三亚汽车总站(公里):2.5 距离大东海旅游休闲度假区:(公里)2.2 距离亚龙湾度假中心广场(公里):22 距离三亚火车站(公里):11 Sanya Raintree Backpacker Hostel INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Sanya Raintree Backpacker Hostel, located at the centre between Sanya downtown and the famous resort beach Da Dong Hai (大东海沙滩). The hostel, facing the Sanya River( 三亚河), is surrounded by mangroves on both side, which is also known as “The Egret Nature Reserve”, which parallels with flourishing raintrees on each side of Sanya River East Rd (三亚河东路). It is only few steps away from the newly opened international shopping mall (supermarket, karaoke, sushi bar and local special products), bar street, and duty free superstore famous for luxury brands. Cross the river and there is a popular market named “the first market (第一市场)”. It is well known as the cheapest market, not only for the local snacks, tropical fruits and seafood, but also for all kinds of daily necessities. In a word, you can find anything you need at this market especially when the night market shows up at night. We all know what that means! The only one word you have to keep in mind is “BARGAIN”. Speaking of food, if the nearby western restaurants can’t feed you right, you have no reason to refuse to hang out with your buddies in Shang Pin Jie (商品街). It has 13 lanes which collectively has restaurants from all over China, placed closely side by side. They must have some certain flavour you like. We are also conveniently situated near many bus routes, so that you can travel to and from the hostel easily from anywhere in the city. We try to give you unforgettable memories through providing a wide range of facilities including many different types of accommodation, wifi, projector for movies, 24 hour hot showers, book swap service and laundry facilities, bike-rental. Train, bus, and flight bookings are also available from our reception. And we can book almost all the scenic spot tickets at a discount, we really enjoy helping you save money for your trips. ATTENTION: 1. We only accept cash payments 2. Please don’t forget to bring your passport 3. We have a bunch of league members which let you get unexpected discounts for food or surfing etc. with better service. |
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