词条 | 嵌入式系统编程 |
释义 | 基本信息原书名: Programming Embedded Systems: With C and GNU Development Tools, 2nd Edition 原出版社: O'Reilly Media, Inc.作者: Michael Barr Anthony Massa 丛书名: 东南大学出版社O'REILLY图书系列 出版社:东南大学出版社 ISBN:9787564107727 上架时间:2007-9-17 出版日期:2007 年6月 开本:16开 页码:301 版次:2-1 内容简介如果你具有c语言编程经验并且对此较为熟悉,那么《嵌入式系统编程》第二版正是你开始学习编写嵌入式软件的入门指南。 《嵌入式系统编程》第一版将这门技术教给了成千上万的人,它已成为嵌入式编程的圣经。在第二版中,我们更新了相关内容,以涵盖最新的硬件设计和开发方法论。 其中所涉及的技巧和范例代码可直接应用于真实世界里的各种嵌入式软件项目。相关例子用到了免费的gnu软件编程工具、ecos和linux操作系统以及一种为本书特别定制的低成本硬件平台。若你获得了《嵌入式系统编程》第二版的随书工具,你将拥有一个完整的开发环境以探寻嵌入式系统中的深邃奥秘。即便你使用不同的硬件和软件,本书所提及的原理一样适用。 无论是嵌入式系统新手,还是已在嵌入式系统上做了大量工作的专业人员,你都会从本书讨论的话题中受益,它们包括: 基本调试技巧——在小巧的嵌入式系统上工作所需的关键技能 中断,和芯片内部与外围设备的监控 确定是否存在实时需求以及你的操作系统和应用程序是否能满足这些需求 在实时操作系统和嵌入式linux中实现任务同步 优化嵌入式软件的大小、运行速度和能耗 无论你正在编写第一个嵌入式程序、设计最新潮的手持的什么东西,还是管理一群嵌入式开发工程师,《嵌入式系统编程》第二版都将帮助你提升相关知识和技能,直至你精熟嵌入式软件。 目录foreword. preface 1. introduction what is an embedded system? variations on a theme embedded design examples life as an embedded software developer the c language: the lowest common denominator a few words about hardware 2. getting to know the hardware understanding the big picture hardware basics examine the landscape learn how to communicate getting to know the processor study the external peripherals initialize the hardware 3. your first embedded program hello, world! the blinking led program . the role of the infinite loop 4. compiling, linking, and locating the build process building the blinking led program a quick look at makefiles 5. downloading and debugging downloading the blinking led program remote debuggers emulators other useful tools dig into the hardware 6. memory types of memory direct memory access endian issues memory testing validating memory contents using flash memory 7. peripherals control and status registers the device driver philosophy device driver design 8. interrupts overview interrupt map interrupt service routine the improved blinking led program summary of interrupt issues 9. putting it all together application overview working with serial ports command-line interface processing 10. operating systems history and purpose he scheduler task synchronization message passing other functionality interrupt handling real-time characteristics to use or not to use an rtos additional resources 11.ecos examples introduction task mechanics mutex task synchronization semaphore task synchronization message passing ecos interrupt handling 12.embedded linux examples introduction accessing hardware in linux task mechanics mutex task synchronization semaphore task synchronization message passing 13.extending functional common peripherals networking for all devices great and small 14.optimization techniques increasing code efficiency decreasing code size problems with optimizing compilers reducing memory usage power-saving techniques limiting the impact of c++ …… index |
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