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1998-2005:美国普林斯顿大学宗教系博士生,导师太史文(Stephen F. Teiser)。







曾获西来大学杰出教授奖、中国时报文化基金会青年学者奖、蒋经国国际学术交流基金会青年学者基金、美国国家人文基金会(National Endowment for Humanities)暑期津贴、亚利桑那州立大学人文研究所研究基金、亚利桑那州立大学宗教与冲突研究中心研究基金。获选为2011-2012年度普林斯顿高等研究院 (Institute for advanced Study)历史学部member。中文论文《周作人与赫尔德:民俗学与民族性》获2011年清华大学百年校庆《清华学报》优秀论文奖。




1. Co-editedwith Rong Xinjiang, Great Journeys across Pamir: A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Zhang Guangda on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.

2. The Revival of Buddhist Monasticism in Medieval China (American University Studies Series VII: Theory and Religion 253), New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2007.


1. “East Asian Transformations of Buddhist Monasticism,” in Mario Poceski ed., A Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism. London: Blackwell Publishing, 2013, forthcoming.

2. “Religion and Society on the Silk Road: The Inscriptional Evidence from Turfan,” in Robert F. Campany,Wendy Swartz, Yang Lu, and Jessey Choo eds., Early Medieval China Sourcebook, New York: Columbia University Press, 2013, forthcoming

3. “Multiple Traditionsin one Ritual: A Reading of the Lantern Prayers in Dunhuang Manuscripts,” inTansen Sen ed., Buddhist across Asia: Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange, Singapore: Institute for South East Asian Studies, 2012, forthcoming.

4. “The Rise and Decline of the Scriptural Platform in Medieval Chinese Buddhism.” Material Religion: The Journalof Objects, Art and Belief, (2012), forthcoming.

5. “Newly Identified Khotanese Fragments in the British Library and their Chinese Parallels.” Journal of Royal Asiatic Society 3rd series, Vol. 22, (2012), forthcoming.

6. “A Brief Note onthe Khotanese Fragment SI M 38 in the St. Petersburg Collection.” Manuscripta Orientalia: International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research, vol. 16, no.1, 2010, pp. 65-67.

7. “Chinese Language Manuscripts from Dunhuang and Turfan in the Princeton University East Asian Library,”East Asian Library Journal, vol. 14, no.1 & 2, 2010, pp. 1-208,68 illustrations.

8. “A Buddhist Classification of Plants and Animalsin Early Tang China,” Journal of Asian History, vol. 43, no.1 (June, 2009), pp. 31-51.

9. “Sharing the Karma: Some Reflections on the Dialogue between Catholicism and Buddhism,” in James L. Heft SM ed., Catholicism and Interreligious Dialogue,Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 153-159.

10. “The Encounter of Nestorian Christianity with Tantric Buddhism in Medieval China,” in Dietmar Winkler and Li Tang eds., Hidden Treasures and Intercultural Encounters: Studies on East Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia, Münster and Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2009, pp. 195-213.

11. “The Connection between Nestorian and BuddhistTexts in Late Tang China,” in Roman Malek ed., The Church of the East in China and Central Asia (Sankt Augustin:Institut Monumenta Serica, 2006), pp. 93-113.

12. “Wang Enyang’sResponse to Modern Science in Early Twentieth Century,” Journal of Humanistic Buddhism vol. 8 (2007), pp. 222-241.

13. “Daoism as a Religion,” in Linsun Cheng ed., Berkshire Encyclopedia of China (Boston: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2009), pp. 571-576.

14. “Chinese Buddhist Canon (Dazangjing),” in Linsun Cheng ed., Berkshire Encyclopedia of China (Boston: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2009), pp. 584-585.

15. “Nestorians in China,” in Linsun Cheng ed., Berkshire Encyclopedia of China (Boston: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2009), pp. 1581-1585.

16. “Tibetan Buddhism,” in Linsun Cheng ed., Berkshire Encyclopediaof China (Boston: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2009), pp. 239-242.


1. Review. YoshikoAshiwa and David L. Wank eds. Making Religion, Making theState: The Politics of Religion in Modern China. Stanford:Stanford University Press, 2009. Journal of Law and Religion vol. 27 (2012),forthcoming.

2. Review. Tjalling H. F. Halbertsma, Early Christian Remains of Inner Mongolia: Discovery, Reconstruction, and Appropriation, Leiden: Brill, 2008. In Frontiersof History in China, vol. 7, no. 1, 2012, pp. 159-161.

3. Review. Don Wyatt, The Blacks in Premodern China. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. The Historian(Journal of Phi Alpga Theta History Honor Society), vol. 73, no. 3 (2011), pp. 605-606.

4. Review. ZhangXiaogui,A Study of Sinicized Zoroastrianism in Medieval China (Zhonggu huahua xianjiao kaoshu, Beijing: Cultural Relics Press, 2010. Iranian Studies (Journal of the International Society for Iranian Studies), vol. 44, no. 3, 2011, pp.447-449.

5. Review. Wang Mingke, Qiang zai Han Zang zhijian. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2008. Frontiers of History in China, vol. 6,no. 1 (2010), pp. 144-147.

6. Review.Carolyn Chen, Getting Saved in America:Taiwanese Immigration and Religious Experience. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008. Journal of Lawand Religion, vol. 25, no. 1 (2009), pp. 237-242.

7. Review.Eric Reinders, Borrowed Gods and Foreign Bodies: Christian Missionaries Imagine Chinese Religion. Berkeley:University of California Press, 2004. Sino-ChristianStudies: An International Journalof Bible, Theology & Philosophy, vol. 7 (2009),pp.205-210.

8. Review. Shoun Hino &Toshihiro Wada eds., Three Mountains andSeven Rivers. Professor Musaishi Tachikawa’s Felicitation Volume. Dehli: Motilal Banarsidass, 2004. Journal of Humanistic Buddhism, vol. 7 (2006), pp. 483-485.



1. 《动物与中古政治宗教秩序》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2012年。

2. 《传教士论中国宗教:以慕维廉<五教通考>为中心》,上海:上海人民出版社,2012年。





1. 《传教士在中国发现宗教:一个思想史的考察》,方立天主编《宗教研究》(2010年),2012年, 123-132页。

2. 《英国汉学家艾约瑟的唐宋变革说》,《史学史研究》,2011年第4期,89-94页。

3. 《礼法、礼制与礼仪:唐宋之际圣节成立史论》,杜文玉主编《唐史论丛》13辑,2011年,250-279页。

4. 《狮子与佛陀:早期佛教文献中的动物装饰与象徵》,《政大中文学报》14辑,2010年,55-84页。

5. 《赫尔德与周作人:民俗学与民族性》,《清华大学学报》,2009年第5期,54-65页。

6. 《唐代景教史研究三题:以景教碑为中心》,沈卫荣主编《西域历史语言研究集刊》第3辑,2009年,166-179页。

7. 《赫尔德与中国近代美学》,《现代哲学》,2008年第4期,77-85页。

8. 《敦煌P.2058v文书中结大随求坛发愿文》,《敦煌学》卷27,2008,167-185页。

9. 《从十二时兽到十二精魅:南北朝隋唐佛教文献中的十二生肖》,《唐研究》卷13,2007年,301-345页。

10. 《文献主义与民族主义:近代佛学视野中的陈寅恪》,《新哲学》第7辑, 2007年, 216-237页。

11. 《南北朝时期内典与外典之源流》,台北《汉学研究》25:1(2007年), 131-159页。

12. 《从比较历史语言学看两件景教与佛教文献的联系》,朱玉麒主编《西域文史》第1辑,2006年, 111-119页。

13. 《从罽宾到江南:道宣佛学之渊源》,《新疆师大学报》,2006年4期, 11-17页。

14. 《陈寅恪与赫尔德:以了解之同情为中心》,《清华大学学报》,2006年第4期,20-32页。

15. 《道宣与孙思邈医学交流一证蠡测》,《敦煌吐鲁番研究》卷9,2006年, 403-408页。

16. 《以<量处轻重仪>为例略说道宣律师之义学》,《复旦哲学评论》第3辑﹐2006年, 78-90页。

17. 16.《白璧德之佛学及其对中国学者的影响》,《清华大学学报》, 2005年第5期, 31-47页。

18. 《普林斯顿所见罗氏藏敦煌吐鲁番文书》,《敦煌学》卷25﹐2004年﹐419-441页。

19. 《中古后妃为尼史事考》,《华林》卷2﹐2001年﹐133-147页。

20. 《论韩愈反佛》,《唐研究》卷7﹐2001年﹐35-71页。

21. 《景教在中古中国之命运》,《华学》第4辑﹐2000年﹐286-298页

22. 《高昌回鹘景教研究》,《敦煌吐鲁番研究》卷4﹐1999年﹐165-214页。

23. 《所谓唐代景教文献两种辨伪补说》,《唐研究》卷3﹐1997年﹐41-52页。






28.《佛教佛学与佛法: 中国佛教与现代性》,《清华哲学年鉴2008》, 北京:今日中国出版社,2009年, 164-210页。



31.《初唐佛教动植物分类》,高田时雄主编《唐代宗教文化与制度》,京都: 京都大学,2007年, 1-39页。


1. 《北美中国佛教研究概述》,张海惠、薛昭慧、蒋树勇编《北美中国学:研究概述与文献资源》,北京:中华书局,2010年,20-37页。

2. Marc Abramson, The Ethnic Identity in Tang China (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008), 《国际汉学研究通讯》vol. 1, 2010, pp. 288-295.

3. 书评论文:Stephen Tanaka, Japan’s Orient: Rendering Pasts into History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), 《国际汉学》17,2009年,275-281页。

4. Stephen F. Teiser, Reinventing the Wheel: Paintings of Rebirth in Medieval Buddhist Temples, 台北《汉学研究》26卷3期 (2008), 291-297页。

5. James Benn, Burning for the Buddha: Self-Immolation in Chinese Buddhism, 《唐研究》卷13,2007年,621-627页。

6. 《第二届景教国际学术研讨会综述》,香港《道风》25, 2006年, 281-291页。

7. 《圣人﹑武士和预言家:韦斯特之思想与学术》,《中国书评》5﹐ 2006年。

8. 陈明:《殊方异药—出土文书与西域医学》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年,台北《新史学》十七卷三期,2006年,207-211页。

9. Sarah E. Fraser, Performing the Visual: The Practice of Buddhist Wall Painting in China and Central Asia, 618-960 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004). 广州《艺术史研究》第7辑,2006年,477-481页。

10. Livia Kohn, Monastic Life in Medieval Daoism: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003). 《中国学术》第22辑﹐ 2006年。

11. Georges B. J. Dreyfus, The Sound of Two Hands Clapping: The Education of a Tibetan Buddhist Monk (Berkeley and London: University of California Press, 2003). 《中国学术》第19辑﹐ 2005年, 442-448页。

12. 藤善真澄﹕《道宣传之研究》, 台北《汉学研究》22: 2, 2004年, 485-490页。

13. Chen Jinhua, Monks and Monarchs, Kinship and Kingship: Tanqian in Sui Buddhism and Politics (Kyoto: Italian School of East Asian Studies, 2002). 《唐研究》卷10﹐ 2004年﹐ 584-588页。

14. Jan Nattier, A Few Good Men: The Bodhisattva Path according to The Inquiry of Ugra (Ugrapariprcchā) (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003). 《敦煌吐鲁番研究》卷8﹐ 2005年,366-371页。

15. Alan Cole, Mothers and Sons in Chinese Buddhism (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998). 《书品》﹐ 1999年第5期﹐ 75-81页。

16. 克林姆凯特著﹑林悟殊译﹕《达迦马以前中亚和东亚的基督教》(台北﹕淑馨出版社﹐ 1993年) 。《唐研究》卷2﹐1996年﹐ 475-480页。




1、J.-P.Asmussen: "The Sogdian and Uighur-Turkish Christian Literature in Central Asia before the Real Rise of Islam: A Survey," in: L. A. Hercus et al. ed.Indological and Buddhist Studies. Volumein Honour of Professor J. W. de Jong on his Sixtieth Birthday (Canberra,1982). 阿斯姆森:前伊斯兰时代中亚粟特语和回鹘突厥语基督教文献概述,《国际汉学》第4辑,1998年,345-366页.

2、Nicolas Sims-Williams, "Sogdian and Turkish Christians in the Turfan and Tun-huang Manuscripts," in: Alfred Cadonna, ed. Turfanand Tun-huang the texts. Encounter of Civilization on the Silk Road. Firenze, 1992. 辛姆斯-威廉姆斯:从敦煌吐鲁番出土写本看操粟特语和突厥语的基督教徒,《敦煌学辑刊》,1997年第2期,138-146页.


1. “Is Buddhism Atheism?” Emeritus Voices:The Journal ofthe Emeritus College at Arizona State University,No.8, 2012.

2. 《1947年陈寅恪当选美国东方学会荣誉会员始末》,《东方早报》上海书评,2012年。

3. 《1944年陈寅恪当选英国学术院通讯院士始末》,《东方早报》上海书评,2012年2月26日。





8.《陈寅恪著述中的西典》,《书城》9, 2009年, 29-34页。









March 17, 2012. “TheReinvention of Han Robes and Rituals: Contextualizing Hanfu Movement in UrbanYouth Culture.” Presentation at the Annual Conference of Association for AsianStudies (AAS). Toronto, Canada.

March31-April 3, 2011. Panel Presentation. “Image, Word, and Ritual: Comparative Perspectives on Portrait Eulogies and Tomb Inscriptions in Medieval Dunhuang.” Annual Conference of Association for Asian Studies (AAS). Honolulu, Hawaii.

January 6-9, 2011. “The Reception of Herder’sCultural Nationalism in Early Republican China.”Presentation for thePanelon“Building Chinaon the Sacred: Nationalism, Feminism, and Maoism in Twentieth-century China.”The 125th Annual Conference of American Historical Association.Boston.

September 3-5, 2009. “The Invocation Ritual in Buddhist Liturgical Textsfrom Dunhuang.” Presentation at the International Conference on “Dunhuang Studies: Prospects and Problems for the Coming Second Century of Research”Sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia.

May 8-9, 2009. “The Rhetoric of Pacifying Birds and Beasts in TombInscriptions from Tang China.” Presentation at the International Conference“Tang Studies: The Next Twenty-Five Years,” sponsored by Tang Studies Society,State University of New York at Albany.

March 26-29, 2009. Panel Convener and Discussant. “Theorizing Conversion: Modernity and Religiosity in Contemporary China.” Annual Conference of Association for Asian Studies, Chicago.

November 1-3,2008. “The Flames of Offering: Medieval Prayers for the Buddhist Lantern Ritual from Dunhuang.” Presentation at the Annual meeting of American Academy of Religion, Chicago.

June 23-29, 2008.“Jewel-Flower Mountain: The Making of a Sacred Site for Ordination Ritual in China.” Presentation at the 15th Congress of the InternationalAssociation of Buddhist Studies. Emory University, Atlanta.

April 24-27, 2008.“Languages, Robes, Bodies, and Sages: A New Perspective on Han Identity in Early Medieval China.” Presentation at the Critical Han Studies Symposium.Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

March 22-23, 2008.“The Encounter of Nestorian Christianity with Esoteric Buddhism on the Silk Road.” Presentation at the 15th Annual Conference ofAssociation for Central Eurasian Studies. Indiana University, Bloomington.

September 21, 2007.“When Nestorianism met Esoteric Buddhism in Tang China.” Presentation atthe Symposium “The Lotus and the Cross: East-West Exchange along the SilkRoad.” the Ricci Institute at the University of San Francisco, San Francisco.

June 1-6, 2006.“Notes on the Interaction between Buddhism and Nestorian Christianity in Tang China.” Presentation at the Second International Conference on the Church of the East in China and Central Asia. Salzburg University,

Austria.April, 8, 2006.“Kapisian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism: Inheritance and Transformation.”Presentation at the 13th Annual Central Eurasian Studies conference.Indiana University, Bloomington, USA.

November 1-3, 2005.“Constructing Historical Gazetteers---Religions in China.” Roundtable discussion at the Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) 2005 Annual Conferencein Conjunction with Pacific Rim Digital Library Association (PRDLA) and Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI). University of Hawaii at Manoa,Honolulu, USA.

Dec.9-12, 2004. The Ordination Ritual inIndian Buddhism through Chinese Texts.” Presentation at the Nordic Conference “Ritual Practices in Indian Religions and Contexts.” Lund University, Sweden.

October 22-24, 2004. “Orientalism and the Rise of Modern Buddhist Studies in China.” Presentation at the Annual Conference of American Association for Chinese Studies. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. USA.

August 25-29, 2004.“A Practical Manual for New Monastic Bodhisattvas.” Presentation at the 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS). University of Heidelberg, Germany.

August 16-21, 2004.“Linguistic Connection between Two Nestorian andBuddhist Texts.” Presentation at the 37th International Congress for Asian and Northern African Studies (ICANAS). Moscow, Russia.

March 2003.“Cultural Imagination: Daoxuan’s Image of Southern Buddhism in Medieval China.”Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Academy of Religion(AAR) Annual Conference. New Brunswick, NJ.


April 3, 2012. "Living with Animals in Chinese Buddhism." Invited talk at Asian Studies Program, Rowan University, NJ.

March 8, 2012. “Spirits, Demons, and Companions: Animals in Medieval Chinese Buddhism.” Presentation at the BuddhistStudies Workshop. Department of Religion and East Asian Studies Program,Princeton University.

October 5, 2011. “Floating Away Tigers and Domesticating Pheasants:The Political Rhetoric in Medieval Chinese Epigraphy.” Talk at East Asian Studies Lunch Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

March 26-27, 2011. “A Local Canon and the Cave Library in Dunhuang.”Paper at a Conference on “Spreading Buddha’s Words in China: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon.” Department of East Asian Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson.

April 29-30, 2010. “The Reinvention of Scriptural Platform in Medieval Chinese Buddhism. “ Presentation at the Workshop on Tang Studies. Department of History, University of Kansas.

April 25. 2010. “Floating Away Tigers and Domesticating Pheasants: The Political Rhetoric in Medieval Chinese Epigraphy.” Presentation at the Workshop on “Body, Stone, and Word: The Study of Tang Epigraphy” Sponsored by the Institute for Humanities Research (IHR) and School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe.

April 20, 2010. “Nestorian Christian Documents from China.” Invited lecture at Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge.

March 17, 2009. “Centers and Peripheries in Tang Buddhism.” Invited talk at the Confucius Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland.

February 16-18, 2009. “Canonical and Local Buddhist Rituals: A Reading of Lantern Prayers in Dunhuang Manuscripts.” Presentation at the Conference on Buddhism across Asia: Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange, Institute for South East Asian Studies, Singapore.

December 5-6, 2008. “Ambivalent Practice: Monastic Library and Learning in Medieval China.” Presentation at a Conference on “Monastic Life: A Cross-cultural and Religious Comparison.” University of Constance, Germany.

October 24-25, 2008. “Medieval Prayers for the Buddhist Lantern Ritual from Dunhuang.” Presentation at the International Conference on Chinese Buddhist Literature, sponsored by Nanhua University, Taiwan, and Kyoto University, Japan.

October 17, 2008. “Medieval Prayers for the Buddhist Lantern Ritual from Dunhuang.” Invited talk at Asian Studies Program, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

March 5, 2008. “The Organic Dynamics between Nestorian Christianity and Esoteric Buddhism in Medieval China.” Invited talk at the Department of East Asian Language and Cultures, Harvard University, Cambridge.

February 8, 2008. “The Organic Dynamics between Nestorian Christianity and Esoteric Buddhism in Medieval China.” invited talk at the Department of Religious Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe.

October 24-27, 2007. “From Three Teachings to Five Teachings: Ethnicity, Religion and National Identity in Modern China.” Presentation at the international conference “New Perspectives on Cultural Exchanges between the East and the West: An International Conference in Commemoration with the 200th anniversary of the First Protestant Missionary Robert Morrison’s Arrival in China.” Christianity and China Research Center, Los Angeles.

October 11, 2007.“Sharing the Karma: Some Reflections on the Dialogue between Buddhism and Catholicism.” Response to Dr. James Fredericks’s Lecture“Off the Map: The Catholic Church and Its Dialogue with Buddhists.”Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies, University of Southern California.

September 28, 2007. “Dunhuang and Turfan manuscripts at Gest Library.” Presentation at the Symposium “Dunhuang Manuscripts and Paintings: An International Symposium Honoring James and Lucy Lo.” Princeton University, NJ.

July 1-4. 2004. “Ritualization, Localization and Authorization: Relics and Monasteries in the Restoration of the ChineseMonastic Order.” Presentation at the Conference on the History of Buddhist Monasticism in East Asia. St. John’sCollege, Cambridge University, England.


1.June 20-25, 2011. Panel Convener. “Plants, Animals, and Gardens in Chinese Buddhism.” The the XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan. 小组主席;国际佛教学会第十六届大会,法鼓佛教学院,台北

2.June 20-25, 2011. Panel Presentation. “Buddhist Invocation Ritual in Motion along the Silk Road.” The XVIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan. 论文发表;国际佛教学会第十六届大会,法鼓佛教学院,台北

3.“敍事、隐喻与象徵:中国佛教中的动物.” 2010年9月24日. 复旦大学文史研究院,佛教史的方法与前景国际研讨会。

4.“英国图书馆藏三件于阗文文书的比定.” 2010年6月16-17日, 北京图书馆、敦煌研究院、北大中古史中心,纪念向达先生110年诞辰学术研讨会。

5.“中古圣传中的九龙.” 2010年6月15日,中央民族大学历史文化学院。

6.“北美中国佛教研究概述.” 2010年6月10日,北京大学中国古代史研究中心。

7.“唐宋之际圣节成立史论.” 2010年5月28-30日,人大历史学院与清华历史系,实践中的唐宋思想、礼仪与制度国际研讨会。

8.“中国古代史研究中的地方史与文化史转向.” 2010年5月24日,北京师范大学史学所。

9.“中国古代史研究中的地方史与文化史转向.” 2010年5月21日,清华大学历史系。

10.“传教士与近代中国宗教学.” 2010年5月20日,中国人民大学清史所。

11.“中古佛教视野中的法舍利信仰.” 2009年3月14日,中国人民大学国学院。

12.“中古佛教视野中的本土与域外传统.” 2009年3月9日,中国人民大学历史系。

13.“唐宋思想史上的圣文化:以士人表字为中心.” 2009年3月6日,清华大学历史系。

14.“中古佛教视野中的法舍利信仰.” 2009年2月25日,复旦大学文史研究院。

15.“Ambivalent Practice: The Cult of the Book in Medieval Chinese Buddhism,” February 20, 2009. Invited Talk at the Division of Humanities, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 香港科技大学人文学部演讲

16.“Canonical and Local Buddhist Rituals: A Reading of Lantern Prayers in Dunhuang Manuscripts,” February 16-18, 2009. Conference on Buddhism across Asia: Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange, Institute for South East Asian Studies, Singapore. 新加坡东南亚研究所国际佛教学术讨论会

17.“敦煌出土燃灯文研究.” 2008年10月24-26日,国际佛教文献与文学学术研讨会,台湾嘉义南华大学与高雄佛光山合办。

18. “陈寅恪与荷尔德:以了解之同情为中心.” 2006年12月6日,中山大学历史系。

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