

词条 陈水利

陈水利 ,男,1956 年10 月出生南安市 ,职称: 教授

研究方向: 格上拓扑学、模糊控制、模糊信息处理、智能与优化算法















2007.01-2010.12: 集美大学理学院教授、集美大学理学院院长、集美大学影像信息工程技术研究中心副主任;





 1. 1993年被国家人事部评为享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家;

2. 1994年被湖北省评为爱国主义教育先进典型代表;

3. 1995年被评为中国石油天然气总公司首批优秀中青年骨干教师;

4. 1997年被评为湖北省有突出贡献中青年专家;

5. 1999年被评为湖北省有突出贡献归侨侨眷先进个人;

6. 2000年被评为集美大学第一层次优秀中青年骨干教师;

7. 2001年被全国教育工会授予“全国师德先进个人”称号;

8. 2008年被厦门市总工会授予“厦门市劳动模范”称号;

9. 2009年被福建省总工会授予“福建省劳动模范”称号;

10. 2008-2009学年被评为集美大学科研特聘岗一级岗;

11. 2009-2010:被集美大学聘为二级教授。


 1. 《Theory of L-fuzzy H-sets》获湖北省第五届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(排名第一);

2. 《Fuzzy Urysohn spaces and α-stratified fuzzy Urysohn spaces》获湖北省第五届自然科学优秀学术论文二


3. 《The characterizations of semi-continuous and irresolute order-homomorphisms on fuzzes》获湖北省第六届


4. 《U-convergence of L-fuzzy U-sets》获湖北省第六届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(排名第一);

5. 《NS-set and its fuzzy images》获湖北省第六届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(排名第一);

6. 《q-convergence of nets of L-fuzzy sets and its applications》获湖北省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖


7. 《Theory of L-fuzzy NC-convergence》获国际信息工程与知识工程会议(ICIK’95)优秀论文奖(排名第一);

8. 《Urysohn-closedness on fuzzy lattices》获湖北省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(排名第一);

9. 《L-fuzzy N-continuous mappings》获湖北省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖(排名第一);

10. 《序同态的NC-连续性》获荆州市第一届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖(排名第一);

11. 《New applications of L-fuzzy multifunctions》获青海省第一届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖(排名第二);

12.《Some important applications of nets of L-fuzzy sets》获湖北省第七届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(排名第二);

13.《L-fuzzy S-闭空间》获陕西省教委优秀科研成果二等奖(排名第二);

14. 《无人低空遥感系统》项目荣获6.18海峡两岸职工创新成果展金奖(排名第二);

15. 《模糊集理论及其应用》获集美大学优秀教学成果奖一等奖(排名第一)。


1. 美国国际学术期刊《The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics》常务编委;

2. 《国际模糊数学杂志》集美大学审稿中心主任;

3. 高等学校科学技术同行评议专家;

4. 教育部霍英东教育基金会评议专家;

5. 福建省中小型企业创新基金评审专家;

6. 中文核心期刊《模糊系统与数学》编委;

7. 《长江大学学报(自然科学版)》编委;

8. 《集美大学学报(自然科学版)》副主编;

9. 中国模糊数学与模糊系统学会常务理事;

10. 中国模糊信息与模糊工程学会常务理事;


12. 福建省人工智能学会副理事长;

13. 福建省系统工程学会副理事长;

14. 福建省生物数学学会副理事长;

15. 厦门市系统工程学会常务理事;

16. 福建省高校服务海西重点建设项目《智能信息系统技术开发》(起止时间:2008-2012),主要负责人(正在研究中);

17. 武汉大学出版社《模糊理论与工程大型系列丛书》副主编。

17. 横向课题《数码摄像头与数码相机协同作业的高分辨率监视系统》(项目编号:S08067;起止时间:2008-2009),项目负责人(正在研究中);

18. 横向课题《立体测量型民用无人低空航空摄影系统》(项目编号:S08058;起止时间:2008-2009),项目负责人(正在研究中);

19. 横向课题《超高分辨率低空遥感影像数据处理技术的研究》(项目编号:S08060;起止时间:2008-2009),主要负责人,已结题;

20. 横向课题《超高分辨率低空遥感及数据预处理的工程化》(项目编号:S08066;起止时间:2008-2009),主要负责人,已结题。


 1. 《应用数学物理方程》(国家教委工科院校教材编写委员会推荐教材),武汉工业大学出版社出版,1999;

2. 《模糊集理论及其应用》,科学出版社,2005;

3. 《点集拓扑学》,科学出版社,2008;

4. 《线性代数》,科学出版社,2009.


 [1] Chen Shui-Li, NS-closeness in L-fuzzy topological spaces, Proc. IFES, 1991, Vol.1: 27-32. (SCI)

[2] Chen Shui-Li, Theory of L-fuzzy H-sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1992, 51(1): 89-94. (SCI, EI)

[3] Chen Shui-Li, The characterizations of semi-continuous and irresolute order-homomorphisms on fuzzes, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1994, 64: 105-112. (SCI, EI)

[4] Chen Shui-Li, U-convergence of L-fuzzy U-sets, Information Sciences, 1995, 87(4): 205-213. (SCI, EI)

[5] Chen Shui-Li and Cheng Ji-Shu,q-convergence of nets of L-fuzzy sets and its applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1997, 86(2): 235-240. (SCI, EI)

[6] Chen Shui-Li, Order-homomorphisms on generalized topological molecular lattices, J. Jianghan Petroleum Institute, 1988, 10(2): 96-97. (SCI)

[7] Chen Shui-Li, Fuzzy Urysohn spaces and a-stratified fuzzy Urysohn spaces, Proc. Fifth IFSA, 1993, Vol.I: 453-456. (SCI)

[8] Chen Shui-Li and Cheng Ji-Shu, Theory of R-convergence of ideals on fuzzy lattices and its applications, Proc. Fifth IFSA, Vol.I: 269-271. (SCI)

[9] Chen Shui-Li and Cheng Ji-Shu, Theory of R-convergence of nets on fuzzy lattices and its applications, J. BUSEFAL, 1993, 55: 60-66.

[10] Chen Shui-Li and Cheng Ji-Shu, On convergence of nets of L-fuzzy sets, J. Fuzzy Math., 1994, 2(3): 517-524.

[11] Chen Shui-Li, NS-set and its fuzzy images, J. Fuzzy Math., 1994, 2(3): 505-516. (EI)

[12] Chen Shui-Li, NF-compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces, Proc. First Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, 1993, Vol.1: 598-603. (SCI)

[13] Chen Shui-Li, L-fuzzy closed graph and its properties, Advancement of Fuzzy Theory and Systems in China and Japan, International Academic Publishers, 1990, A2-9: 1-6.

[14] Pu Yi-Shu and Chen Shui-Li, On some L-fuzzy topological spaces, Advancement of Fuzzy Theory and Systems in China and Japan, International Academic Publishers, 1990, A1-2: 1-6.

[15] Chen Shui-Li , Almost F-compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces, J. Northeastern Math., 1991, 7(4) : 428-432. (SCI)

[16] Chen Shui-Li and Chen Sheng-Tao, Theory of L-fuzzy NC-convergence, Information Engineering, Harbin Engineering University Press, 1996, P246-251.

[17] Chen Shui-Li, Characterizations of weakly continuous order-homomorphisms on fuzzes J. BUSEFAL, 1992, 52: 14-21.

[18] Chen Shui-Li, Urysohn molecular lattices, Proc. International General Topology Symposium,1993, P1-7.

[19] Chen Shui-Li, Urysohn-convergence theory of nets on fuzzy lattices, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Nets and Soft Computing, Japan,1994, D9:1-2.

[20] Chen Shui-Li, Urysohn-convergence of fuzzy ideals, J. Fuzzy Math., 1995, 3(3): 555-558. (MR)

[21] Chen Shui-Li, L-fuzzy almost nice compactness, J. Fuzzy Math., 1999, 7(1): 91-100. (MR)

[22] Chen Shui-Li, A new extension of fuzzy convergence, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2000, 109:199-204. (SCI, EI)

[23] Chen Shui-Li, Urysohn-closedness on fuzzy lattices, J. Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems, 1996, 4(1): 87-93. (SCI, EI)

[24] Chen Shui-Li and Wang Xiang-Gong, L-fuzzy N-continuous mappings, J. Fuzzy Math., 1996, 4(3): 621-630. (MR)

[25] Meng Guang-Wu and Chen Shui-Li, New characterizations of three kinds of compact sets in L-fuzzy topological spaces, J. Fuzzy Math., 1995, 3(3): 691-698. (MR)

[26] Zhou Wu-Neng and Chen Shui-Li, L-fuzzy N-accumulation points, J. Fuzzy Math., 1997, 5(1): 193-200. (SCI, MR)

[27] Cheng Ji-Shu and Chen Shui-Li, New applications of L-fuzzy multifunctions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,1998, 94(2): 269-273. (SCI, EI)

[28] Zhou Wu-Neng and Chen Shui-Li, Some important applications of nets of L-fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1998, 95(1): 91-97. (SCI, EI)

[29] Chen Shui-Li and Wu Zheng-Xing, Urysohn separation properties in topological molecular lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2001, 123(2) : 177-184. (SCI, EI)

[30] Meng Guang-Wu and Chen Shui-Li, On the categery of L-fuzzy topological rings, J. Fuzz Math., 1998, 6(2): 381-394. (MR)

[31] Meng Han, Meng Guang-Wu and Chen Shui-Li, L-fuzzy semi-open sets and semi-continuous mappings, J. Fuzzy Math., 1998, 6(2): 263-276. (MR)

[32] Chen Shui-Li and Wang Xiang-Gong, S-convergence theory in L-fuzzy topology, Proc. Conference to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Fuzzy Topology, Press of University of Dayton, USA, 1998.

[33] Chen Shui-Li and Wu Jie-Ru, SR-convergence theory in fuzzy lattices, J. Information Sciences, 2000, 125: 233-247. (SCI, EI)

[34] Chen Shui-Li, The application of comprehensive fuzzy judgement in the interpretation of water-flooded reservoirs, J. Fuzzy Math., 2001, 9(3) (MR)

[35] Chen Shui-Li, Chen Sheng-Tao and Wang Xiang-Gong, s-convergence theory in fuzzy lattices, Information Sciences, 2004, 165(2): 45-58. (SCI, EI)

[36] Chen Shui-Li and Zhou Wu-Neng, SR-separation Axioms in Topological Molecular Lattices, J. Fuzzy Math., 1999, 7(4): 987-996. (MR)

[37] Zhang Qingde, Chen Shuili, Meng Han and Meng Guangwu, The Join in the Lattices of Fuzzy (Left, Ring) Ideals of A Ring, J. Fuzzy Math., 1999, 7(4): 949-956. (MR)

[38] Chen Shui-Li and Chen Sheng –Tao, A new extension of fuzzy convergence, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2000, 109: 199-204. (SCI, EI)

[39] Chen Shui-Li, L-fuzzy Almost Nice Compactness, J. Fuzzy Math. 7(1)(1999), 91-100. (MR)

[40] Meng Guang-Wu and Chen Shui-Li,Stratiform L-fuzzy Topologies and L-fuzzy Paracompactness, J. Fuzzy Math., 2001, 9(2): 421-428. (MR)

[41] Meng Guang-Wu and Chen Shui-Li,Strato-closed Operator and L-fuzzy Paracompactness, J. Fuzzy Math., 2001, 9(3): 637-642. (MR)

[42] Chen Shui-Li, Characterizations of NC-continuous Order-homomorphisms, J. Fuzzy Math., 2002, 10(3): 643-656. (MR)

[43] Chen Shui-Li, On L-fuzzy order-preserving operator w-spaces, J. Fuzzy Math.,2006, 13(2): 621-632. (MR)

[44] Chen Shui-Li, On w-molecular lattices, Proc. ICMLC (IEEE), 2005, Vol.5: 2619-2623. (EI, ISTP)

[45] Niu Yong-Li, Huang Li ,Zhao Hong-Min, Chen Shui-Li, Improvement and application of temple method in fuzzy pattern recognition, Proc. ICMLC(IEEE), 2005, Vol.5: 2727-2730. (EI, ISTP)

[46] Chen Shui-Li, Chen Ji-Shu, On Lw-spaces, Proc. 11th IFSA World Congress, 2005, Vol. I: 257-261.

[47] Cheng Ji-Shu, Chen Shui-Li, Hausdorff separation axiom in topological lattices, Proc. 11th IFSA World Congress 2005, Vol. I: 296-301.

[48] Liu Yun, Chen Shui-Li, Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of investment environment of foreign direct investment, J. Fuzzy Math., 2005, 13(3): 728-742. (MR)

[49] Huang Zhen-Kun, Chen Shui-Li, Optimal fuzzy control of a poisoning-pest model, Appl. Math. and Computation, 2005, 171: 730-737. (SCI, EI)

[50] Chen Shui-Li, Applications in fuzzy information processing methods in recognizing oil-gas reservoirs, Fuzzy Information and Engineering, 2006, 6(1): 72-80.

[51] Chen Shui-Li, Separation axioms in w-molecular lattices, Proc. ICMLC (IEEE), 2006, Vol.3: 1801-1805. (EI, ISTP)

[52] Chen Ming-Zhi, Chen Guo-Long, Chen Shui-Li, Interval-valued examples Learning based on fuzzy C-mean clusering, Proc. ICMLC (IEEE), 2006, Vol.3: 1153-1158. (EI, ISTP)

[53] Huang Xiang, Chen Giuo-Long, Chen Shui-Li, Computing with words and its application search engines, Proc. AFSA World Congress, 2006, Vol. I.

[54] Chen Shui-Li, Some separation axioms Lw-spaces, Proc. AFSA World Congress, 2006, Vol. I.

[55] Lv Yan-Ping, Li Shao-Zi, Chen Shui-Li, Guo Wen-Zhong, Jiang Qing-Shan, Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Information Diffusion and Clone Selection, Proc. ICNC’2006. (SCI, EI)

[56] Chen Guo-Long, Chen Shui-Li, Guo Wen-Zhong, Chen Huo-Wang, The Multi-criteria Minimum Spanning Tree Problem Based Genetic Algorithm, Information Sciences, 2007, 177(2):5050-5063. (SCI, EI)

[57] Huang Zhen-Kun, Chen Shui-Li, Incorporate intelligence into an ecological system: An adaptive fuzzy control approach, Applied Mathematics and Computation (New York) 177(1) (2006)243-250. (SCI, EI)

[58] Jian-Cheng Zhang, Shui-Li Chen, Generalized root of theories in propositional fuzzy logic Systems, Advances of Soft Computing, 2007, 40:159-169.(ISTP)

[59] Lai Yi-Fen, On the perturbation of fuzzy matrix equations with ∨-T composition, Advances of Soft Computing, 2007, 40: 269-279. (ISTP)

[60] Guo Wen-Zhong, Chen Guo-Long, Huang Min, Chen Shui-Li, A discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm for the multiobjective permutation flowshop sequencing problem, Advances of Soft Computing, 2007, 40: 323-331. (ISTP)

[61] Cheng Ji- Shu, Chen Shui-Li, Properties of theta-continuous order homomorphisms, Proc. ICMLC (IEEE), 2007, Vol.4: 2405-2410. (EI, ISTP)

[62] Chen Ming-Zhi, Chen Wei-Jie, Chen Shui-Li, Research on WAP gateway supporting WEB service, WSEAS Transaction on Communication, 2007, 6(1):221-227. (EI)

[63] Lv Yan-Ping, Li Shao-Zi, Chen Shui-Li, etc., Particle swarm optimization based on adaptive diffusion and hybrid mutation, Journal of Software, 2007, 18(11): 2740-2751. (EI)

[64] Shui-Li Chen, Yun-Dong Wu, Guo-Long Cai, Omega Theta-Convegence Theory of Filters in Lω-Spaces, Proc. FSKD(IEEE),2008, 1: 489-493. (EI, ISTP)

[65] Cai Guo-rong, Chen Shui-Li, Li Shao-Zi, Guo Wen-Zhong, Study on the nonlinear strategy of particle swarm optimization, Proc. ICNC(IEEE), 2008, 7: 683-687. (EI, ISTP)

[66] Zhang Jian-Cheng, Su Lian-Ta, Chen Shui-Li, Consistency degree of theories in lukasiewicz fuzzy and n-valued propositional logic systems, Proc. ICNC(IEEE), 2008, 7: 342-346. (EI, ISTP)

[67] Chen Shui-Li, Chen Guo-Long, Niu Yong-Li, Cai Guo-Rong, A fuzzy Neural Network Model Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Its Appilications, Proc. ISKE(IEEE), 2008, 1: 137-140. (EI, ISTP)

[68] Cai Guo-Rong, Chen Shui-Li, Guo Wen-Zhong, Fuzzy neural network structure of linguistic dynamic systems based on nonlinear particle swarm optimization, Proc. ISKE (IEEE), 2008, 1: 886-891. (EI, ISTP)

[69] Chen Ming-Zhi, Yun Lun, Chen Shui-Li, A fast cutpoints sieve method for interval-valued decision tree, Proc. ISKE(IEEE), 2008, 1: 615-618. (EI, ISTP)

[70] Chen Shui-Li, Chen Guo-Long, Zhang Jian-Cheng, ω-Convergence Theory of Filters in Lω-Spaces,Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 2008, 7(4): 351-360. (SCI, EI)

[71] Chen Shui-Li, Wu Yun-Dong, Cai Guo-Long, ωd-Convergence Theory in Lω-Spaces, Advances of Soft Computing, 2008, 54 (ISTP)

[72] Chen Shui-Li, Wu Yun-Dong, Cai Guo-Rong, Xie Jia-Liang, The almost ω-compactness in Lω-spaces, Advances of Soft Computing, 2009, 62:1701-1710. (ISTP)

[73] Chen Ming-Zhi, Yu Lun, Chen Shui-Li, Variation of interval-valued confficients in interval linear programming, Information Sciences2007, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pat. Ltd, 2007.

[74] Cheng Ji-Shu, Chen Shui-Li, Characterizations of L-extremally disconnectedn spaces, Information Sciences2007, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pat. Ltd, 2007.

[75] Zhang Dong-Xiao, Chen Shui-Li, A standard of formula truth degree in Lukasiewicz propositional fuzzy logic system, Proc. Quantitative Logic and Quantification of Software, 2009.

[76] Chen Shui-Li, Continuity of L-fuzzy set-valued mappings, Journal of Jianghan Petroleum Institute, 2003, 23(1): 75-78. (EI)

[77] Chen Shui-Li, ω-base and Its Properties in L-fuzzy Order-preserving Operator Spaces, Journal of Jianghan Petroleum Institute, 2003, 25(3): 143-145. (EI)

[78] Chen Shui-Li, Improved template method and its application in recognizing oil and gas payzones, J. Oil and Gas, 2005, 27(3): 321-323. (EI)

[79] Chen Shui-Li, Wu Yun-Dong, Cai Guo-Long, Xie Jia-Liang, w-Convegence Theory of Molecular Nets in ω-Molecular Lattices, Proc. FSKD(IEEE),2010.

[80] Chen Shui-Li, Wu Yun-Dong, Cai Guo-Long, Xie Jia-Liang, w-Convegence Theory of Ideals in ω-Molecular Lattices, Proc. ICMLC(IEEE),2010.





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