词条 | car |
释义 | CARKK: [] DJ: [] n.[C] 1. 小汽车 2. 有轨电车 3. 火车车厢 4. 气球、飞船吊舱;(电梯)升降厢 承诺访问速率CAR是Committed Access Rate的简写,意思是:承诺访问速率。它是Cisco公司IOS软件中QoS功能的一个子功能,它是自v12.0版本中新添加的。CAR是在IP层实现的,因此,CAR只能对到达IP层的报文进行限速。 它的主要有两个作用: (1)对一个端口或子端口(subinterface)的进出流量速率按某个标准上限进行限制; (2)对流量进行分类,划分出不同的QoS优先级。 Configuring Committed Access Rate原文档下载:Configuring Committed Access Rate Command& Purpose Step 1 Router(config)# interface interface-type interface-number Specifies the interface or subinterface. This command puts the router in interface configuration mode. Step 2 Router(config-if)# rate-limit {input | output} bps burst-normal burst-max conform-action action exceed-action action Specifies a basic CAR policy for all IP traffic. See Table 7 for a description of conform and exceed action keywords. CAR(Computer - Assisted Retrieval) 计算机辅助检索 CAR (Corrective Action Requirement) 纠正措施要求 Car.(carotinoid) 类胡萝卜素 CAR (capital abundance ratio) 资本充足率 CAR(Cumulative abnormal return)累计超额收益率 工业工厂 CAR: Corrective Action Report 纠正措施报告 CAR (constitutive androstane receptor):组成型雄烷受体 |
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