词条 | 奇异积分和函数的可微性 |
释义 | 图书信息书名:奇异积分和函数的可微性 出版社: 世界图书出版公司; 第1版 (2011年6月1日) 外文书名: singular integrals and diffferentiability properties of functions 平装: 287页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 24 isbn: 7510035139, 9787510035135 条形码: 9787510035135 商品尺寸: 22 x 14.8 x 1.4 cm 商品重量: 322 g 品牌: 世界图书出版公司北京公司 内容简介《奇异积分和函数的可微性(英文)(影印版)》内容简介:ThisbookisanoutgrowthofacoursewhichIgaveatOrsayduringtheacademicyear1966.67MYpurposeinthoselectureswastopre-sentsomeoftherequiredbackgroundandatthesametimeclarifytheessentialunitythatexistsbetweenseveralrelatedareasofanalysis.Theseareasare:theexistenceandboundednessofsingularintegralop-erators;theboundarybehaviorofharmonicfunctions;anddifferentia-bilitypropertiesoffunctionsofseveralvariables.ASsuchthecommoncoreofthesetopicsmaybesaidtorepresentoneofthecentraldevelop-mentsinn.dimensionalFourieranalysisduringthelasttwentyyears,anditcanbeexpectedtohaveequalinfluenceinthefuture.Thesepos. 作者简介作者:(美国)施泰恩(SteinE.M.) 目录PREFACE NOTATION I.SOME FUNDAMENTAL NOTIONS OF REAL.VARIABLE THEORY The maximal function Behavior near general points of measurable sets Decomposition in cubes of open sets in R” An interpolation theorem for L Further results II.SINGULAR INTEGRALS Review of certain aspects of harmonic analysis in R” Singular integrals:the heart of the matter Singular integrals:some extensions and variants of the preceding Singular integral operaters which commute with dilations Vector.valued analogues Further results III.RIESZ TRANSFORMS,POLSSON INTEGRALS,AND SPHERICAI HARMONICS The Riesz transforms Poisson integrals and approximations to the identity Higher Riesz transforms and spherical harmonics Further results IV.THE LITTLEWOOD.PALEY THEORY AND MULTIPLIERS The Littlewood-Paley g-function The functiong Multipliers(first version) Application of the partial sums operators The dyadic decomposition The Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem Further results V.DIFFERENTIABlLITY PROPERTIES IN TERMS OF FUNCTION SPACES Riesz potentials The Sobolev spaces BesseI potentials The spaces of Lipschitz continuous functions The spaces Further results VI.EXTENSIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Decomposition of open sets into cubes Extension theorems of Whitney type Extension theorem for a domain with minimally smooth boundary Further results VII.RETURN TO THE THEORY OF HARMONIC FUNCTIONS Non-tangential convergence and Fatou'S theorem The area integral Application of the theory of H”spaces Further results VIII.DIFFERENTIATION OF FUNCTIONS Several qotions of pointwise difierentiability The splitting of functions A characterization 0f difrerentiability Desymmetrization principle Another characterization of difirerentiabiliW Further results APPENDICES Some Inequalities The Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem Some Elementary Properties of Harmonic Functions Inequalities for Rademacher Functions BlBLl0GRAPHY INDEX |
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