词条 | 青红椒烧肥肠 |
释义 | 中文介绍【配料】肥肠300克、青红杭椒100克、花椒1小把、八角2个、蒜头2个、香葱2根、料酒5ML、干辣椒5个、盐少许、生抽2ML、老抽5ML、蚝油5ML、白糖少许、油10ML。 清洗肥肠辅料:干淀粉适量、盐适量。 【制作方法】 1、肥肠先把表面用清水清洗干净,翻出里层用刀去除附着在内壁的肥油,撒些干淀粉用手揉搓,用清水冲洗干净,再撒些盐巴用手揉搓,用清水冲洗干净,重复干淀粉和盐巴揉搓冲洗过程2-3次,确保把肥肠内外都清洗干净无异味。 2、把清洗干净的肥肠放进锅里,加清水,把所有的调料一起放进锅内,开火煮20分钟左右,用筷子扎一下,可轻松扎透肥肠即可。 3、煮好的肥肠切成小段,青红椒也分别切成椒圈,取一个蒜子拍成蒜末。锅里倒入油,倒入蒜末爆香后,下肥肠,加所有调味翻炒入味,再放入青红椒一起翻炒,有椒香味时即可出锅。 英文解说【Ingredients】 Broth 300 grams, 100 grams of green and red peppers hang, pepper 1 small handful, star anise, 2, 2 garlic, shallot 2, wine 5ML, 5 dried pepper, pinch of salt, soy sauce 2ML, soy sauce 5ML, oyster sauce 5ML , a little sugar, oil 10ML. Cleaning broth accessories: dry corn starch, Salt to taste. Making】 【 1, the broth should first clean the surface with water, pulls out a knife to remove the inner layer attached to the wall Feiyou, sprinkle dry starch hand rub, rinse, Zaisa hand rub some salt, rinse with water clean, dry starch and salt rub repeat the process 2-3 times washing, make sure to clean both inside and outside broth no smell. 2, to clean the broth into the pot, add water, put all the spices together into a pot, simmer for about 20 minutes to open with chopsticks bar look, you can easily spike broth. 3, cut into small pieces cooked in broth, green peppers were also cut into pepper rings, take a garlic made into minced garlic. Pan pour oil into the garlic until fragrant, under the broth, add all the seasonings and stir fry tasty, then add the stir fry with green peppers, a pepper flavor when you can pan. |
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