词条 | cabs |
释义 | 函数简介函数名: cabs(_cabs) 功 能: 计算复数的绝对值 所属库:math.h 用 法: double _cabs(struct _complex z); 参数说明: struct _complex 定义在math.h下 struct _complex { double x,y; /* real and imaginary parts */ } ; 程序示例#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main(void) { struct complex z; double val; z.x = 2.0; z.y = 1.0; val = cabs(z); printf("The absolute value of %.2lfi %.2lfj is %.2lf", z.x, z.y, val); return 0; } 下面的例子来自MSDN #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> int main( void ) { struct _complex number = { 3.0, 4.0 }; double d; d = _cabs( number ); printf( "The absolute value of %f + %fi is %f\", number.x, number.y, d ); } |
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