

词条 陈士林
1 中国医学科学院药用植物研究所所长


陈士林研究员 现任中国医学科学院药用植物研究所所长、世界卫生组织传统医学合作中心主任;1978-1982年湖北中医学院获学士学位,成都中医药大学获得硕士、博士学位;曾担任香港理工大学访问教授,并在英国皇家植物园丘园接受专业培训、哈佛医学院Mclean Hospital 做访问学者等。现兼任“濒危药材繁育”国家工程实验室主任、中国药学会中药与天然药物专业委员会主任委员、中国野生植物保护协会野生药用植物保育委员会主席等。

教育部长江学者创新团队负责人,并担任Chinese Herbal Medicines副主编、《药学学报》副主编,国际国内十余种学术刊物的编委;创立了基于GIS的中药材产地适宜区分析平台,完成了中国常用中药材的产地适宜性数值区划,编著出版《中国药材产地生态适宜性区划》(科学出版社);在国际上首次验证并提出ITS2作为药用植物鉴定的通用DNA条形码序列,完成了常用中药材原植物DNA条形码鉴定,主编《中药DNA条形码分子鉴定》、《中华人民共和国药典中药材及原植物彩色图鉴》等书籍。担任国家药典委员会委员、美国药典传统中药咨询组顾问。获得国家科技进步二等奖2项;发表论文200余篇,其中SCI论文100余篇,包括Cladistics、PNAS、Nat Prod Rep、 PLoS ONE等国际著名期刊。


1. Pang XH, Song JY, Zhu YJ, Xu HX, Huang LF, Chen SL* . Applying plant DNA barcodes for Rosaceae species identification. Cladistics , 2011, 27(2):165-170

2. China Plant BOL Group1, Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants November 18, 2011, doi: 10.1073/ PNAS

3. Y Sun, H Luo, Y Li, C Sun, J Song, Y Niu, Y Zhu, L Dong, A Lv, E Tramontano and Shilin Chen* Pyrosequencing of the Camptotheca acuminata transcriptome Reveals Putative Genes Involved in Camptothecin Biosynthesis and Transport. BMC Genomics 12(1):533 (2011)

4. Shilin Chen*, H. Luo, Y. Li, Y. Sun, Q. Wu,Y. Niu, J. Song, A. Lv, Y. Zhu, C. Sun, A. Steinmetz & Z. Qian 454 EST analysis detects genes putatively involved in ginsenoside biosynthesis in Panax ginseng Plant Cell Rep (2011) 30:1593-1601

5. C Sui, J Zhang, J Wei, Shilin Chen, Y Li, J Xu, Y Jin, C Xie, Z Gao, H Chen, C Yang, Z Zhang and Y Xu Transcriptome analysis of Bupleurum chinense focusing on genes involved in the biosynthesis of saikosaponins. BMC Genomics 12(1):539 (2011)

6. Shilin Chen * , Yao H, Han JP, Liu C, Song JY, Shi LC, Zhu YJ, Ma XY, Gao T, Pang XH, Luo K, Li Y, Li XW, Jia XC, Lin YL, Leon C. Validation of the ITS2 Region as a Novel DNA Barcode for Identifying Medicinal Plant Species. PLoS ONE . 2010,5(1):e8613.

7. Pan JY, Chen SL , Yang MH, Wu J, Sinkkonen J, Zou K. An update on lignans: natural products and synthesis. Nat Prod Rep . 2009, 26: 1251–1292.

8. H Yao., JY Song, C Liu., K Luo, JP Han1, Y Li1, XP Pang, HX Xu, YJ Zhu*, PG Xiao, Shilin Chen* U se of ITS2 Region as the Universal DNA Barcode for Plants and Animals PLoS ONE . 2010,5(10):e13102.

9. Li Y, Luo HM, Sun C, Song JY, Sun YZ, Wu Q, Wang N, Yao H, Steinmetz A, Chen Shilin* . EST analysis reveals putative genes involved in glycyrrhizin biosynthesis. BMC Genomics , 2010,11:268

10. Sun C, Li Y, Wu Q, Luo HM, Sun YZ, Song JY, Lui E, Chen SL* . De novo sequencing and analysis of the American ginseng root transcriptome using a GS FLX Titanium platform to discover putative genes involved in ginsenoside biosynthesis. BMC Genomics , 2010,11:262.

11. Luo H, Li Y, Sun C, Wu Q, Song J, Sun Y, Steinmetz A, Shilin Chen *. Co mparison of 454-ESTs from Huperzia serrata and Phlegmariurus carinatus reveals putative genes involved in lycopodium alkaloid biosynthesis and developmental regulation. BMC Plant Biol. 2 010,10(1):209

12. . T Gao, H Yao , J Song, Y Zhu, C Liu and Shilin Chen* . Evaluating the Feasibility of Using Candidate DNA Barcodes in Discriminating Species of the Large Asteraceae Family. BMC Evolutionary Biology . 2010,

13. Luo HM, Sun C, Li Y, Wu Q, Song JY, Wang DL, Jia XC, Li RY, Chen Shilin* . Analysi s o f expressed sequence tags from the Huperzia serrata leaf for gene discovery in the areas of secondary metabolite biosynthesis and development regulation. Physiologia Plantarum , 2010, 139: 1–12.

14. . Gao T, Yao H, Song JY, Liu C, Zhu YJ, Ma XY, Pang XH, Xu HX, Chen Shilin* . Identification of Medicinal Plants in the Family Fabaceae using a Potential DNA Barcode ITS2. Journal of Ethnopharmacology . 2010, 10.1016/j.jep.2010.04.026

15. . Hao DC , Chen SL* , Xiao PG. Molecular evolution and positive Darwinian selection of the chloroplast maturase matK. Journal of Plant Research . 2010,123:241–247.

16. Sun Z, Gao T, Yao H, Shi L, Zhu Y, Chen Shilin*. Identification of Lonicera japonica and its Related Species Using the DNA Barcoding Method. Planta Med . 2010,76:

17. Wu Q, Sun C, Luo H, Li Y, Niu Y, Sun Y, Lu A, Chen Shilin* . Transcriptome analysis of Taxus cuspidata needles based on 454 pyrosequencing. Planta Med . 2010,76:

18. Zhou YQ, Yu H, Zhang YL, Sun SQ*, Chen SL* , Zhao RH, Zhou Q, Noda I. Evaluation on intrinsic quality of licorice influenced by environmental factors by using FTIR combined with 2D-IR correlation spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Structure , 2010,

19. Ting Gao, Zhiying Sun, Hui Yao, Jingyuan Song, Yingjie Zhu, Xinye Ma, Shilin Chen* Identification of Fabaceae Plants Using the DNA Barcode matK. Planta Med. 2010,76:

20. Pang XH, Song JY, Zhu YJ, Xie CX, Chen SL* . Using DNA barcoding to identify species within Euphorbiaceae, Planta Medica , 2010, 76:

21. Li XW, Dai Y, Chen Shilin* . Growth and physiological characteristics of Fritillaria cirrhosa in response to high irradiance and shade in age-related growth phases. Environmental and Experimental Botany . 2009,67(1):77-83.

22. Li XW, Chen Shilin* . Diurnal changes in gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Fritillaria cirrhosa and F. delavayi under field conditions. Photosythetica . 2009,47(2):191-198.

23. Yao H, Song JY, Ma XY, Liu C, Li Y, Xu HX, Han JP, Duan LS, Chen Shilin* . Identification of Dendrobium Species by a Candidate DNA Barcode Sequence:The Chloroplast psbA-trnH Intergenic Region. Planta Medica . 2009,75:667-669.

24. Hao DC , Chen Shilin* , Mu J and Xiao PG. Molecular phylogeny, long-term evolution, and functional divergence of flavin-containing monooxygenases. Genetica . 2009,137:173–187.

25. Song JY, Yao H, Li Y, Li XW, Lin YL, Liu C, Han JP, Xie CX, Chen SL* . Authentication of the family Polygonaceae in Chinese pharmacopoeia by DNA barcoding technique. Journal of Ethnopharmacology . 2009,124:434–439. 26. 罗焜 , 陈士林 * , 陈科力 , 宋经元 , 姚辉 , 马新业 , 朱英杰 , 庞晓慧 . 基于芸香科的植物通用 DNA 条形码研究 . 中国科学 C , 2010, 40(4):342-351.

27. 郝大程 肖培根 陈士林 人类Ⅱ相药物毒物代谢酶非同义单核苷酸多态性的表型预测:分子进化观 中国科学:C 2011年02期

28. 孙永珍, 牛云云, 李滢, 朱英杰, 罗红梅, 陈士林* 西洋参 PqERF1 基因的克隆和生物信息学分析 药学学报 2011, 46 (8): 1008-1014

29. 王柯, 陈科力, 刘震, 陈士林 锦葵科植物DNA条形码通用序列的筛选 植物学报 Chinese Bulletin of Botany 2011, 46 (3): 276–284

30. 韩建萍,李美妮 罗焜, 刘美子 陈晓辰, 陈士林* DNA 条形码鉴定洋金花及其伪品 药学学报 2011, 46 (11): 1408−1412

31. 韩建萍,宋经元,刘昶,陈 君,钱俊,朱英杰,石林春,姚辉 ,陈士林*. 基于叶绿体 psbA-trnH 基因间区序列鉴定肉苁蓉属植物 . 药学学报 , 2010,45 (1):126-130.

32. 陈士林 * , 孙永珍 , 徐江 , 罗红梅 , 孙超 , 何柳 , 程翔林 , 张伯礼 , 肖培根 本草基因组计划研究策略 药学学报 2010, 45 (7): 807-812.

33. 朱英杰 , 陈士林 , 姚辉 *, 谭睿 *, 宋经元 , 罗焜 , 鲁静 . 重楼属药用植物 DNA 条形码鉴定研究 . 药学学报 , 2010, 45(3): 376-382.

34. 黄林芳, 谢彩香, 陈士林*, 段宝忠, 凯撒.苏来曼, 孙成忠. 沙生药用植物锁阳产地适宜性数值分析. 植物学报, 2010,45(2).

35. 李滢 , 孙超 , 罗红梅 , 李西文 , 牛云云 , 陈士林 * . 基于高通量测序 454 GS FLX 的丹参转录组学研究 . 药学学报 . 2010, 45(4).

36. 张翠英 , 董梁 , 陈士林 *, 谢彩香 , 常断铃 人参药材皂苷类成分 UPLC 特征图谱的质量评价方法 药学学报 . 2010, 45(10).;1296-1300

2 河南科技学院教授








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