

词条 邱荣国




1983 武汉大学病毒学学士

1986 武汉大学病毒生化硕士

1986-1989 中山医科大学助教、讲师

1990-1992 University of California-San Francisco 研究学者

1992-1997 美国恩尼克斯生物制药有限公司助理科学家

1997 Utrecht University 细胞与分子生物学博士

1998-2000 University of California-Berkeley 博士后

2000-2002 美国寇山生命科学有限公司科学家

2003-2006 美国北进缘有限公司总裁

2006-今 大连理工大学教授、博士生导师













在国内外权威学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,影响因子总和超过200,被他人引用3000多次。论文所发期刊包括Nature, Cell, Curr. Biol.,Genes & Dev., PNAS, Mol. Cell. Biol., JBC等。


1. P. Li, Z. Deng, Z. Hu and R.-G. Qiu: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies for Evaluating Metabolic Interaction of a Anticancer Drug Candidate UTD1 on Dog and Human Cytochrome P450 Isoforms, Accepted,Academic J. Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2007

2. L. Tang, R.-G. Qiu, Y. Li, and L. Katz: Generation of Novel Epothilone Analogs with Cytotoxic Activity by Biotransformation, J. Antibiotics 56:16-23, 2003

3. R. Arslanian, L. Tang, S. Blough, R.-G. Qiu, L. Katz and J. R. Carney: A New Cytotoxic Epothilone From Modified Polyketide Synthases Heterologously Expressed in Myxococcusxanthus, J. Nat. Prod. 65:1061-1064, 2002.

4. N. Malecz, P. McCabe, C. Spaargaren, R.-G. Qiu and M. Symons: Synaptojanin 2, a Novel Effector that Regulates Clathrin-mediated Endocytosis, Curr. Biol. 10: 1383-1386, 2000

5. M. Ahram, M. Sameni, R.-G. Qiu, D. Kirn and B. Sloane: Rac1-induced Invasion: Intracellular Proteolysis of Extracellular Matrix, Exp. Cell Res. 260: 292-303, 2000

6. R.-G. Qiu, A. Abo and G. S. Martin: A Human Homologue of the C. elegans Polarity Determinant Par-6 Links Rac and Cdc42 to PKCz Signaling and Cell Transformation, Curr. Biol. 10: 697-707, 2000

7. B. Anand-Apte, B. Zetter, A. Viswanathan, R.-G. Qiu, R. Ruggieri, J. Chen and M. Symons: PDGF and Fibronectin-stimulated Migration Are Differentially Regulated by the Rac and ERK Pathways, J. Biol. Chem. 272: 30688-30692, 1997

8. R.-G. Qiu, A. Abo, F. McCormick and M. Symons: Cdc42 Regulates Anchorage-independent Growth and Is Necessary for Ras Transformation, Mol. Cell. Biol. 17: 3449-3458, 1997

9. R.-G. Qiu: All the Roads Leading to Rho: Rho-like GTPases and Cell Signaling (a review), in The Role of Rho-like GTPases in Cell Proliferation and Ras Transformation, p13-73, Published by FEBO-druk, Enschede, the Netherlands, 1997

10. M. Falasca, A. Carvelli, C. Iurisci, R.-G. Qiu, M. Symons and D. Corda: Fast Receptor-induced Formation of Glycerophosphoinositol-4-phosphate, a Putative Novel Intracellular Messenger in the Ras Pathway, Mol. Biol. Cell. 8: 443-453, 1997

11. J. A. Hess, A H. Ross, R.-G. Qiu, M. Symons and J. Exton: Role of Rho Family Proteins in Phospholipase D Activation by Growth Factors, J. Biol. Chem. 272: 1615-1620, 1997

12. M. Hart, S. Sharma, N. elMastry, R.-G. Qiu, P. McCabe, P. Polakis and G. Bollag: Cloning of a Novel GDP/GTP Exchange Factor for Rho GTPase, J. Biol. Chem. 271: 25452-25458, 1996

13. M. Peppelenbosch, L. Tertoolen, A. Vries-Smits, R.-G. Qiu, M. Symons, S. de Laat, and J. Bos: Rac-dependent and -independent Pathways Mediate Growth Factor Induced Ca2+ Influx, J. Biol. Chem. 271: 7883-7886, 1996

14. R.-G. Qiu, J. Chen, F. McCormick, and M. Symons: A Role for Rho in Ras Transformation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92: 11781-11785, 1995

15. M. Peppelenbosch, R.-G. Qiu, A. de Vries-Smits, L. Tertoolen, S. de Laat, F. McCormick, A. Hall, M. Symons, and J. Bos: Rac Mediates Growth Factor-Induced Arachidonic Acid Release, Cell 81: 849-856, 1995

16. P. Hawkins, A. Eguinoa, R.-G. Qiu, D. Stokoe, F. Cooke, R. Walters, S. Wennstrom, L. Claesson-Welsh, T. Evans, M. Symons, and L. Stephens: PDGF Stimulates an Increase in GTP-Rac via Activation of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase, Curr. Biol. 5: 393-403, 1995

17. A. Siddiqi, J. Smith, A. Ross, R.-G. Qiu, M. Symons, and J. Exton: Regulation of Phospholipase D in HL60 Cells: Evidence for a Cytosolic Phospholipase D, J. Biol. Chem. 270: 8466-8473, 1995

18. R.-G. Qiu, J. Chen, D. Kirn, F. McCormick, and M. Symons: An Essential Role for Rac in Ras Transformation, Nature 374: 457-459, 1995

19. K. Malcom, A. Ross, R.-G. Qiu, M. Symons, and J. Exton: Activation of Rat Liver Phospholipase D by the Small GTP-binding Protein RhoA, J. Biol. Chem. 269: 25951-25954, 1994

20. C. van Genderen, R. Okamura, I. Farinas, R.-G. Qiu, T. Parslow, L. Bruhn, and R. Grosschedl: Development of Several Organs That Require Inductive Epithelial-mesenchymal Interactions Is Impaired in LEF-1 Deficient Mice, Genes & Dev. 8: 2691-2703, 1994

21.A. Milatovich, R.-G. Qiu, R. Grosschedl, and U. Francke: Gene for a Tissue-specific Transcriptional Activator (EBF or Olf-1), Expressed in early B Lymphocytes, Adipocytes, and Olfactory Neurons, Is Located on Human Chromosome 5, Band q34, and Proximal Mouse Chromosome 11, Mamm. Genome 5: 211-215, 1994

22. T. Jenuwein, W. Forrester, R.-G. Qiu, and R. Grosschedl: The Immunoglobulin m Enhancer Core Establishes Local Factor Access in Nuclear Chromatin Independent of Transcriptional Stimulation, Genes & Dev. 7: 2016-2032, 1993





2000-2002 美国癌症学会Diane Beardsley 研究奖

1998-1999 美国卫生研究院(NIH)博士后研究奖(NRSA)






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