词条 | 陈汝东 |
释义 | 陈汝东,男,北京大学新闻与传播学院教授,博士。主要研究领域为修辞学理论与应用、传播学理论与应用。代表性著作为《传播伦理学》。 所在系:传播学系 职称:教授 学位:博士 简历*********************************************************************************************************** 博士,上海外国语大学,国际文化交流学院(1992.9—1995.7) 硕士,山东大学,中文系(1989.9—1992.7) 本科,山东省教育学院,中文系(1985.9—1989.6) 副教授,北京大学新闻与传播学院(2001.9—) 副教授,北京大学中文系(2000.8—2001.8) 讲师,北京大学中文系(1995.7—2000.7) 研修,日本早稻田大学(2005.9—2006.8) 研修、讲学,美国曼隆学院(Menlo College)(2002.1—2002.5) 讲学,韩国顺天国立大学中文系(1998.3—1999.2) 社会兼职:中国修辞学会常务理事、秘书长(2003.5 ——) 研究领域************************************************************************************************************ 1、研究领域:修辞学理论与应用;传播学理论与应用。 2、近期课程:汉语修辞学、传播伦理学(本)、社会心理修辞学、认知修辞学、传播伦理学研究、传播学史(研)等。 近期研究兴趣 语言传播学、传播修辞学、新闻修辞学;新闻伦理学、传播学史、传媒产业政策与改革 专著************************************************************************************************************ 6.陈汝东《传播伦理学》,北京大学出版社2006年8月。 5.陈汝东《当代汉语修辞学》,北京大学出版社2004年8月第1版。 4.陈汝东《认知修辞学》,广东教育出版社2001年10月第1版。 3.陈汝东《语言伦理学》,北京大学出版社2001年10月第1版。 2.陈汝东《对外汉语修辞学》,广西教育出版社2000年1月第1版。 1.陈汝东《社会心理修辞学导论》,北京大学出版社1999年6月第1版。 主编:《修辞学论文集》(第八集),北京大学出版社2005年。 ************************************************************************************************************ 论文************************************************************************************************************ 国外国际会议特邀大会学术报告: 3.Chen Rudong, Rhetorical Thought Comparison of Ancient China and Ancient Greece: From Confucius to Aristotle, Plenary Address, International Conference on Comparative Rhetoric: Asia and Western World, November 10-12, 2006, Seoul, College of Liberal Arts Building, Korea University. 2.陈汝东,论视觉修辞学——一种语言学方法,日本现代中国语学会2006年学术研讨会,2006年6月25日,日本东京东洋大学。 1.Chen Rudong, Chinese Rhetorical Thought before the Qin Dynasty: Theory and Practice, Plenary Address,The 15th Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric,July 12-16, 2005, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, U.S.A. 国外学术演讲: 4. Intercultural Communication: An Approach of Chinese. Takushoku University, July 4, 2006. 3. On Audience Ethics of Communication. Institute of Communication Education, Waseda University, Jun. 28, 2006. 2.论视觉修辞研究,日本早稻田大学中文系,2005年11月12日。 1. Number and Voice Superstition in Chinese Language and Its Value in Intercultural Communication. Linguistic Study Group's Meeting, Waseda University, Nov. 17, 2005. 国外国际学术会议论文: 3.论对外汉语修辞教学——内容与方法,第9届韩中文化论坛,2007年 8月25日,韩国,济州大学。 2.On Chinese Religious Rhetoric,The 16th Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric,Palais University, Strasbourg,France,July 24-28, 2007. 1. Ru-dong CHEN, Takeo TATSUMI and Yasunari HARADA, On Recipient Ethics of Internet Communication, "Glocalisation: Bridging the Global Nature of Information and Communication Technology and the Local Nature of Human Beings", The Ninth ETHICOMP International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technology, March 27-29, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan. 国外国际会议大会主持: 2.主持基调讲演,第9届韩中文化论坛,2007年 8月25日,韩国,济州大学。 1.Chair,Plenary Address,Michael LEFF, The Expedient, the Honorable, and the Sacred : Rhetorical Topics and the Religious Imperative,The 16th Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric,Palais University, Strasbourg,France,July 27, 2007. ************************************************************************************************************ 近年主要论文************************************************************************************************************ 国外期刊: 31、先秦时期的汉语修辞学思想:理论与实践,(汉语和韩国语版),Susahak(《修辞学》,韩国), No.3. 2005, Korea. 30、Besonderheiten und Tendenzen der Verwendung nichtstandardisierter Schriftzeichen in der ?ffentlichkeit(目前社会用字中的不规范现象及其特点和趋势),CHUN(《春》)(德国)1998年·14。 国内期刊: [传播学]: 29、受众伦理规范研究:历史、现状与趋势,《新闻与传播研究》2006年3期。 28、论传播受众伦理,《北大新闻与传播评论(第二辑)》,北京大学出版社2006年。 27、论未成年人成长中的媒体道德建设,《媒体与未成年人发展论文集》,媒体与未成年人发展论坛组委会,中共党史出版社,2005年8月,16页-22页。 26、新闻中谐音现象的传播价值,《新闻与写作》2004年第5期。 25、论传播伦理学的理论建设,《伦理学研究》2004年第3期。 24、也谈新闻标题中的复用方法,《新闻与写作》2002第4期。 [语言伦理学]: 23、话语理解中的道德准则,《道德与文明》,2000年第4期。 22、语言伦理学----一门新兴的交叉学科,《道德与文明》2000年第2期;全文转载于中国人民大学复印资料《新兴学科》2000年第4期。 21、论言语道德,《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)1998年第1期;全文转载于中国人民大学复印资料《伦理学》1998年第3期。 20、论言语行为的道德准则,《语文建设》1998年第5期。 19、言语行为的社会道德评价,《语文建设》1997年第2期;全文转载于中国人民大学复印资料《语言文字学》1997年第6期。 18、论语言文明,《语文建设》1996年第11期;中国人民大学复印资料《语言文字学》1997年第2期。 [修辞学]: 17、东西方古典修辞学思想比较——从孔子到亚里士多德,《江汉大学学报》2007年第1期。转摘于《高等学校文科学术文摘》2007第2期。 16、论以修辞学为中心的学科体系建设,《福建师范大学学报》2007年第1期;《修辞学论文集》第十集,中国修辞学会编、王德春、李月松主编,上海外语教育出版社,2006年11月。 15、论以修辞学为中心的学科体系建设,中国修辞学会2005年学术研讨会大会学术报告,2005年6月16日.厦门.集美大学。 14、论修辞的视觉效果,《福建师范大学学报》2005年第3期;《修辞学论文集》(第八集),陈汝东主编,北京大学出版社2005年。 13、论视觉修辞研究,《湖北师范学院学报》2005年第1期。 12、论修辞研究的传播学视角,《湖北师范学院学报》2004年第2期。 11、简论以修辞为纲的对外汉语教学理念,《对外汉语教学与研究》2004年第2期。 10、话语角色冲突的类型、原因及其消除,《汉语学习》2003年第3期。 9、应用语言学及其学科建设论略,《暨南大学华文学院学报》2002年第4期。 8、认知修辞学的性质、理论来源及现实基础,《锦州师范学院学报》2002年第1期;转摘于《高等学校文科学报文摘》2002第2期。 7、民族心理视角下的语言及其运用,《华文教学与研究》2001年第2期。 6、论修辞的四个微观原则,《术语与标准化》,2000年第4期。 5、当前城市社会用字中的不规范现象及其成因和对策,《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)1999年第5期。 4、语境认知的修辞价值,《语言文字应用》1998年第3期。 3、瑞查兹及其修辞研究(上、下),《修辞学习》1998年第1期、第2期;全文转载于中国人民大学复印资料《语言文字学》1998年第7期。 2、论修辞的社会心理原则,《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),1997年第1期;全文转载于中国人民大学复印资料《语言文字学》1997年第5期;转摘于《全国高校文科学报文摘》1997年第3期。 1、言语行为理论的修辞学价值取向,《修辞学习》1996年第4期。 ************************************************************************************************************ 译著************************************************************************************************************ 3、文艺复兴时期关于亚里士多德《修辞学》的论争:传播理论的跨文化解读,[美国] 劳伦斯·葛林(Lawrence D. Green)著,陈汝东 译,胡成花 校,《福建师范大学学报》2007年第2期。 2、全球修辞学史研究,[美国] 劳伦斯·葛林(Lawrence D. Green)著,陈汝东 译,《江汉大学学报》2007年第1期。 1、西方修辞学研究的当前趋势,[美国]艾伦.葛络斯 著,陈汝东译,中国修辞学会2000年国际学术研讨会论文; 《面向21世纪的修辞学研究》,广东人民出版社2001年;《暨南大学学报》2000年第6期;全文转载于中国人民大学复印资料《语言文字学》2001年第3期。 ************************************************************************************************************ 备注************************************************************************************************************ Chen Rudong ************************************************************************************************************ Department of Communication Studies School of Journalism & Communication, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China 100871 ************************************************************************************************************ Education and Work ************************************************************************************************************ Ph.D. Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, College of International Cultural Exchange Communication, Shanghai International Studies University(Sept.1992. -Jun.1995) M.A. Modern Chinese Language, The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Shandong University(Sept.1989-Jul.1992) Undergraduate, Chinese Language and Literature, The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Shandong Institute of Education(Sept.1985-Jun.1989) Associate professor,School of Journalism & Communication, Peking University(Sept. 2001- up to now) Associate professor, Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Peking University(Aug. 2000- Aug. 2001) Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Peking University(July 1995-Jul. 2000) Research, Waseda University, Japan. (Sep. 2005.–Aug. 2006) Research and teaching, Menlo College, CA, U.S.A. (Jan. 4,2002. –May. 4,2002) Teaching, Department of Chinese Language & Literature of Sunchon National University , Korea (Mar.1998-Feb.1999) Secretary-general and Director of the Council of the Rhetoric Society of China(May. 2003- up to now) ************************************************************************************************************ Research Interests ************************************************************************************************************ Rhetoric theories and application: Socio-psychological Rhetoric; Cognitive Rhetoric; Speech Communication; Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. Communication theories and application: Ethics of Language; Ethics of Communication; Ethics of Journalism; Ethics of Advertising; Ethics of Internet; Economics of Communication. ************************************************************************************************************ Courses ************************************************************************************************************ Chinese Rhetoric; Socio-psychological Rhetoric, Cognitive Rhetoric, Ethics of Communication, Studies on Ethics of Communication and etc. ************************************************************************************************************ Publications ************************************************************************************************************ Books (Monographs): 1. Socio-psychological Rhetoric. Beijing: Peking University Press, Jun. 1999. 2. Chinese Rhetoric for Foreigners. Nanning: Guangxi Educational Publishing House, Jan. 2000. 3. Cognitive Rhetoric. Guangzhou: Guangdong Educational Publishing House, Oct. 2001. 4. The Ethics of Language. Beijing: Peking University Press, Oct. 2001. 5. The Contemporary Rhetoric of Chinese. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004. 6. Collection of Rhetoric Essays (volume 8).Edited by Chen Rudong,Peking University Press, 2005. Selected Articles: "On Rhetoric View of Confucius", Rhetoric Learning, No.2,1994, Shanghai, China. "On Morals Value of Confucian Speech Act Thought", Journal of Huaibei Coal Teachers' College (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.1,1994, Anhui Province, China. "Brief Discussion of Oxymoron" (with Prof. Dai Lei), Symposium on Congratulating Professor Yin Huanxian on the 50th Anniversary of Teaching, Shandong University Press, 1994. "Review of Cultural Problems Research in the Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language", Chinese Culture and the World, Volume 2, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1994. "Brief Review on An Introduction to Rhetorical Communication", Rhetoric Learning, No.5, 1994, Shanghai, China. "On G. A. Hauser's Action-ism Rhetorical Perspectives", Rhetoric Learning, No.1,1995, Shanghai, China. "Approach to Socio-psychological Rhetoric", Chinese Language Learning, No.1,1995, Jilin Province, China. "Brief Discussion of Socio-psychological Rhetoric", Rhetoric Learning, No.3, 1995, Shanghai, China. "On Theoretical Frame of Socio-psychological Rhetoric", (with Prof. Wang Dechun), Journal of Foreign Language, No.3, 1995, Shanghai, China. "On Confucius' Rhetoric Thought", (with Prof. Dai Lei), Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.4, 1995, Shandong Province, China. "Principles of Sentences Combination", Language Planning, No.3, 1996,Beijing, China. "On the Relationships between Social Morals and Rhetoric Behavior", (with Prof. Wang Dechun), Jinzhou Teachers' College Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.2, 1996,Liaoning Province, China. "Speech Roles Selecting and Adjusting in the Process of Rhetoric", Chinese Language Learning, No.3, 1996,Jilin Province, China. "On Construction of Language Civilization", Language Planning, No.9, 1996, Beijing, China. "On Language Civilization", Language Planning, No.11, 1996; Linguistics and Philology, No.2, 1997, China Renda Social Sciences Information Center, Beijing, China. "On Rhetoric Value of Speech Acts Theory", Rhetoric Learning, No.4, 1996, Shanghai, China. "Speech Roles Adjusting in the Process of Group Communication", Symposium on the 45th Anniversary of Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1996. "On the Socio-psychological Principles of Rhetoric Acts", Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) No.1, 1997; Linguistics and Philology, No.5, 1997, China Renda Social Sciences Information Center, Beijing, China. "Social Moral Evaluating of Speech Acts", Language Planning, No.2, 1997; Linguistics and Philology, No.6, 1997, China Renda Social Sciences Information Center, Beijing, China. "On Speech Moral Thought of Ancient Han Nationalities", Language Planning, No.6, 1997, Beijing, China. "Speech Morals and Its Characters", Language Planning, No.9, 1997, Beijing, China. "On Speech Morals", Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) No.1, 1998; Ethic, No.3, 1998, China Renda Social Sciences Information Center, Beijing, China. "I. A. Richards and His Rhetoric Studies", Rhetoric Learning, No.1-2, 1998, Shanghai, China; Linguistics and Philology, No.7, 1998, China Renda Social Sciences Information Center, Beijing, China. "Rhetorical Value of Speech Environment Cognition", Applied Linguistics, No.3, 1998, Beijing, China. "On Moral Principles of Speech Acts", Language Planning, No.5, 1998, Beijing, China. "Language Civilization Needs Close Attention", China Culture Newspaper, March 26,1998, Beijing, China. "Socio-psychological Model of Rhetorical Communication", Journal of Chuxiong Teachers' College, No.2, 1998, Yunnan Province, China. "On the Characters and Trends of Confusion of Current Urban Social Applied Chinese Characters", CHUN, No.14, 1998, Germany. ("Besonderheiten und Tendenzen der Verwendung nichtstandardisierter Schriftzeichen in der ?ffentlichkeit", CHUN, No.14, 1998, Germany.) "Rhetorical Value of Speech Roles Cognition", (with Prof. Wang Dechun), Journal of Yangzhou University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.4, 1998,Jiangsu Province, China. "On the Relationships of Rhetoric Acts and Social-political Background", Jinzhou Teachers' College Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.3, 1998,Liaoning Province, China. "Theory of Language Ethics" , Language Planning, No.12, 1998, Beijing, China. "Nature of Rhetoric: On Social and Psychological View", Rhetoric Learning, No.3, 1999. "Irregularity and Confusion in the Public Use of Chinese Characters in Cities: Its Causes and Solutions", Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) No.5, 1999. Language Ethics-----A New Interdiscipline, Morality and Civilization, No.2, 2000. On Psychological Schema and Approaches of Discourse Cognition, Journal of Chuxiong Teachers' College, No.1, 2000. Ethics of Rhetoric and Its Studies, Rhetoric and Culture,The Rhetoric Association of China, Xinjiang University Press, 2000. Moral Principle in the Language Comprehending, Morality and Civilization, No.4, 2000. The Cognitive Nature of Rhetoric and Cognitive Rhetoric, Rhetoric Stuides towards 20th Century, The Rhetoric Association of China, Guangdong People Publishing House, 2001. On the Four Micro-principles of Rhetoric, Terminology Standardization & Information Technology, No.4, 2000. Chinese Rhetoric: Review of 20th Century and Prospect for the 21st Century, 2001’ Conference of the Rhetoric Association of China,Journal of Pingdingshan Teachers' College, No.3,2001. On the Relationship between Language and National Psychology, Chinese Teaching and Studies, No.2, 2001. The Nature, Theoretical Resources and Social Foundation of Cognitive Rhetoric, Jinzhou Teachers' College Journal (Philosophy and Social Sciences), No.1, 2002,Liaoning Province, China. On Types, Causes and Eliminating Measures of Speech Role Conflict, Chinese Language Learning, No.3,2003, Jilin Province, China. The Theoretical Building of Ethics of Communication,Studies in Ethics, No.3,2004. Euphony of News’ Writing, Journal of News and Writing, No.5,2004. On the Research of Rhetoric——An Approach of Communication. Journal of Hubei Teachers College, No.2,2004. On the Research of Visual Rhetoric. Journal of Hubei Teachers College, No.1,2005. On the Visual Effect of Rhetoric Act. Journal of Fujian Normal University, No.3,2005. Chinese Rhetorical Thought before the Qin Dynasty: Theory and Practice,Plenary Address,The 15th Biennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric,July 12-16, 2005, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, U.S.A. ,Susahak, No.2. 2006, Korea. On Audience Ethics of Communication,Journalism and Communication Review of Peking University, Vol.2, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2006. ************************************************************************************************************ |
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