

词条 陈友明



姓 名:陈友明

性 别:男


民 族:汉 族








湖南大学首届优秀人才计划—“撷英计划”入选者,教育部 “新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者。现为湖南大学土木工程学院建筑环境与设备工程系副主任,国际建筑性能仿真学会中国分会华中地区负责人(2005-2008),《建筑热能通风空调》杂志编审委员会委员,美国采暖制冷空调工程师学会(ASHRAE)正式会员,担任第十届国际建筑性能仿真学术会议(BS2007)组委会委员。曾为香港理工大学博士后、研究员和高级研究员,美国Oklahoma 州立大学访问教授。先后到美国Nebraska- Lincoln 大学、香港大学和香港城市大学等机构访问。



1996.6~1998.6 湖南大学环境工程系暖通空调工程教研室,讲师,实验室主任

1998.6~2003.6 湖南大学土木工程学院建筑环境与设备工程系,副教授,副主任

1999.6~2001.5 香港理工大学屋宇设备工程系,博士后研究,副研究员

2002.7~2002.9 香港理工大学屋宇设备工程系,研究员

2003.8~2002.10 香港理工大学屋宇设备工程系,研究员

2003.6至今 湖南大学土木工程学院建筑环境与设备工程系,教授,副主任

《建筑热能通风空调》杂志编委,《Building and Environment》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《暖通空调》等国际国内学术期刊的审稿专家。主持二项国家自然科学基金项目;参加三项国家自然科学基金项目;参加一项国家“十五”科技攻关项目;主持和参加部省级和横向项目十余项;以合作研究形式参加境外合作研究项目三项,参加国际能组织合作项目IEA Annex 34的研究。已在国际国内学术期刊和学术会议上发表学术论文90余篇,三大检索收录40余篇次,其中SCI收录16篇。出版专著二部,参编教材一部。获得国际优秀论文奖一次。












2004 陈友明, Wang S.W. Response to Comments on "Calculation of wall conduction transfer coefficients by regression in the frequency domain", Building and Environment, 2004, 39(5), pp. 591-593 (SCI, EI收录)

2004 Zhang L, 陈友明. A genetic-algorithm-based experimental technique for determining heat transfer coefficient of exterior wall surface, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2004, 24(2-3), pp.339-349 (SCI, EI收录)

2004 陈友明, Wang S.W. Sensor validation and reconstruction for building central chilling systems based on principal component analysis, Energy Conversion and management , 2004, 45(5) pp.673-695 (SCI, EI收录)

2003 陈友明, Wang S.W., Zuo Z. An Approach to Calculate Transient Heat Flow Though Multi-layer Spherical Structures, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2003, Vol. 42(8), pp805-812 (SCI, EI收录)

2003 陈友明, Wang S.W. Zuo Z. A procedure for calculating transient thermal load through multilayer cylindrical structures, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2003, Vol.23(16): pp2133-2145. (SCI, EI收录)

2003 Wang S.W., 陈友明. Transient Heat Flow Calculation for Multi-layer Constructions Using Frequency-Domain Regression Method, Building and Environment, 2003, V38(1), pp45-61 (SCI, EI收录)

2003 Ye G.D., Yang C.Z., 陈友明. A New Approach for Measuring Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Standard Effective Temperature (SET*), Building and Environment, 2003, V38(1), pp33-44 (SCI, EI收录)

2002 Wang S.W., 陈友明, Fault-tolerant Control for Outdoor Ventilation Air Flow Rate in Buildings Based on Neural-Network, Building and Environment, 2002, V37(7) pp691-704 (SCI, EI收录)

2002 Wang S.W., 陈友明, A Simple Procedure for Calculating Thermal Response Factors and Conduction Transfer Functions of Multi-layer Walls, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2002, V22(3), pp333-338 (SCI, EI收录)

2002 Zhang L., 陈友明, and Tang G.F. Research on System Identification of Wall Surface Heat Transfer processes, Experimental Heat Transfer, 2002, V15(1), pp31-47 (SCI, EI收录)

2001 陈友明, Wang S.W. Transfer Function Model and Frequency Domain Validation of Moisture Sorption in Air-conditioned Buildings, Building and Environment, 2001, V36(6), pp579-588 (SCI, EI收录)

2001 陈友明, Wang S.W. Frequency Domain Regression Method for Estimating CTF Model of Building Multilayer Walls, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 2001, V25(7) pp579-592 (SCI, EI收录)

2000陈友明, Chen Z.K. A Neural-Network-Based Experimental Technique for Determining Z-Transfer Function Coefficients of a Building Envelope, Building and Environment, 2000, Vol.35(2), p181-189 (SCI, EI收录)

2000 Wang S.W. 陈友明. A Novel and Simple Building Load Calculation Model for Building and System Dynamic Simulation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2000, V21(6), p683-702 (SCI, EI)

1999 Wang, X.M., Chen Z.K., Yang, C.Z, 陈友明. Gray Prediction Theory and Application of Energy Consumption of Building Heat-Moisture System, Building and Environment, 1999, Vol.34 (4), pp.417-420 (SCI, EI收录)

1998陈友明, Chen Z.K. Transfer Function Method to Calculate Moisture Absorption and Desorption in Buildings, Building and Environment, 1998, Vol.33 (4), pp.201-207 (SCI, EI收录)


2001陈友明, Wang S.W. “Sensor Fault Tolerant Control of Outdoor Air Flow Base on Neural Network”, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Changsha, China, 2-5 October 2001, pp1289-1298

2001 Zhang L., 陈友明, Tang G.F. “Experiment Simulating and Data Analyzing of Wall Surface Heat Transfer Process”, Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Changsha, China, 2-5 October 2001, pp1255-1262

2001 Wang S.W. 陈友明. “Fault-Tolerant Control for Building Outdoor Air Flow Control”, Clima2000/Napoli 2001 World Congress, Napoli (I), 15-18 September 2001

2001 陈友明, Wang S.W. "Effects of Sensor Faults Of BMS On Energy Efficiency Of Building Air-Conditioning System in Subtropical Climate", Asia-Pacific Conference on the Built Environment, 14-17 November 2001, Singapore, pp231-242

2000 陈友明, Wang S.W. “A New Method to Estimate Conduction Transfer Coefficients of Building Multi-layer Constructions”, Proceeding of International Symposium on Air Conditioning in High Rise Buildings’ 2000, Shanghai, China, October, 2000, pp388-394

2000 Zhang L. 陈友明, “Determining heat transfer coefficients of wall surface by instrumental variable method”, Proceeding of International Symposium on Air Conditioning in High Rise Buildings’ 2000, Shanghai, China, October, 2000, pp376-381

1999陈友明, Deng N.H. and Zhang L. “Determining Heat Transfer Coefficient of the Wall Surface by Genetic Algorithm”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Shenzhen, China, November, 1999, pp318-324

1999陈友明, Wang S.W. “Calculation Models and Frequency Analysis of Moisture Transfer in Air-Conditioning Buildings”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Shenzhen, China, November, 1999, pp1050-1058

1997陈友明, Chen Z.K. “An Application of Neural-Network in Identifying State Space Model of Dynamic Thermal Behavior of Building Envelopes”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Conditioning in High Rise Buildings’97, Shanghai, China, October, 1997, pp346~351

1997 Yin P., 陈友明. “A Study of MFVAV System 1: Fundamental Principle and Components”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Conditioning in High Rise Buildings’ 97, Shanghai, China, October, 1997, pp114~119

1997陈友明, Yin P. “A Study of MFVAV System 2: Outdoor Air Flow Control”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Conditioning in High Rise Buildings’ 97, Shanghai, China, October, 1997, pp120~125

1995陈友明, Chen Z.K. “Calculation of Moisture Absorption and Desorption Transfer Function in Buildings”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Beijing, China, October, 1995, pp208~213


2004 陈友明. 自动故障检测与诊断在暖通空调中的应用.《暖通空调》,2004, 34(3).

2004 陈友明, 郝小礼. 建筑能源管理与控制系统中传感器故障及其检测与诊断. 《暖通空调》, 2004, 34(2).

2004 陈友明,周娟,彭建国. 常用墙体和屋面动态热特性数据表的开发研究. 《建筑热能通风空调》,2004, 23(2).

2003 陈友明,郝小礼,彭建国. 空调监测系统的数据恢复方法的研究. 《湖南大学学报》,2003, 30(3).

2003 陈友明,周娟,左政. 用频域回归方法计算墙体周期反应系数. 《建筑热能通风空调》, 2003, 22(1).

2002 陈友明,郝小礼. 空调系统中传感器故障检测与诊断方法的研究.《测控技术》, 2002,21(11).

2002陈友明, 郝小礼. 基于BAS暖通空调系统过程监控与故障诊断.《建筑热能通风空调》, 2002, 21(5).

2001 陈友明, 王盛卫. 多层墙体瞬时热负荷计算新模型. 《上海理工大学学报》, 2001, 23(3)

2001 陈友明,左政. 用频域回归方法计算球形墙体的瞬时传热. 《建筑热能通风空调》,2001,20(6).

2000 陈友明,王盛卫. 用频域回归方法计算多层墙体响应系数. 《湖南大学学报》, 2000,29(5).

1999 陈友明. 中央空调实时专家控制系统的设计与应用.《测控技术》,1999, 18(4).

1999 陈友明,张国强. 建筑围护结构动态热特性辨识及其系统. 《湖南大学学报》,1999,28(5)

1999 陈友明, 陈在康. 建筑内表面吸放湿过程对室内环境及空调负荷影响的仿真研究.《暖通空调》, 29(5)





国际能源组织合作项目IEA Annex 34: Computer-aided Evaluation of HVAC System Performance: the Practical Application of Fault Detection Techniques in Real Buildings(1999~2001, 参加研究)

香港RGC项目:Sensor Fault Detection Diagnosis and Evaluation of Building Management Systems(2000~2001, 参加研究)

香港RGC项目:Fault Validation and Fault Tolerant Control of Building Automation System(2000~2002, 参加研究)





国际优秀科学技术论文奖:The Simultaneous Heat and Moisture Transfer Equation of Porous Building Envelope and Their Linearization,美国柯尔比文化信息中心,1999.1



现任: 新加坡佛教总会秘书 新加坡佛教总会基金会董事 菩提学校董事会董事 莲山双林寺管理委员会副秘书





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