词条 | 藕继红 |
释义 | 教授简介美国麻省理工学院运营研究学博士 长江商学院副教授 藕继红在中国科学院数学研究所取得硕士学位后,留美在麻省理工学院获得运营研究学博士学位。目前为长江商学院运营管理学副教授,此前是新加坡国立大学商学院副教授,也曾是剑桥大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院和伊利诺依大学访问学者。藕继红教授的课程包括统计学与决策分析,管理科学,运营管理,供应链管理,随机运营研究模型等。 藕继红-主要研究领域 藕继红的理论研究专注于排队理论及随机运营研究模型。他也在生产与库存系统,工业工程,企业流程化管理,供应链管理等应用研究领域颇有建树。 主要学术成果"Service Performance Analysis andImprovement for a Ticket Queue with Balking Customers", with L. Gao and S.Xu, Management Science, 53, 971-990, 2007. "Joint Management of Finished GoodsInventory and Demand Process for a Make to-Stock Product: A ComputationalApproach”, with L. Chen and Y. Feng, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,51, 58-273, 2006. "Optimal Positioning of Idle ElevatorsUnder Myopic and State-dependent Policies”, with M. Parlar and S. Moosa, EuropeanJournal of Operational Research, 170, 863-886, 2006 "Management of Inventory Replenishmentand Available Offerings for Goods Sold with Optional Value-Added Packages”,with F. Chen and Y. Feng, IIE Transactions, 37, 397-406, 2005 "Stability of Data Networks:Stationary and Bursty Model", with H. Ye and X. Yuan, Operations Research,53, 107-125, 2005. "The Benefits of Advanced BookingDiscount Programs: Model and Analysis", with C. S. Tang, K. Rajaram, andA. Alptekinoglu, Management Science 50, 465-478, 2004. "Inventory Cost Effect ofConsolidating Several One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Systems", with W.S. Limand C. P. Teo, Operations Research, 51, 668-672, 2003. "The Delay of Open Markovian QueuingNetworks: Uniform Functional Bounds, Heavy Traffic Pole Multiplicities, andStability", with C. Humes and P.R. Kumar, Mathematics of OperationsResearch, 50, 921-954, 1997. "The Throughput of Irreducible ClosedMarkovian Queuing Networks: Functional Bounds, Asymptotic Loss, Efficiency, andthe Harrison-Wein Conjectures", with H. Jin and P.R.Kumar, Mathematics ofOperations Research, 22, 886-920, 1997. "Sequential Screening In SemiconductorManufacturing, II: Exploiting Lot-to-Lot Variability",with L. M. Wein,Operations Research , 44, 196-204, 1996. "Dynamic Scheduling of aProduction/Inventory System With By-Products and Random Yields", with L.M. Wein, Management Science, 41, 1000-1017, 1995. "The Impact of Processing TimeKnowledge on Dynamic Job-Shop Scheduling", with L. M. Wein, ManagementScience, 37, 1002-1014, 1991. 最新观点 藕继红教授《商界评论》 最新文章:升级中国制造的五个节点 藕继红教授《中国制造业信息化》 杂志发表文章:架起产业链共赢之桥 |
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