词条 | 犬瘟热病毒基因变异 |
释义 | 赵建军;闫喜军;吴威 由犬瘟热病毒(Canine distemper virus,CDV)引起的犬瘟热(CD)一直是对 世界养犬业、毛皮动物养殖业以及野生动物保护事业危害最为严重的传染病之一 ,甚至在广泛应用疫苗防制CD的近年,世界各地仍有犬或野生动物感染CDV并造成 CD流行的报道。现今实验证明经治愈犬痊愈后以无终身免疫之说,病毒的变异使 得痊愈犬仍可传染CDV(2),通过对CDV(2)主要抗原基因——血凝基因(H基因 )氨基酸序列分析,CDV(2)可分为6个基因型。研究证实,CDV(2)野毒株在抗原 性上存在较大差异,因此推测H蛋白抗原变异造成了弱毒疫苗免疫效力的降低以及 痊愈犬机体病毒的耐药进而导致了某些地区CD的爆发。CDV(2)作为一种宿主范 围广泛的病毒,其细胞受体——信号淋巴细胞激活因子(SLAM)和硫酸乙酰肝素 (HS)在哺乳动物体内的广泛存在是CDV跨物种间感染的重要因素。本文就国内外 最新研究进展并结合作者的工作,对上述问题进行了综述和探讨以便及时防治。 【作者单位】:中国农业科学院研究所犬病学研究室 132109(2008) Genetic variations of haemagglutinin protein gene of canine distemper virus isolated from breeding fox and raccoon dog ZENG Xiangwei;LIU Lanlan;HUA Yuping(College of Wildlife Resources;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin 150040;China) Haemagglutinin(H)protein genes of six CDV strains isolated from fox and raccoon dog between 2004 and 2006 were amplified by RT-PCR,and then were cloned and sequenced.Their sequences were also compared with those of 34 CDV reference strains in Genbank.The results show that the ORF of H genes of six strains are all composed of 1 824 nucleotides,encoding a polypeptide of 607 amino acid residues.Deletion and insertion were not found in the H genes of the six isolates.Phylogenetic tree based on nucleotide sequences of H genes from six isolates and 34 reference strains show all these strains are classified into six majority genetic lineages,designated Asia-1,Asia- 2,America-1,America-2,Europe,Arctic.HL isolate has high homology with Italy strain 194/97 and Danmark strain Green,and belongs to Arctic genetic lineage.The other five isolates have high homology with Japan strains HAMA,UENO,Tanu96 and China strains TN,GP,and belong to Asia-1 genetic lineage,this shows a certain extent geographical relativity.The six isolates have lower homology with vaccins strains Onderstepoor and Convac,it shows that virus variation may be one of important reasons for prevalence of CD in vaccinated animals. 【Keyword】:Canine distemper virus;Genetic variation;Hemagglutinin protein gene |
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